Cambridge English Catalogue 2024 International

Teaching Language Systems and Language Skills

Also available Discussions and More Second edition by Penny Ur Paperback 978-1-107-44275-7 Grammar Practice Activities Second edition by Penny Ur Paperback with CD-ROM 978-0-521-73232-1 Learning Vocabulary in Another Language Third edition by I. S. P. Nation Paperback* 978-1-009-09617-1 Lexical Grammar by Leo Selivan Paperback 978-1-316-64475-1 WINNER Ben Warren Prize Listening in the Language Classroom by John Field Paperback* 978-0-521-68570-2 Mark Hancock’s 50 Tips for Teaching Pronunciation by Mark Hancock Paperback 978-1-108-74496-6 Pronunciation Games by Mark Hancock Book Pronunciation Practice Activities by Martin Hewings Paperback 978-0-521-75457-6 Reading in a Second Language Second edition by William Grabe and Junko Yamashita Paperback* 978-1-108-79370-4 Teaching Speaking by Christine C. M. Goh and Anne Burns Paperback 978-1-107-64833-3 978-0-521-46735-3

Teaching and Developing Reading Skills

Teaching and Developing Reading Skills is for anyone who wants to provide their learners with rich and rewarding reading experiences, both in print and digital formats. Supported by insights from recent research, this accessible book promotes the teaching of reading in a theoretically sound way, moving beyond a comprehension-testing approach to reading. The practical part of the book provides a collection of accessible, generic activities so that you can support and develop learners’ reading skills and strategies. Its scope is wide-ranging, from promoting reading and developing fluency, to exploiting literary texts, exploiting digital sources, using learner-generated texts, developing critical reading skills and assessing reading. • Activities are underpinned by theory, promoting a coherent view of reading and how learners can become better readers. • Activities are generalisable and suitable for a wide variety of ages and teaching contexts, including ESP and EAP. • The material contains a bank of texts, used to exemplify activities where necessary. • Further activities support you to develop excellence in the teaching of reading through guided reflection and action research.

Teaching and Developing Reading Skills

Teaching and Developing Writing Skills

Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Series Editor Scott Thornbury

Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Series Editor Scott Thornbury

ISBN 9780521729741

Penny Ur’s

Cambridge Handbooks for LanguageTeachers Pocket editions Tips for Teaching Vocabulary 77 77

It seems we human beings have al- ways had the desire to communi- cate through visual markings. Our early ancestors left behind hand- prints, shapes and figures scratched or painted on cave walls, and other intricate markings on objects. A lot of these visual marks reveal a desire to record, to express, to communicate … Craig Thaine

Interaction Online Creative activities for blended learning

Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Series Editor Scott Thornbury

ISBN 9781316629178

Translation and Own-language Activities

Translation and Own-language Activities provides structured, practical advice and guidance for using students’ own languages within the ELT classroom. Taking into account both the growing interest and concerns about use of translation in English lessons, the book presents effective ways of integrating carefully chosen activities, covering themes such as tools, language skills, language focus and techniques. The practical activities range from using bilingual dictionaries to translating long texts, with a number of tasks drawing on easy-to-use web tools. The book also considers the relationship between translation and intercultural understanding. • Provides a practical basis for using translation in the ELT classroom. • Includes activities which make use of technology, drawing on a range of different tools. • Incorporates easy-to-use translation technology that is available to teachers and learners both inside and outside the classroom. • Discusses multilingual classrooms, as well as monolingual ones, at a range of ages and levels.

Translation and Own-language Activities

Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Series Editor Scott Thornbury

Language Learning with Technology Ideas for integrating technology in the classroom is an essential resource for practising and trainee language teachers who want to use technology in their classrooms. This handbook contains over 130 practical classroom activities suitable for beginners to more advanced learners, incorporating a wide range of up-to-date tools, such as mobile technologies and social networking. Language Learning with Technology Pedagogy is given a central position, with the content organised around areas of language learning rather than technology types. Chapters cover language skills and the language areas of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary, as well as project work and assessment. • Practical activities appropriate for a range of levels, from beginner to advanced. • Suitable for both trainee and experienced teachers. • Organised by learning goals rather than by technology types. • Includes a learning technologies guide and suggested software/websites for the activities featured.

CLIL Activities A resource for subject and language teachers

A Course in English Language Teaching

Language Learning with Technology Ideas for integrating technology in the classroom

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to English language teaching, and is suitable for teachers in a variety of educational settings, including compulsory education. It has been completely revised and updated to cover essential new topics for the modern English language teacher. These include: • English as an international language • Language acquisition theories and teaching methodologies • Using digital supplementary materials • Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) A Course in English Language Teaching is ideal for use in initial teacher training and as a reference guide for practising teachers. It covers the core principles of teaching English, taking into account the specific needs of younger, teenage and adult learners. It also prepares teachers for common teaching challenges, such as mixed ability classes, classroom discipline, and assessment and testing. The book combines theory and practice, with each unit containing tasks that encourage reflection and discussion, plus action tasks such as classroom observation and practice. Teachers can check their progress using the review sections and explore the topics in more depth using the suggestions for further reading. Penny Ur is a teacher and teacher-trainer, with extensive experience of training teachers in mainstream education. She is the author of several successful books in the Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers series: Discussions that Work, Five-Minute Activities (with Andrew Wright), Grammar Practice Activities, Teaching Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary Activities. CLIL Activities A resource for subject and language teachers A completely revised and updated edition of A Course in Language Teaching

A completely revised and updated edition of A Course in Language Teaching

Innovative activities for Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teachers and trainee teachers.

Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Series Editor

Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Series Editor

CLIL Activities is an invaluable resource for both CLIL subject and CLIL language teachers, containing a wide range of teaching ideas for most CLIL situations. All activities integrate language with content and can be adapted for use within any school subject area. For ease of access, activities are organised into five chapters: Activating, Guiding understanding, Focus on language, Focus on speaking and Focus on writing. A further chapter provides practical ideas for assessment, review and feedback. A separate section includes annotated extracts from authentic school teaching materials, demonstrating how language is used in the following subjects: Art, design and technology, Economics and business studies, Geography, History, ICT, Maths, Music and drama, Physical education and Science. These ‘subject pages’ enable teachers to formulate language aims for grammar, vocabulary, speaking and writing within their chosen subject.

A Course in English Language Teaching

Scott Thornbury

Scott Thornbury

The book is supported by a dedicated website from the author, with blogs related to the content and activities discussed.

Also included is a ‘Background to CLIL’ section, offering a clear explanation of what CLIL is and what its benefits and challenges are.

• Step-by-step instructions make the activities easy to use and adapt with minimal preparation. • Activities can be used in any order and at any point in a teaching programme. • CD-ROM material can be printed or projected for immediate use in class. • Written by experienced CLIL teachers and teacher trainers.

with CD-ROM

Teacher Training Essentials

Teacher Training Essentials

Classroom Management Techniques

Grammar for English Language Teachers




Penny Ur

K a y Bentley

Martin Parrott

Graham Stanley

Liz Dale and Rosie Tanner

ISBN 978 0 521 74185 9 ISBN 978 0 521 70299 7 ISBN 978 0 521 54949 3

Philip Kerr

ISBN 978 0 521 54193 0 ISBN 978 0 521 15733 9 ISBN 978 0 521 13021 9

ISBN 978 0 521 71204 0 ISBN 978 0 521 17224 0 ISBN 978 0 521 74185 9

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ISBN 978 0521 149846

ISBN 978 1107 684676

ISBN 978 1107 628809

Bringing you Deeper Insights into your classroom Based on research and full of practical suggestions, our Teacher Development titles help you develop knowledge and skills to enhance your classroom practice. We’re here to support you in delivering the best learning experiences for your students.

ISBN 9781107645783

Better Learning is our simple approach where deeper insights help shape richer content that drives stronger results .

Series Editor: Scott Thornbury

Discover more:

Peter Watkins

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Penny Ur’s 77 Tips for Teaching Vocabulary Penny Ur This compact, user-friendly book provides practical ideas for teaching vocabulary in a variety of contexts. It draws on the author’s own teaching experience and applied linguistics research to explore a wide range of topics including introducing new vocabulary, reviewing and practising new words and expressions, and ways of expanding and enriching learner vocabulary. Paperback 978-1-009-07400-1

Teaching and Developing Writing Skills Craig Thaine A research-informed and very practical handbook, which provides a wealth of ideas and activities to practise and develop writing skills, at a range of language levels. Activities are organised by their communicative purpose, with chapters also focusing on academic and workplace contexts. Paperback 978-1-009-22446-8

Teaching and Developing Reading Skills Peter Watkins Drawing on current reading theory, this accessible book contains activities to support and develop learners’ reading skills and strategies. Activities cover aspects such as developing fluency, exploiting digital sources, using learner-generated texts and assessing reading.



Teaching Primary and Secondary Learners

Also available

Activities for Very Young Learners by Herbert Puchta and Karen Elliott Paperback

Herbert Puchta’s

Carol Read’s 101 101 Tips for Teaching Primary Children

Cambridge Handbooks for LanguageTeachers Pocket editions Tips for Teaching Teenagers 101 101


Examining Young Learners by Szilvia Papp and Shelagh Rixon Paperback


Five-Minute Activities for Young Learners by Penny McKay and Jenni Guse Paperback*


Cambridge Handbooks for LanguageTeachers Pocket editions

Language Activities for Teenagers Edited by Seth Lindstromberg Paperback*

Series Editor: Scott Thornbury

Series Editor: Scott Thornbury


Primary Activity Box by Caroline Nixon and Michael Tomlinson Book and Audio CD

Carol Read’s 101 Tips for Teaching Primary Children Carol Read This concise book draws on Carol Read’s significant expertise in teaching children aged 6–12. It considers all aspects of children’s development in primary language teaching, along with linguistic outcomes, and offers methodological tips and practical ideas.

Herbert Puchta’s 101 Tips for Teaching Teenagers Herbert Puchta This compact, user-friendly book draws on Herbert Puchta’s rich experience and knowledge of teaching teenagers. It addresses many of the challenges in the teenage classroom, offering practical suggestions for creating positive classroom dynamics and guiding teenagers towards becoming mature and responsible adults. Paperback 978-1-108-73875-0

Teaching Languages to Young Learners Lynne Cameron WINNER Ben Warren Prize This highly popular title offers a coherent theoretical framework to structure thinking about children’s language learning. It gives practical advice on how to analyse and evaluate classroom activities, language use and language development.


Primary Curriculum Box by Kay Bentley Book and Audio CD


Primary Music Box by Sab Will with Susannah Reed Book with Audio CD Teaching Young Multilingual Learners by Luciana C. de Oliveira and Loren Jones Paperback*



Teen World by Joanna Budden Book






*Also available as an eBook

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