
Real Estate Journal — Pennsylvania — June 12 - 25, 2015 — 3C


M id A tlantic

P ennsylvania

est Chester, PA — KarMar Re- alty Group, Inc. 13,563 s/f in Media, Chadds Ford and Upland KarMar Realty Group inks five sales totaling $2 million W

Contact: Alissa Aronson aaronson@marejournal.com (D) 781-878-7420 Be Among the ELITE 6th Annual Edition Wouldyou like toparticipate in TheELITECOMPANIES Spotlight Pennsylvania’s ELITE Companies - DC J Look who was highlighted in 2014

today of five properties totaling 13,563 s/f for more than $2 mil- lion. Two of the properties are in Media, two are in Chadds Ford and one is in Upland. “After a very successful 2014, KarMar is off to an excellent start in the first quarter of 2015,” said Justin Soss , executive vice president and COO of KarMar Realty Group. “In addition to these five sales, we have consum- mated some significant lease deals, acquired a number of quality listings, and have a steady stream of noteworthy projects in the pipeline. It is Philadelphia, Pa — Wayne Everett has joined Pennrose Properties, LLC as director of asset manage- ment, a new position for the organization. Everett brings more than 10 years of asset and property management experience to the role. His responsibilities will include establishing Pennrose’s asset management platform to keep pace with the organization’s growing portfolio and oversee-

10 Beatty Rd.

clear that the commercial real estate market is continuing to gain momentum. “Of the five properties that sold, the first, in Media, is a two-story, 3,000 s/f office building at 10 Beatty Rd. The other is a prime commercial corner located at 120 East Baltimore Ave. The deals in ing the physical and financial health of the company’s 14,000 units. “We are looking forward to the impact that Wayne will make in supporting our goals to increase the efficiency and maximize the value of the properties in our portfolio,” said Mark Dambly , president of Pennrose Properties. “He will be a tremendous resource to the organization as we enhance the oversight of our

Chadds Ford are located at 258 and 262 Wilmington Pike and include two buildings contain- ing a total of 5,663 s/f of office and retail space. The property in Upland, known as The Up- land Diner, is an investment property with a long-term, triple net lease in place,” said Soss. n properties and expand sup- port for our development and management activities.” Everett was most recently director of asset manage- ment with PRG Real Estate where he worked with on-site management to maximize portfolio value and cash flow, managed all capital projects, and identified acquisition opportunities including due diligence and implementation process fulfillment. n

Everett joins Pennrose Properties as director of asset mgmt.

12C — August 15 - 28, 2014—Pennsylvania— 1 -( % 80%28-'




RT Environmental Services, Inc. Type of Firm&Overview ofCompany: RT Environmental Services, Inc.: http://www.RTENV.COM, isasolution-orientedProfessionalEnvironmental Engineering,Remediation,and Energy Services Firm. MissionStatement: Ourmission is tohelpourclientssolve theirenvironmental problems,obtainapprovals forbuildingenergy infrastructureand tohelp WKHPUHGHYHORSVLWHVFRVWHIIHFWLYHO\DQGHIÀFLHQWO\ Headquarters: KingofPrussia,PA Additional Locations: :DVKLQJWRQ3$ %ULGJHSRUW1- No.of Employees: HPSOR\HHV Services and/or Products Offered: We help expedite and coordinate permitting forMarcellusgas, solarenergy, stormwatermanagementand LQIUDVWUXFWXUHSURMHFWV:HSURYLGH%URZQÀHOGV5HGHYHORSPHQW6HUYLFHV ComplianceAssistance, EnvironmentalReal EstateDueDiligence Services,Remediation,HazardousWasteManagement,Superfund (CER- &/$ 3URMHFWDQG&RQVWUXFWLRQ0DQDJHPHQW:DVWHZDWHU&ROOHFWLRQ DQG7UHDWPHQW3URMHFW0DQDJHPHQW$LU(PLVVLRQVDQG3HUPLWWLQJ([SHUW WitnessTestimony,andAsbestos/LeadPaint/IndoorAir/MoldEvaluation. We havealsobeenassistingcompanieswithenvironmentalpermitting DQGFRPSOLDQFHIRUPRUHWKDQ\HDUV What isYourVisionand Strategy in theNextYear? Continue tobuild RXUÀUPLQWKHFXUUHQWPDUNHWDQGH[SDQGDVPRUHHQHUJ\DQGUHDO estateopportunitiesbecomeavailable. WhatProjectsareYou Involved inCurrently? RetailShoppingFacilities Expansion (Pittsburgh Region),Wastewater/Marcellus Shale (South- westPennsylvania),Rail Facility, (KingofPrussiaArea),Remediation/ 5HGHYHORSPHQW3URMHFWV1HZ-HUVH\  www.marejournal.com

