F rom the very first day, the man is faced with an understanding of who God is. They are introduced to a personal relationship with Christ through class and journaling every morning. Our men come in and have hurt the people who they love and truly care about. The reason is that they do not truly love themselves. Over the 10 months, our residents learn what it means to receive love and be able to give it to others and grow in their identity with Christ. Relationships are an important
Orientation Our introductory phase of the program, where you will become acclimated to the structure and guidelines. During this time, the men face harsh realities of damage done to relationships, as well as face their own personal crises. Here is where you start building a personal relationship with Christ. Preparation This phase is where you are reconciled with family during visitation. You will learn more about concepts, along with self-reflective assignments that bring awareness to defense mechanisms, unhealthy coping, and belief systems. Inner Healing
part of our program. During these 10 months, the man is heavily involved in relational activities, groups, and classes. Fellowship and prayer with one another every day. THEBLAKEHOUSE.NET This is inviting Christ to heal the most inner hurt areas of our inner self. Here the men apply the truth of the gospel to the unbelieving areas of their hearts. You will personally work through deep-rooted hurt and pain with Jesus.
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