Winter Wheat Black Grass Trial
Pre-emergence Results
Conclusions ➢ Best pre-emergence option is Avadex + Crystal + Hurricane ➢ Avadex provides useful uplift to all treatments and in particular the weaker sprays ➢ Data was very statistically significant P value <0.05
1. Untreated 2. 3l/ha Quidam + 0.6l/ha Regatta 3. 0.6l/ha Xerton + 0.6l/ha Regatta 4. 1l/ha Bayer New Material 5. 0.6l/ha Regatta + 3l/ha Anthem 6. 4l/ha Crystal + 0.25l/ha Hurricane All treatments randomised and replicated 4 times across the trial with and without 15kg/ha Avadex
Post-emergence Results
Conclusions ➢ Best post-emergence option remains as Atlantis, closely followed by Pacifica Plus ➢ Avadex continues to provide a useful amount of suppression even in the spring ➢ Data was very statistically significant P value <0.05
1. Untreated 2. 0.33kg/ha Monolith 3. 0.5kg/ha Pacifica Plus 4. 1.2l/ha Atlantis OD All treatments randomised and replicated 4 times across the trial with and without 15kg/ha Avadex pre-emergence
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