Ranges and New Products for 2021 - Edutech

Eng i nes

overv i ew of the ful l product range

The Engines range offers teaching equipment for a wide variety of engine-specific theory. It covers internal combustion engines, starting with simple four-stroke engines, through to gas turbines/turbojets, along with a steam engine trainer.

The range meets entry level requirements for the general teaching of mechanical engineering. It also addresses the more advanced theories required for final-year students, enabling them to meet the learning objectives required for specific industries, such as aerospace, automotive and power.

Range h i ghl i ght s : Sma l l Eng i ne T es t se t TD200

Trolley-mounted, mobile engine test bed with benchtop instrumentation for investigations into the fundamental features of internal combustion engines. Requires at

least one of the eight four-stroke petrol and diesel engines, available in pull or electric start (ES).

Two - sha f t Gas Turb i ne GT 1 85 Trolley-mounted, mobile apparatus that allows detailed experiments on how a two- shaft gas turbine works, and tests its performance.


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