Ranges and New Products for 2021 - Edutech

Eng i ne er i ng Process Control

overv i ew of the ful l product range

Made for academi c and i ndus tr i a l tra i n i ng The Process Control Engineering range extends from benchtop products, made for demonstrating control principles, to equipment using industrial parts for vocational training. Academi c and i ndus tr i a l sof tware All our Process Control products work with software. Most of the academic products work with TecQuipment’s own CE2000 control software. The more industrial products work with industrial process or PLC control software. Connect i v i t y The Process Training system (TE3300) can be used individually to study control elements in isolation. They can also be connected to other units in the system to introduce more complexity and wider experimentation capability.

Academi c and i ndus tr i a l : Benchtop products for academic teaching and industrial products for vocational training. hands on : All the products allow easy connection and adjustments, for a more practical understanding of principles. i ndus tr i a l component s : Realistic student experience, with the use of industry-standard instrumentation.

Range h i ghl i ght s : P L C Tra i ner CE 1 2 3

Process Tra i ner CE 1 1 7 A self-contained benchtop, fully integrated teaching apparatus that mimics industrial process engineering, including a comprehensive range of experiments in flow, level, pressure and temperature, ranging from basic theories through to more advanced principles.

Uses an industry-standard PLC to control the PLC process using ladder logic programming running on a PC. For use with the PLC Process (CE111).

P L C Process CE 1 1 1 A self-contained benchtop liquid flow and level process, providing a physical system to experience the programming of programmable logic controllers, for use with the PLC Trainer (CE123).


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