King's Business - 1934-06


June, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

JULY 29, 1934 Great Missionary Hymns and Their Challenge I saiah 42:1-4 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“ From Greenland’s Icy Moun­ tains.” Ask an Endeavorer to tell the story o f its writing. Hymn—“Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun.” Mention the fact that 5,000 subjects o f a king in the South Sea Islands sang this hymn at one o f his ceremonials. Hymn or Solo—“Watchman, Tell Us of the Night.” Scripture—Isaiah 42.T-4. Hymn— “Ye Christian Heralds, Go, Pro­ claim.” Solo—“The King’s Business.” Prayer. Hymn—“Hail to the Lord’s Anointed.” Indicate the Biblical source o f the theme. Hymn—“ The Morning Light Is Break­ ing.” Give interesting facts about this hymn. Hymn—-“ Fling Out the Banner.” How may we fling out the banner? Hymn—“ O Zion, Haste!” Hymn—“W e’ve a Story to Tell to the Nations.” Discuss the effects o f the gos­ pel this hymn mentions. This discussion can be made very strong if there is care­ ful preparation. Use a few brief, concrete illustrations. Hymn— “Lead On, O King Eternal.” Hymn—“All Hail the Power.” Benediction—Jude 24, 25. Leader’s Helps t “ F rom G reenland ’ s I cy M ountains ” “From Greenland’s Icy Mountains” has a. most interesting history. Reginald Heber, the author, was sitting one Saturday afternoon with his father-in-law, Dean Shipley, when the Dean asked him sud­ denly to “write something to sing at the missionary meeting tomorrow.” Mr. Heber retired to another part o f the room and soon returned with three stanzas, which were hailed with .delighted approval; he then insisted upon adding another octrain to the hymn and came back with: “Waft, waft, ye winds, His story, And you, ye waters, roll.” The great lyric was first sung in W rex- horn Churchy England, on the following Sunday morning. By common consent, Heber’s “Mission­ ary Hymn” is the silver trumpet among all the rallying bugles of the church. —T heron B rown . II. “T he M orning L ight I s B reaking " “ The Morning Light Is Breaking” has probably gone farther and been sung more frequently than any other missionary hymn, not even excepting Bishop Heber’s. It is known to have been translated into Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, Chinese, Siamese, and several of the Hindu dialects, and all because it voices the blessed optimism o f the promises. Dr. S. F. Smith who wrote this, the most popular o f missionary hymns, wrote also “My Country, ’Tis o f Thee.” All lands were dear to him, but before all, his own. He is at once the most patriotic and the most cosmopolitan o f our hymn writers. —D avid B reed . III. “ H ail to the L ord ’ s A nointed ” James Montgomery’s great hymn, “Hail to the Lord’s Anointed,” is his version of the Seventy-Second Psalm. It was written originally as a Christmas ode and was

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Bible. The full significance o f these scenes will be pointed out by a student of the Bible who knows the Holy Land and its story, and who is true to the W ord o f God. After thirty days of living in the places and in the ways o f our Lord, we will again board a fine ship at Beirut, which will call at Cyprus, ar­ riving at Brindisi August 19th, al­ lowing time for seeing the splendors o f Southern Italy, or for visits to Rome, Florence, and Genoa, before boarding again the Conte di Savoia,

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world traveler of wide experi­ ence and author of “ The Book of Books and its Wonderful Story,” who has accompanied a number of people through Bible Lands, has arranged this trip and he will probably ac­ company the party personally. Dr. Lea is planning several later group pilgrimages. If you cannot go on this vacation trip, write letting us know the time you prefer. Or Dr. Lea will arrange individual trips to suit your own requirements. USE THE COUPON

The Conte di Savoia is one of the largest, finest sh ip s afloat — 48,500 tons. It will carry our party from New York on July 7th and seven days later will land them in Na­ ples. The following day the party will board the luxurious S.S. Ausonia which will carry them

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TH E K IN G 'S B U S IN E S S 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

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