How to order Ordering for booksellers
Specimen copies If you are considering any of our courses for adoption please contact your Cambridge representative to find out if the Student’s Book is available as a specimen copy. Alternatively, visit our website to see if the Student’s Book is available as an eSample. Your local Cambridge representative will be able to advise you about any queries you may have about local suppliers, our titles and how to order them (see Agents and Stockists list at the back of this catalogue). In case of difficulty, or if you do not have a local office, please contact: ISBN-13 should be quoted when ordering. Ordering for teachers Please place all orders through your local bookshop or supplier.
Levels Your Cambridge representative will be pleased to give you specific advice about the levels given in this catalogue and how they relate to your teaching situation. Prices and availability The prices of all materials in this catalogue are listed in a separate price list. All titles marked new are either available now, or are due to be published by the month shown in the catalogue. Please contact your local Cambridge office or distributor for advice or assistance (see Agents and Stockists list at the back of this catalogue), or contact: Tel: +44 (0)1223 325577 Booksellers in West Europe, including the UK: Booksellers in East Europe: Booksellers in the Middle East and North Africa:
Copying The law allows a reader to make a single copy of a part of a book for purposes of private study. It does not allow the copying of entire books or the making of multiple copies of extracts. In some countries it is possible for schools to do a limited amount of photocopying if they are registered with the Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA), or an associated licensing agency. If your school does not have a school licence you can only photocopy pages for your students if the page is marked ‘photocopiable’. You are allowed to make one copy of an audio disc for back-up purposes only. No copying of videos or DVDs is permitted. For further information, please visit
Every effort has been made to ensure that all of the information given in this catalogue was correct at the time of going to press.
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