Ranges and New Products for 2021 - Edutech

Control Eng i ne er i ng

overv i ew of the ful l product range

The Control Engineering range focuses on the teaching of specific control principles relating to static and dynamic systems, as well as naturally unstable, non-linear, multi-variable and oscillatory systems. The majority of the range can be connected to TecQuipment’s dedicated controllers with easy- to-use control software. The simple, low-voltage connections allow safe and quick experiment set up.

Academi c and i ndus tr i a l : Benchtop products for academic teaching and industrial products for vocational training. cho i ce : Start with a single control scenario and build up, or choose a more complete product to suit the budget and needs. sa f e and easy se t- up : Simple, low-voltage connections allow safe and quick experiment set up. Hands on : Both the academic and industrial products allow easy connection and adjustments, for a more practical understanding.

Range h i ghl i ght s : Therma l Control Process Apparatus CE 1 03 A self-contained, benchtop temperature control apparatus that mimics common industrial processes, designed to allow students at all academic levels to investigate the basic and advanced principles of control.

Control sof tware CE 2000 Software that simulates control systems and works with TecQuipment’s controller (CE120) or digital interface (CE122) to control and acquire data from TecQuipment’s Control Engineering range.

Control Exper iment s pos t er

Coup l ed tanks apparatus CE 1 05 /CE 1 05MV

A self-contained, benchtop apparatus to demonstrate basic and advanced principles of control of single and coupled tanks, including the study of static and dynamic systems.


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