King's Business - 1934-06

June, 1934

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


2 . Come North, come South, come East or West, Home-keeping hearts are happiest. — L ongfellow . 3. A Christian father frequently said: “Every home needs two bears: ‘Bear’ and ‘Forbear.’ ’’— S elected . III. “ D o n ’ t " a n d “ D o ” Don’t marry a man to reform him (2 Cor. 6:14). Do pray for him and bear an out-and- out witness for Christ. Don’t marry in haste, on an infatuation. Do consider the step with serious thoughts based on real love and sound judgment. Don’t nag or grumble or find fault. Do be patient, kind, tender-hearted. —M. G. G. IV. S criptures B ea rin g on M arriag e Matt. 5:32; 19:3-9; Mk. 10:2-12; Rom. 7:1-3; 2 Cor. 6:14-17; Eph. 5:22-33. V. H o m e G races The beauty o f the home is order; The joy of the home is contentment; The glory o f the home is hospitality; The crown o f the home is godliness. — S elected . JULY 22, 1934 The Best Book I Have Read This Year Hymn—“Wonderful Words, of Life.” Hymn—“Holy Bible, Book Divine.” Hymn—“ O Worship the King.” Prayer. Scripture. Quartet—“ Lamp of Our Feet.” Leader’s Message. Testimonies. Hymn—“Abide with Me.” Quiet Hour. Benediction—Psalm 19:14. Meditation on the Lesson What a mighty preacher the Apostle Paul must have beenl And in what a marked way the Lord manifested _His power through him in this Ephesian inci­ dent! Faithful preaching o f the Word, “continued by the space o f two years” ; special miracles wrought by God through Paul; and the miraculous punishment of the exorcists who falsely used the name of Jesus to perform wonders, were used o f God to bring great conviction: “ Fear fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.” The revival which followed was a genuine one, for we see the giving up o f the old practices. Truly, “ If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5 :17). The Ephesians evinced the sincerity o f their faith by burning the books o f magic which they possessed. Many o f these |people practiced magic, and had, perhaps, inscrip­ tions used in connection with the worship o f Diana, in their own homes. When the love o f Christ was shed abroad in their hearts by the Holy Ghost which was given to them, they realized the sinfulness of owning and reading such trash, and started a thorough house cleaning. This purging involved a monetary loss, for our text says: "They counted the,price o f them, and found it fifty thousand pieces o f silvfer”— an amount equivalent to about $9,000 in our E cclesiastes 12:12; A cts 19:19 Suggestions for the Meeting

money. What a bonfire! How wonderful it would be if the Christian men and women and young people o f America would bring together the worthless books—the harmful novels, trashy magazines, the books of oc­ cultism, spiritualism, and skepticism—all the books leading men and women away from God, and make one huge bonfire of them! It would be a far greater blaze than the one in Ephesus 1 W e can expect a revival o f the reading o f God’s Word when we are rid of those things which hinder it. Isaiah’s pathetic cry, “Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread?” rings in our ears as we see young people ravenously devouring husks—and worse than husks—in the daily papers, magazines, and popular fiction, when they could be feeding on the Bread o f Life—God’s Word. How much better to say with the prophet Jeremiah: “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing o f mine heart.” Leader’s Helps 1. U n eq u a lled An atheist sent a young man a parcel of infidel literature, advising him to read it in preference to the Bible. The young man’s reply could not be excelled. He w rote: “Dear S ir: If you have anything better than the Sermon on the Mount, the parable o f the Prodigal Son, and that of the Good Samaritan, or if you have any code of morals better than the Ten Com­ mandments, or anything more consoling and beautiful than the Twenty-Third Psalm, or, on the whole, anything that will throw more light on the future and reveal to me a Father more merciful and kind than I find in the New Testament, send it along.”— P ic k e r in g . II. B ooks 1. Books should for one o f these four ends conduce: For wisdom, piety, delight, or use. — S elected . 2 . Chatting about books draws the virtue out of what is best worth reading, as hot water draws the strength out o f tea leaves. — H o lm e s . 3. A page digested is better than a volume hurriedly read.— M a c a u l a y . 4. There are laws safeguarding the sale of poison for the body, but not governing the sale of poison for the soul. Beware o f poison in books. Not all are good. Some merely waste time, but others destroy the soul.— A nd erso n . 5. There is no frigate like a book, To take us lands away; Nor any coursers like a page O f pracing poetry. This traverse may the poorest take — E m il y D ic k in s o n . III. B ooks of I n c rea sin g I n flu en ce Missionary biographies are among the most helpful and inspiring forms o f liter­ ature. The stirring records o f the lives of George Muller, Hudson Taylor, William Borden, Alexander Mackay, Mary Slessor, and others, have revealed to many young people the possibilities of lives yielded to Christ. Without oppress o f toil; How frugal is the chariot That bears a human soull


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