King's Business - 1934-06



June, 1934

gram can prove one o f your high lights for the year. The hymns to be sung might include: “I Love to Tell the Story” ; “I Need Thee Every Hour” ; “ Saviour, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” ; “Jewels” ; “What a Friend.” Let one o f the group give Bible reasons why marriage is sacred; let another read Jesus’ words on marriage, as recorded in Matthew 19:1-9; let another member name some influences that are breaking down homes today; and ask still another to tell how he thinks marriage can be made permanent. Meditation on the Lesson Marriage is as old as Eden. God or­ dained it in the beginning; its sacredness is directly due to its divine source. W e trem­ ble as we think of how men have trampled under foot—have utterly disregarded—this oldest o f all institutions, the home. Mar­ riage is a holy companionship. God made the woman for the man because man needed a “help meet.” There is a deep solemnity in the w ords: “ Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his w ife: and they shall be one flesh.” A truly Christian marriage makes possible a unity in spiritual develop­ ment. How God is glorified in such a union 1 Whenever men and women have been true to their trust in this respect, per­ sonal blessing and happy homes have re­ sulted. How wonderfully God fulfills His promises! He never fails. His pledge, “ Them that honor me I will honor,” has been proved true in myriads of cases. Abraham is an outstanding example of one who became a blessing because he trusted God. This is the Lord’s commen­ dation concerning His servant: “I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the, way o f the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him” (Gen. 18:19). As a New Testament example o f a godly head of a household, Cornelius manifested two vital characteristics: He “ feared God with all his house,” and he “prayed to God always.” Cornelius had led his household as far as he knew the way. And when God, through an angel, promised fuller light to Cornelius, saying, “ Simon, whose surname is Peter . . . shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do,” Cornelius “called together his kinsmen and near friends.” Then followed Peter’s faithful witness to the Lord Jesus Christ as the Saviour from sin, and the prompt and glad response of those who heard the mes­ sage. What a home that must have been! Marriages can not be all that God intended them to be, and homes can not become the sanctuaries they should be, without the family altar. Cornelius was a priest in his own home, and God signally blessed him. God always does reward those who put Him first in the home. Leader’s Helps I. “ I n t h e S ig h t of G od ” The “sacramentum” was the Roman’s oath of allegiance on enlisting as a soldier. Marriage is sacred. It implies an oath of allegiance taken in the presence o f God. It is not lightly to be entered upon. — A nd erso n . II. H o m e F e l l o w s h ip 1. What a power the memory o f a Christian home has when one is far away and in dif­ ficult circumstances!— B l a c k .

for our vacations, we not only expect to leave our present places o f activity, but we also plan to empty our lives o f the ordinary workaday affairs which have occupied them. Do you need rest—physically, mentally? Do you need time for reading? for study? for friendship? Accept Jesus’ invitation to come with Him., and you will have the very vacation you require. Even the hardest steel, if subjected to constant strain, will snap. So do body and soul need rest for recuperation; otherwise there is a breakdown. In large cities we find in the middle of busy streets “zones o f safety” where one can stop and stand still till the traffic stops. In life we need such breathing-places where we can stop and get our bearings. Life is too much Of a rush without them. — A nderson . II. S elf -C h o sen A small boy had jumped defiantly into a forbidden canal and was splashing the water violently. “What are you doing bathing there?” cried a policeman. “I ’m not bathing; I’m drowning 1” gasped the boy. Many who think they are having a good time in vacations they choose are simply going under. — S elected . III. S uggestions for V a c a tio n P l a n s First and most helpful, try to attend a Christian Endeavor convention or a sum­ mer Bible conference. If you have a hobby, vacation time is a good opportunity to develop that interest. Trees, birds, wild flowers, geological spe­ cimens, outdoor photographs, etc., are all worth while and will provide real relax­ ation. JULY IS, 1934 The Sacredness of Marriage and the Home Let this meeting be an entirely different one. Arrange the platform as a simple living room, with simulated fireplace, and let those taking part appear as members o f a family—the young people having re­ turned to the home after some months away at school or in business. Guests could enter later. Let the discussion be informal, but sacred and serious. A wonderful op­ portunity, and timely as well, is thus af­ forded for a discussion of this subject, so vital to America. The discussion could be in the form of thankful testimonies from three young people from Christian homes, while two or three others, presumably not so fortunate (the guests who come), could express their regrets at not having been so favored. At the same time, all would speak o f the responsibility of young peo­ ple to so conduct their lives that their own homes may be Christian. Bibles will be in evidence. Informal singing around the piano can break the discussion and perhaps seem to suggest the subjects for the remainder o f the comment. Tributes to godly fathers and mothers can be paid; memories o f happy Sunday after­ noons with Bible games and “sings” may be revived. In fact, if it is prayerfully prepared and made truly strong, this pro­ G e n e sis 2:24; A cts 10:1, 2 Suggestions for the Meeting Leader’s Helps I. S a fe ty Z ones

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