2023_NCWM Newsletter, Issue #1

Specifications and Tolerances Committee Interim Summary Cont. Jason Glass, Committee Chair-Kentucky B4: MLK-21.1 S.1.4.2. Printed Ticket Recorded Representation., UR.2.6.3. Printed TicketRecorded Representation.

Appendix D, S.1.2.2., Table 3., S.5.4., UR.3., Table 8 SCL-22.2 UR.1. Selection Requirements , UR.1.X. Cannabis VTM- Vehicle Tank Meters VTM-20.2 Table T.2. Tolerances for Vehicle Mounted Milk Meters MLK- Milk Meters MLK-23.2 Table T.1. Tolerances for Milk Meters WITHDRAWN ITEMS SCL-Scales SCL-23.1 S.1.12. Manual Weight Entries LPG- Liquified Petroleum Gas and Anhydrous Ammonia Liquid-Measuring Devices LPG-22.3 S.2.5. Zero-Set-Back Interlock., S.2.5.2. Zero -Set- Back Interlock for Stationary Customer -Operated Electronic Retail Motor-Fuel Devices EVF- Electric Vehicle Fueling Systems EVF-21.1 A.1. General EVF-21.5 T.2. Load Test Tolerances EVF-23.2 S.2.7. Indication of Delivery EVF-23.3 S.2.7. Indication of Delivery EVF-23.5S.5.2. EVSE Identifications and Marking Requirements, N.5.2. Accuracy Testing, and T.2. Load Accuracy Test tolerances. MDM- Multiple Dimension Measuring Devices MDM-22.1 S.1.7. Minimum Measurement Item Block 2- Define True Value for Use in Error Calculations B2: SCL-20.3 S.5.4. Relationship of Minimum Load Cell Verification Interval to the Scale Division B2: SCL-20.4 Table 3. Parameters of Accuracy Classes B2: SCL-20.5 Table S.6.3.a. Marking Requirements, Note 3 B2: SCL-20.6 T.N.1.2. Accuracy Classes and T.N.1.3. Scale Division. B2: SCL-20.7 Table 6. Maintenance Tolerances B2: SCL-20.8 Table 8. Recommended Minimum Load I tem Block 3- Tolerances for Distance Testing in Taximeters and Transportation Network Systems B3: TXI-20.1 T. Tolerances B3: TNS-20.1 T. Tolerances INFORMATIONAL ITEMS WIM- Weigh-in-Motion Systems- Tentative Code WIM-23.1 Remove Tentative Status and Amend Numerous Sections Throughout

B4: MFM-21.2 S.6. PrinterRecorded Representations., UR.2.6. Ticket Printer, Customer Ticket, Recorded Representation., UR.3.4. Printed Ticket. Recorded Representation. B4: CDL-21.1 S.1.4.1. Printed TicketRecorded Representations., UR.2.4.2. Tickets or Invoices. Recorded Representation. B4: HGM-21.1 S.2.6. Recorded Representations, Point of Sale Systems., S.6. Printer. Recording Element., UR.3.2. Vehicle- mounted Measuring Systems Ticket Printer Recording Element., UR.3.3. Printed Ticket. Recorded Representation. B4: OTH-21.2 Appendix D - Definitions.: recorded representations, recording element. Item Block 5- Test Drafts B5: LMD-23.2 N.3.5. Wholesale Devices B5: VTM-23.2 Test Drafts Item Block 6- Commercial and Law Enforcement, Axle and Axle Group Weights B6: SCL-22.1 Recorded Representation of Axle or Axle Group Weights Item Block 7- Tolerances on Tests Using Transfer Standards B7: CLM-22.1 T.3. On Tests Using Type 2 Transfer Standards B7: CDL-22.1 T.3. On Tests Using Type 2 Transfer Standards B7: HGM-22.1 T.4. Tolerance Aplication on Tests Using Type 2 Transfer Standard Test Method Item Block 8- Tolerances and Tests Using Transfer Standards, Appendix A- Tolerances for Standards, and Appendix D - Field Standards and Transfer Stabdards B8: GEN-19.1 G-T.5. Tolerances on Tests When Transfer Standards are Used., Appendix A, Section 3.2. Tolerances for Standards and Appendix D - Definitions: standards, feild., transfer standard, and standard , transfer. B8: OTH-22.1 Appendix A: Fundamental Considerations, 3. Testing Apparatus DEVELOPING ITEMS

Hydrogen Gas-Measuring Devices HGM-23.1 UR.3.8. Safrety Requirement EVF- Electric Vehicle Fueling Systems

EVF-23.4 S.5. Markings, and N.5.Test of an EVSE System EVF-23.7 N.1. No Load Test, Startin Load Test., N.5.2. Accuracy Testing, and Appendix D: maximum deliverble amperes. GMA- Grain Moisture Meters GMA-19.1 Table T.2.1. Acceptance and Maintenance Tolerances Air Oven Method for All Grains and Oil Seeds Item Block 6- Commercial and Law Enforcement, Axle and Axle Group Weights SCL-22.3 UR.3.3. Single-Draft Vehicle Weighing., and UR.3.4. Axle adn Axle Group Weight Values ASSIGNED ITEMS SCL- Scales SCL-23.3 Verification Scale Division e: Multiple Sections Including, T.N.1.3., Table 6., T.N.3., T.N.4., T.N.6., T.N.8., T.N.9., T.1., T.2., S.1.1.1., T.N.1.2., Table S.6.3.a., Table S.3.6.b.,

4 NCWM-News

2023 Issue 1

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