
12B — June 12 - 25, 2015 — New Jersey — M id A tlantic

Real Estate Journal


N orthern N ew J ersey Melissa Hein of Savills Studley represents SSA Staskiewicz of Lee & Associates, NJ represents ABM Edison in 10,000 s/f long-term lease P ARSIPPANY, NJ — Lee &Associates, NJ , celebrating more than

(SSA). Michael Staskiewicz, CCIM , senior vice president of Lee & Associates, NJ handled the lease transaction on behalf of the landlord, ABM Edison LLC and Melissa Hein of Savills Studley , represented SSA in conjunction with the U.S. General Services Admin- istration. “After a very thorough mar- ket and financial analysis and administrative process, as is typical for a government agency, we are pleased to retain the Social Security Ad- ministration at 2200 Route 10

36 years of l eader shi p excellence in commercial real estate, r e c e n t l y handled the l o n g - t e r m l e a s e r e - newal of ap- proximately

Michael Staskiewicz

10,000 s/f of office space at 2200 State Route 10 in Par- sippany for the United States Social Security Administration

2200 State Route 10

West,” said Staskiewicz. “With a convenient location and ag- gressively priced rental rates, we have secured SSA’s lease on a long term basis.” 2200 State Route 10 is a two-story, 65,000 s/f office building in Parsippany. The property is ideally suitable for office, professional and medical tenants, with avail- abilities ranging from 1,500 to 30,000 s/f. Conveniently situated between Morristown Memorial Hospital and Saint Clare’s Hospital, the property is within minutes of I-287, I-80, I-280 and Routes 46 & 202 and less than one mile from the Parsippany Hilton. n DMR Architects named Planner for Paramus Borough PARAMUS, NJ — DMR Architects , the fifth largest architectural firm in New Jersey, has been named the Planner for the Borough of Paramus Planning Board. DMR is also serving as a plan- ning consultant for the City of Hackensack, East Orange, and Westampton, New Jersey. “In general, our planning work focuses on understand- ing the goals and objectives of the community we work with, while providing them with information on how they can maintain and enhance the quality of life for their resi- dents through zoning recom- mendations that will increase development and redevelop- ment opportunities and grow the tax base,” said Francis Reiner of DMR Architects, “In Paramus, our focus will be to continue to promote Paramus as the premier retail destina- tion in Bergen County while to protecting the existing residential neighborhoods.” n

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