Admissions & Intake Screening
O ur intake screening is thorough, we know that every situation and circumstance is different and every man’s program intake looks different. From court to family disfunction, we try to accommodate those needs and consider everything before admission. For us to do so we need 100% honesty from you. At the end of the intake process, what we look for the most is an applicant’s willingness to change. Once you fill out the application form our Director of Admission will be in contact with you. From there you will have a phone interview to go over some of the guidelines and discuss your commitment to the program process. After that, you will be given a face-to-face interview. Once you are accepted into the program, Our Director of Admissions will contact you and discuss what to bring. While residing at The Blake House you will NOT have personal electronics like a cell phone, computer, etc. We are an entirely Christ-centered program so any literature is Christian material.
THEBLAKEHOUSE.NET H ere the men set goals, build the future and prepare for their next step, but first, they learn who they are in Christ and what his true purpose is for their life.
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