BookLife Books for Schools Catalogue 2024-2025


Book Bands

Levelling Guide BOOK BAND

Book Bands are a proven approach to developing successful readers. The Book Band system helps schools to carefully grade their books by difficulty level.

Most reading scheme books are given a Book Band colour by their publisher, which will be based on the book’s level of difficulty. BookLife has an expert Book Banding service that can band books that have not already been assigned a colour from their publisher. Meaning our Book Band packs contain real fiction. A Book Band reading scheme provides a comprehensive structure for teachers and parents, which helps them to follow each child’s reading development, whilst accommodating a whole-school reading programme.

The Book Band chart shows the expected level of Book Band progression throughout primary school.

Lower Ability

Secure Readers

Higher Ability

Book Band Colour & Level


Level 0: Lilac Book Bands


Level 1: Pink Book Bands

Year 1


Level 2: Red Book Bands

Year 1


Level 3: Yellow Book Bands

Year 1


Level 4: Blue Book Bands

Year 1


Level 5: Green Book Bands

Year 2

Year 1

Level 6: Orange Book Bands

Year 2

Year 2

Year 1

Level 7: Turquoise Book Bands

Year 2

Year 1

Level 8: Purple Book Bands

Year 2

Level 9: Gold Book Bands

Year 3

Year 2

Level 10: White Book Bands

Year 3

Year 2

Level 11: Lime Book Bands

Year 4

Year 3

Year 2

Level 12: Brown Book Bands

Year 4

Year 3

Level 13: Grey Book Bands

Year 5

Year 4

Year 3

Level 14: Dark Blue Book Bands

Year 6

Year 5

Year 4

Level 15: Burgundy Book Bands

Year 6

Year 5

Level 16: Black Book Bands

Year 6


BOOK BANDS • • • 01553 771995

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