eX: What is your favorite NYC find? Mindy: The biggest find in New York, is that people are much much nicer than New York- ers like to portray themselves. I think New Yorkers find some great pride in thinking that they’re rude, but they’re really not. There’s a sense of community within a tight knit, highly dense population, and you see it on a regular basis where people help one another out. You can almost stop any single person, ask any question or ask for help, and anybody who lives here will go out of their way to help you. I think that’s one of the coolest things. eX: What’s your favorite Broadway play? Mindy: InTransit. It got shut down early in 2017, so clearly it wasn’t anyone else’s favor- ite play. But for me it was important because it was about relationships in life on a subway system. Since moving here, there’s not a sin- gle day where I don’t get super excited about getting on the train. I love to get on the train. ** I don’t care where I go. I sometimes ride the Staten Island Ferry, just for the hell of it, because there’s a Dairy Queen on the other side. Someone has to have a reason to go to Staten Island, right?
eX: Jets or Giants? Mindy: I’m on the fence here. I bought a Gi- ants hat when I moved, but finance tells me I should be on the side of the Jets. I’m a little concerned about my choice of hat, and I need to figure this out quickly before the season starts. From everything I’ve read it seems, and I could be wrong here, that the Jets have a more loyal Manhattan fanbase. That’s prob- ably where I should be, but I do like Eli Man- ning. I’m going to have to go, with the Giants. Don’t tell finance. I’m probably a better LA Rams fan. eX: Rangers or Islanders? Mindy: Rangers all the way. I didn’t even know the Islanders existed, so that’s probably why. eX: Yankees or Mets? Mindy: Yankees. But Citi Field has better food. eX: What’s your advice for people relocating? Mindy: Finding an apartment here is very different than in any other part in the world and in the country. Do your research, and by all means go get a broker.
“I sometimes ride the Staten Island Ferry, just for the hell of it, because there’s a Dairy Queen on the other side.”
**EDITOR’S NOTE: this is even after having a rat crawl across her foot on a subway platform. If that doesn’t make you a NYer, we don’t know what
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