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Classroom Management Techniques
Classroom Management Techniques
Classroom management is about creating the right conditions for effective learning – whichever method you use, whatever your classroom is like and whoever your students are. Classroom Management Techniques offers a huge range of down- to-earth, practical techniques that will help you make the most of your teaching space and get your students working in more focused ways. This book will inspire you to try out fresh ideas, from the basic to the more experimental. It will also help you to anticipate and avoid problems in the classroom, allowing more time to be devoted to useful, meaningful activities. • A complete and essential activity-based guide to ELT classroom management. • Includes techniques that are clearly presented and easy to implement, requiring minimal preparation. • Analyses the classroom from three perspectives: the classroom, the teacher and the learners. • Presents a ground-breaking analysis of 14 kinds of teacher intervention, allowing you to really examine the way you communicate with learners. • Shows you how to facilitate interaction in your lessons and get everyone talking. • Deals with critical teaching issues such as mixed level classes, difficult physical conditions and discipline. • Delivers real solutions for real classroom problems.
Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Series Editor Scott Thornbury
Jim Scrivener
ISBN 978 0 521 12565 9
ISBN 978 0 521 17224 0
ISBN 978 1 107 68467 6
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