Ranges and New Products for 2021 - Edutech

Other exper iment s i n the range All experiments mount on the Structures platform and connect to the Structures automatic data acquisition unit and software (VDAS ® Onboard).

FA I LURE P L AS T I C BEND I NG OF BEAMS STS 1 5 Experiment for the study of plastic theory and limit state design of beams.

ARCHES , BR I DGES AND TRUSSES P i n -J o i nt ed Frameworks STS8

Experiment for the study of strains, stresses, forces and deflections in various pin jointed frameworks, and the study of Bow’s notation.

P L AS T I C BEND I NG OF PORTA L S STS 1 6 Experiment for the study of plastic theory and limit state design in portal frames.

Thre e - P i nned Arch STS9 Experiment for the study of the characteristics of a three-pinned arch under various load conditions.

DE F L ECT I ONS AND S TRESS CURVED BARS AND DAV I T S STS 1 4 Experiment for investigations into two common curved structures and two common davit structures.

Two - P i nned Arch STS 1 0 Experiment for the study of the characteristics of a two-pinned arch under various load conditions.

F i xed Arch STS 1 1 Experiment for the study of the characteristics of a fixed arch under various load conditions.

FRAME DE F L ECT I ONS AND REACT I ONS STS 1 8 Experiment for the study of rectangular portals subjected to vertical loads.

REDUNDANT TRUSS STS 1 7 Experiment for the study of determinate and indeterminate truss structures.

MOMENT S BEND I NG MOMENT S I N A PORTA L FRAME S T S20 Experiment for the study of bending moments and sway in portal frames.

S IMP L E SUSPENS I ON BR I DGE STS 1 9 Experiment for the study of the characteristics of a simple suspension bridge.

EQU I L I BR I UM OF A S IMP LY SUPPORT ED BEAM S T S22 Experiment for the study of the characteristics of a simply supported beam.

SUSPENDED BEAM BR I DGE S T S2 1 Experiment for the study of the characteristics of a simple suspension bridge.

TORS I ON UNSYMME TR I CA L BEND I NG AND SHEAR CENTRE STS 7 Experiment for the study of the vertical and horizontal deflection of different unsymmetrical sections.

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