Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell - August 2018

Putting Your Life on Hold Can I Take a Vacation While on Workers’ Comp?

Summer is drawing to a close, and many people use this time to take one more vacation. An occasional trip is good for the mind and body, but what if you are receiving workers’ comp benefits? Will it look bad for your case if you want to get away? While going on vacation won’t instantly ruin your case, there are a few

important rules you need to remember. KEEP YOUR APPOINTMENTS

When you receive workers’ comp benefits, you will likely be required to see a physical therapist or some other specialist regularly when in recovery. You cannot miss these appointments. Missing a scheduled appointment with your medical provider can be viewed as a failure to comply with medical treatment and result in your benefits being stopped. This includes trying to reschedule your appointments around your vacation time. But what if you planned a nonrefundable family cruise months before you were injured, or your child is getting married in another state? Do you have to miss these important life moments because they overlap with a physical therapy appointment? It depends. An insurance adjuster will likely threaten to cancel benefits no matter the circumstances, but a good attorney will be able to push back or look for a workaround so you can keep your benefits and still live your life.

FOLLOW YOUR DOCTOR’S ORDERS If you hurt your shoulder and aren’t supposed to lift anything over 5 pounds, do not try to carry any heavy luggage. If you are recovering from a back injury, don’t sign up for Jet-Skiing or get on Space Mountain at Disneyland. Even if you are away from home and on vacation, you need to respect your doctor’s restrictions. It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to hire a private investigator for the sole purpose of catching you doing something you aren’t supposed to do. A photo of you on a roller coaster is all they need to “prove” you aren’t as hurt as you claim to be. Even if you are injured and receiving workers’ comp benefits, you aren’t expected to spend the rest of your life sitting on your couch. You can go out and have fun. Just be sure to call 815-726-9999 and talk to your attorney at Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell to make sure a little fun in the sun won’t cost you big time.




• 4 boneless, skinless halibut fillets, about 5 ounces each • 1/4 cup olive oil, plus extra for drizzling • 1 lemon

• 2 pounds mixed tomatoes, sliced • 1/2 cup hearts of palm, drained • Basil leaves, for garnish • Kosher salt and black pepper, to taste


1. Lightly oil grill grates and heat grill to medium. 2. Grate 1 teaspoon lemon zest onto halibut fillets. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. 3. Grill halibut, turning just once, for about 5 minutes on each side. 4. In a mixing bowl, combine tomatoes, hearts of palm, juice from lemon, and oil. Season with salt and pepper. 5. Garnish salad with basil. Spoon salad over grilled halibut. Serve. Inspired by Bon Appetit magazine

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