Ranges and New Products for 2021 - Edutech

F lu i d Mechan i cs

overv i ew of the ful l product range

Unders tand i ng F low The impressive flow and sediment channels, for demonstrating the mechanics of flow, also enable the practical teaching and demonstration of phenomena such as critical and sub critical flow, hydraulic jump, and dune formation. There are many ancillaries available for use with the flow channels, enabling them to be used as both teaching and research aids.

The Fluid Mechanics range offers a wide scope of teaching equipment for the delivery of complete courses in fluid dynamics. Base Un i t and Modul es for F l ex i b i l i t y In many settings, the modular Digital Hydraulic Bench (H1F) acts as a base unit, allowing tutors to swap out individually mounted experiment modules on these self-contained benches, reducing laboratory set-up time, space requirements, the need to be near a water source and cost. Modules include experiments for exploring Bernoulli’s theorem, the function and dynamics of weirs, pressure and flow measurement, pipe friction and energy loss, and much more.

Range h i ghl i ght s : D i g i ta l Hydraul i c Bench H 1 F A mobile, self-contained bench with recirculating water supply. It provides water at variable

flow rates direct to experiments and includes digital flow display for hydraulic and fluid mechanics experiments.

MF P Exper iment s pos t er

Modul ar F lu i d Power Range MF P The MFP range demonstrates real-world applications of fluid mechanics and includes pumps and turbines, which also provide a link to renewable energy. An easy-to- transfer Universal Dynamometer (MFP100), with sensors for measuring power, speed and torque, provides motive power to seven different experiment modules.

H 1 F Exper iment s pos t er

F lumes FC300 A 300 mm wide, 5 to 15-metre long flume for student study and advanced research into a wide range of fluid flow topics. A huge range of ancillaries are available to extend learning potential and offers the opportunity for innovative experimentation.

FC300 Anc i l l ar i es pos t er


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