Written by Katrina Ryan, Director
This experience has highlighted the need for robust governance and strategy in organisations. RLOA was already well established as a provider of choice and provided a sound and robust system of governance. This is key to setting the tone and culture for the organisation. In August 2019, along with fellowBoard Directors Carole Caswell and Ann Armstrong, Katrina attended the Better Boards Conference to further develop skills and share knowledge around systems and governance to support RLOA’s strategic aspirations, as the organisation undergoes the next phase of development and growth. Whilst there isnoone-sizefitsall approachtogovernance and strategy for a board, this is underpinned by a sound culture. This culture is what is experienced at the RLOA Board through open communication, transparency and a clear understanding of the organisation. Further developing governance and strategy provides both the opportunity and the challenge as a volunteer Director of the board for RLOA while working alongside the RLOA Executive Team. This is where joining RLOA as a Volunteer Board Director became attractive to Katrina, in addition to the opportunity to contribute to a worthy organisation which supports families making important life choices in the Disability sector.
Katrina was inducted to the Rural Lifestyle Options Australia (RLOA) Board as a volunteer Director in early 2019. Katrina joins RLOA from a clinical background as a Registered Nurse with skills in wound management and as a Breast Care Nurse. She holds a Bachelor of Business from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) in Brisbane and completed the Australian Company Directors Course in 2017. For over 3 years, she has also been a volunteer board member for Kidsafe Queensland. With over thirty years’ experience in both the public and private sector, Katrina has held many varied roles across hospital, community and corporate settings. For the past fifteen years, Katrina has held executive positions in both the for-profit and not-for-profit space. Most recently as a General Manager with Healthscope Hospitals and as a General Manager at UnitingCare. Katrina has a passion for the integration of health care services across the care continuum. She has a passion for open transparency across the patient journey with clear processes, policies and procedures to support good clinical leadership and governance. Some key projects Katrina has led over her career have been focused on improving patient/client experiences and the transition to the community setting in both the private and not-for-profit health sectors.
To learn more about our Board of Directors, please visit 23
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