Ranges and New Products for 2021 - Edutech

and Propert i es Mat er i a l s T es t i ng

overv i ew of the ful l product range

The Materials Testing and Properties products offer a wide range of teaching equipment to demonstrate key materials’ properties; they cover Hooke’s law and Young’s modulus associated with elastic properties, and stress/strain analysis. For more advanced learning, experiments available progress to hardness testing, complex analysis of stress and strain, testing specimens to destruction and various apparatus for learning about material fatigue. The range also extends into the area of structures and structural elements, providing supplementary products to the complete modular Structures range.

re f i ned product s : Meets the needs of a modern materials course. broad and progress i ve range of exper iment s : Teaches the fundamental principles, progressing to complex stress and strain analysis. automat i c data acqu i s i t i on : Multiple and fast- changing measurements make data acquisition a valuable tool.

Range h i ghl i ght s : Beam Apparatus SM1 004

A benchtop frame with load cells and cantilevers for the study of deflection and forces on different types of beams for a wide range of supports and loads. Also demonstrates Young’s modulus.

Un i versa l T es t i ng Mach i ne SM1 000 A versatile, bench-mounted machine for compressive and tensile tests on different materials and structures.

Th i n Cy l i nder SM1 00 7 Benchtop machine to allow students to perform stress and strain tests on a thin-walled cylinder. Introducing Mohr’s circle and Poisson’s ratio.


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