GreaterReading EconomicPartnership Type of Firm & Overview of Company: Greater Reading Economic 3DUWQHUVKLS*5(3 LVDSXEOLFSULYDWHF  QRQSURÀWRUJDQL]DWLRQ dedicated to facilitatingeconomicdevelopmentgrowth in theGreater Reading regionofPennsylvania.Weare theprimarypointofcontact forbusinessattraction, retention,andgrowth inGreaterReadingand throughoutBerksCounty. MissionStatement: Toattract, retainandgrowbusinessbyvigorously promoting, fostering and coordinating economic development in GreaterReading. Headquarters: Reading,Pennsylvania No.ofemployees: 5 Servicesand/or Productsoffered: ‡)DFLOLWDWHSURFHVVDQGLQIRUPDWLRQJDWKHULQJ ‡3ODQWRXUVRIRXUFRPPXQLW\DQGSURSHUWLHV ‡3URYLGHRYHUQLJKWDFFRPPRGDWLRQV ‡$FFHVVWRZRUNIRUFHGHYHORSPHQWUHVRXUFHVDQGSURJUDPV ‡$FFHVVWRIXQGLQJDQGLQFHQWLYHSDFNDJHV ‡0DSSLQJDQGFXVWRPL]HGZRUNIRUFHDQDO\VLV ‡ Wageand salary information ‡5HJLRQDOGDWDDQGGHPRJUDSKLFV ‡$FRPSUHKHQVLYHGDWDEDVHRIDYDLODEOHRIÀFHFRPPHUFLDODQG industrialproperties ‡,QWURGXFWLRQVWRVHUYLFHSURYLGHUVEXVLQHVVOHDGHUVDQGKXPDQ resourceprofessionals ‡:RUNLQJZLWKH[LVWLQJEXVLQHVVHVIRUH[SDQVLRQDQGJURZWKRSSRU- tunities What isYourVisionand Strategy in theNextYear: 1. Increase theeconomicprosperityofGreaterReading 3URPRWHJURZWKDQGH[SDQVLRQRI*UHDWHU5HDGLQJFRPSDQLHV 3. Increase awareness ofGreater Reading as a premier business community 4.Deliverexcellentcustomer service through increasedcollaboration withourpartners E CONOMIC D EVELOPMENT How Cambridge-Lee went to market faster in Greater Reading. 1 -( % 80%28-' HawleyRealty, Inc. Mission Statement: Hawley Realty, Inc. is an industrial and FRPPHUFLDOUHDOHVWDWHEURNHUDJHÀUPKHDGTXDUWHUHGLQ$O- lentow ,Pennsylvania.Ourprimarygoal is toassistourclients withmaximizing theirassetvalue.Weprovidecompleteprofes- sional servicesand the l rgest selectionofproperties. We take pride inconsummating transactions thatmaintain thequality of life in thegreater LehighValley region. Headquarters: 0DUFRQ%OYG6XLWH$OOHQWRZQ3$ Additional Locations: NA No.of Employees:  ServicesandorProductsOffered: Site selection surveys,Tenant Representation, Consulting Services, Market Value Analysis, LeaseRenogotiations,LandSales, IndustrialSalesandLeasing, 2IÀFHDQG5HWDLO6DOHV /HDVLQJ6XEOHDVH0DUNHWLQJ6HUYLFHV CustomizedPropertyManagement,Adaptive re-useAnalysis. TypeofFirm&OverviewofCompany: Full servicecommercial/ ,QGXVWULDOUHDOHVWDWHÀUP

RealEstateJournal—Pennsylvania—August 15 - 28, 2014—11C


NaveNewell, Inc. Type of Firm and Overview of Company: Nave Newell, Inc. is a leading, civil engineering, land planning, surveying and ODQGVFDSHDUFKLWHFWXUHÀUPORFDW GLQ&KHVW U&RXQW\3$ We specialize in land devel pment design and approvals WKURXJKRXWWKH*UHDWHU3KLODGHOSKLD5HJLRQ)RU\HDUVZH havecommitted toprovideourclientswithexceptionalservice, SURDFWLYHSURMHFWPDQDJHPHQWDQGRSHQFRPPXQLFDWLRQ$V D VXOWRY URIRXU QQXDOU Y QXHFRPHVIURPUHSHDW business. Headquarters: Wayne,PA Company SizeorNo.ofemployees: 30 Servicesoffered: Civil Engineering: Site/RoadwayDesignand Permitting, Drainage, Stormwater Management and NPDES Design,Green Stormwater Infrastructure,Waterand Sewer Systems, Utility Relocation, Floodplain Analysis, ADA Site AssessmentandDesignand Expert Testimony. LandPlanning:DueDiligence Investigations,OrdinanceResearch and Interpretation, Site/Yield Analysis and Feasibility Studies, Sketch PlanDesign, Zoning and Variances, Expert Testimony, Computer EnhancedPhotosand3-DimensionalModeling. LandscapeArchitecture:MasterPlanning, LandscapeDesign, LightingDesign,Environmental ImpactStudies,Streetscapeand HardscapeDesignandWoodland Inventories. Surveying: ALTA/ACSM Land Title Surveys, Boundary Dispute Resolutions, Survey for Condemnation Proceedings, Riparian and Floodplain Surveys, Route and Alignment Surveys, Tree Surveys,Construction StakeoutandAs-Built Surveys.

A leader in multi-family and mixed-use sales in the Northeast Region, we now offer a full range of debt & equity services.


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ϲϴϰϱ^ŶŽǁĚƌŝŌZĚ͕͘ůůĞŶƚŽǁŶ͕W 92,000 SF sublease opportunity in Iron Run Industrial Park near two I-78 Exits&PA Tpke.-NE Extension. &ĞĂƚƵƌĞƐ ͗,ŝŐŚZΘĮŶ- ish, RR siding, 4,000 amp service, several dock doors, ample em- ployee parking,UPS power,wet sprinkler, 24’ ceiling, small clean roomarea, can convert todual tenantbuilding. Lotsofextrasata reasonable rate.

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