RETAIL STORES CONFIGURATION IDEAS 20’ x 40’ Navi-Trac 10’ x 10’ Century Frame

• Covering sidewalks leading to store entrance with marquee tents • Using tents to create ingress and egress to help promote social distancing • Using tents for order pickup areas • Tents outside of strip malls to display inventory outside of a small or narrow store

Retail stores can vary vastly in size. Large chains are going to have a much bigger area to place a tent than retail spaces that are located in a strip mall. Depending on the size and type of store they might have various needs.

EXCE P T I ONA L DE S I GN • S UP E R I OR QUA L I TY • UNPARA L L E L ED S E RV I CE 8 1 2 . 8 6 7 . 2 4 2 1 • 8 0 0 - 5 4 4 - 4 4 4 5 • ANCHOR I NC . COM

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