King's Business - 1934-06


June, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Evangelists and Gospel Singers H A V E YOU YOU R COPY OP H ARO LD A L E X A N D E R ’ S “ N EW S I N G A B L E SO N G S ” including “ ISN’T IT GRAND TO BE A CHRISTIAN” 18 Songs and Choruses Never Before in Print Excellent for campaigns and Young People’s work. Twenty-five cents per copy, postpaid. H A RO LD A L E X A N D E R SONG LEADER GOSPEL SOLOIST 4018 W. 22nd Place Los Angeles, Calif. 1934-35 Engagements Now Being Arranged ON PA C IF IC COA ST 1934-35 JOSEPH T. LARSON, EVANGELIST-SINGER 1545 N. Interstate Ave., Portland, Oregon 122 series in 25 states, 3200 saved. Free­ will offering. Entertainment and railway fare one way. Write for circulars. In California, July to October. " R O U N D - U P ”for G O D A rider of the Plains in Wyoming—A rider of the Silver Screen in Hollywood but now— “ RIDING THE RANGE FOR GOD.” A young man.- An old message. A unique way. In the Lord's work. At your service. 20 Meetings Since Jan. 1, 1933. Start arrangements now for his coming to help you. , References: Dr. S. P. MacLennan, First Presby­ terian Church, Hollywood, Calif.; Dr. John Bunyan Smith, First Baptist Church, San Diego, Calif.; Harry O. Anderson, Evangelist, Columbia Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. See item on page 222 W IN THE BOYS & G IRLS Chemical Illustrations of Bible Truths Prepared Colors and Chemicals, harmless, ready to use with directions and helps Eight talks (with duplicate set) $1.00 Postpaid C. ANSCHMITT 85 8ummer Ave., Reading, Mast. The proceeds of the above ad will be applied toward the maintenance of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. LEONARD EILERS 124 N. Florence, Burbank, Calif.

sung at one of the British Moravian set­ tlements, December 25, 1821. The next April, Montgomery attended a Wesleyan missionary meeting in Liverpool and at the climax o f his address repeated this poem. It was received with great enthu­ siasm. Dr. Adam Clark, who presided, subsequently printed it in his Commentary, and the hymn has since gone round the globe. Compare it with other versions of the same psalm, particularly Watts’ “Jesus Shall Reign.”—T h e r o n B r o w n . IV. Q u e s t io n s for D is c u s s io n 1. What is your favorite missionary hymn? Why? 2. What challenge have you found in a missionary hymn? 3. What part do missionary hymns have in promoting missions? Evangelistic Notices Evangelist Joseph T. Larson has con­ ducted meetings in twenty-five states, in affiliation with seventeen different denomi­ nations. During the past winter alone, meetings were held in seven states, from Minnesota to California. Over 300 per­ sons came forward in these meetings, and many more responded in consecration to the Lord for life service. Mr. Larson plans to return to California in July. He is open for future engagements. He may be ad­ dressed at 1545 N. Interstate Ave., Port­ land, Ore. Evangelist Harry O. Anderson, ’ 15, in addition to his vacation time, has been granted a two months’ leave o f absence from his duties as evangelist for the Southern California Baptist Convention. His schedule of meetings for this period includes the following appointments : May 16 to 18— Southern Baptist Conven­ tion, Fort Worth, Tex. May 20—Baptist Church, Memphis, Tenn. May 23 to 28—Northern Baptist Conven­ tion, Rochester, N. Y. June 3 to 10—Moody Memorial Church, Chicago, 111. [Continued on page 248]


JAMISON’S Comprehensive B IB L E C H A R T

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l_ X y h ile they last—and the quantity is limited—we will send free postpaid to any address a year’s subscription (12 numbers) of THE KING’S BUSINESS, together with a cloth mounted copy of JAMISON’S COMPREHEN­ SIVE BIBLE CHART, upon receipt of $1.50— the regular subscription price of the magazine. For Canadian or foreign orders add 25c extra to cover postage. Thus you receive $2.00 in actual value for your $1.50, as the chart sells for 50c, and THE KING'S BUSINESS for $1.50 per year. THE KING’S BUSINESS SPEAKS FOR ITSELF, and as you will have a copy in hand when you are reading this advertisement, we can omit description of the magazine’s merits, but J A M I S O N ’S COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE CHART must be explained in some detail. To begin with, it is a Bible chart with a long record of usefulness. Let us visualize it for you: Imagine a great sheet spread between the two eternities — “ the beginning” and the endless eternity of the future. It is overarched by a blue firmament, studded with stars, above which shines a broad gold band on which is inscribed every name by which our Father and our God has revealed Himself to us in sacred Scripture. Below on the wide expanse of the chart (18% x 3 3 % ") is the mar­ velous symbology of the Bible, the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, the Ark, the Tables of the Law and the Crimson Cross. Jerusalem of the coming Millennial period is prefigured, as are also the scroll of the Book of Life, and the Holy City descending from the heavens—each in its proper place in sacred history and prophecy. Still lower down are the strange figures of Daniel’s visions, and the relation of this prophecy to the Book of Revelation is indicated. At the bottom the glowing flames of Hades, the Lake of Fire, and the blackness of the Bot- tomless Pit are indicated in colors. Every design is cov­ ered with appropriate texts, and each event so carefully ex­ plained in the words of Scripture that an evening with the chart and Bible becomes a solemn and enlightening experience. H OW THE C H U R C H IS SHOW N Perhaps the most striking feature of the multicolor de­ sign is a glowing yellow oval near the center of the chart representing the Church of God. Two appropriate bands of purple and red inscribed with the Messianic prophecies of the first and second advent lead the eye across the centuries to the crimson cross that marks its entrance. At the opposite side the oval design opens upward toward a “ Sun of Righteousness” ; and here an upward flight of tiny arrows marks the Rapture of the Church. The whole arrangement is singularly effective, yet refined in feeling and very reverent. Studied with the explanatory "key" furnished with every chart it forms a treasury of Biblical knowledge. Every detail of the chart conforms, to the doctrinal teaching of the Scofield Bible. The number of charts available for distribution is very limited, and you should act at once to avoid disappointment. You may send me JAMISON’S COMPREHENSIVE BIBLE CHART as advertised, with THE KING'S BUSI­ NESS for one year, beginning with the................................ issue, for BOTH of which I am enclosing $1.50. Name. Street or R.F.D. Post Office and State. Add 25c for foreign or Canadian addresses. THE KING’S BUSINESS 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

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