King's Business - 1934-06

June, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


DAI LY 'D evotional 'Readings A M E S S A G E F O R E V E R Y D A Y O F T H E M O N T H

S P E C I A L ^oméinalm n ... OFFER!

JULY 1 Consider the Almighty One

that will trust Him and let Him work in it. The advent o f the Holy Ghost, in the full­ ness of His power into a human soul; works as great a revolution in human character and conduct as did the advent of the angel into Herod’s prison. Oh, that we believed in the mighty power of God!—G. H. C. M ac G regor . JULY 4 Into a Mountain Apart “He went up into a mountain apart” (Matt. 14:23). The multitude thronged in the valley, In eagerness day after day, But Jesus, alone, as the sun sank to rest Drew apart in the mountain to pray. In fellowship sweet with His Father, Their mutual affection to share; And sometimes His vigil would last the night through, For the daybreak would find Him in prayer. His burdens were left in the mountain, His strength, as the eagle’s, renewed; The Master returned with His courage newborn, And His arduous ,labors pursued. Thus Jesus has taught His disciples The duty and priv’lege o f prayer; We, too, must ascend to the mountain apart, In that sacred communion to share. — A lice E . S herwood . JULY S Christ May Come Today “I will come again” (John 14:3). Let the Christian have, it settled in his heart, on the clear authority of the Holy Scriptures, that the grand and specific hope for him ever to cherish is the coming of Christ for His people. There. is nothing whatever to wait for—no events to trans­ pire among the nations; nothing to occur in the history o f Israel; nothing in God’s government of the world; nothing, in short, in any shape or form whatsoever to inter­ vene between the heart of the true believer and his heavenly hope. Christ may come for His people tonight. There is actually nothing to hinder. No one can tell when He will come; but we can joyfully say that, at any moment, He may come. —Things New and Old. JULY 6 Strength as a Duty "Only be thou strong and very courage­ ous” (Josh. 1:7). “ Be strong.” Then strength is a duty; then weakness is a sin. The amount of strength that we possess and wield is reg­ ulated by ourselves. We have our hands on the sluice. W e may open it to let the full tide run in, or we may close it till a mere dribble reaches us. . . . The apostle gives the complete version of the exhorta­ tion when he says: “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power o f his might.” Let Christ’s strength in. Open the heart wide that it may come. Keep

“I am the Almighty God” (Gen. 17:1). Whenever our faith has fallen asleep, and we are ready to let go our hold of God’s ideal, and settle down on the low levels of the actual, or to be somewhat ashamed o f our aspirations after what seems so slow of realization, or to elevate prudent calculations o f probability above the daring enthusiasms o f Christian hope, the ancient word, that breathed itself into Abram’s hushed heart, should speak new vigor into ours. “ I am the Almighty God —take My power into all thy calculations, and reckon certainties with it for the chief factor.”— A lexander M aclaren . JULY 2 The Paralysis of Sin “ Ephphatha, that is, Be opened” (Mk. 7:34). Every cure that our Lord wrought was an emancipation of a part or whole o f the body from a state of derangement, and represented the liberation of the soul from some particular form of moral evil. In the disease o f paralysis, we see the loss o f the power o f voluntary muscular motion. It may be the loss of the power of the motion without a loss o f sensation, or the reverse, or a loss of both. Sometimes it attacks the whole system; at other times, it affects one side of the body, and at other times, a single member only is affected. Sin has precisely the same effect on our souls. Though there is spiritual life, there may be no spiritual vigor. . . . Christ has come to open the prison doors—to burst the fetters that keep the soul in slavery to sin. The effect of His ministry was one continual “Ephpha­ tha,” the emancipation of every moral and spiritual power, the loosening o f every chain.— E van H . H opk in s . JULY 3 The Mighty Power of God “ The Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me” (Acts 12:11). I f Peter had had to deliver himself, the work of deliverance might very naturally have occupied a very long time. But when God got to work, the chains fell off, the guards became as dead men, and the doors opened of their own accord. So you see a sudden deliverance was possible, because it was God who was at work. Our God is so wonderful! He can do a very great work in a very short time. . . . God can do things o f unimaginable glory to the soul FREE

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