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As the leaders of our country called upon Americans to reclaim their spiritual heritage— to return to the faith of our fathers which has made and kept our country strong- concerned pastors and laymen in Southern California became increasingly aroused and have joined forces for a united effort for Christ. The mass migration to this area has brought with it every social evil known to man. Divorce, graft, delinquency, crime—every form of godlessness and lawlessness spawns in this megapolis. Increasing social problems have given rise to genuine concern by business, industrial, civic and church leaders. Clearly a spiritual reawakening is a crucial necessity. The task is monumental, but through united prayer this area can be moved for God, invoking a spiritual force that t will be felt throughout the world. To this end many have committed themselves. Los Angeles is strategically located for this Crusade. The eyes of the world are focused on this endeavor. All around the globe millions are praying daily. God has never failed to respond to the earnest cry of his people. Won’t YOU covenant to pray daily for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on this Southern California Crusade as churches of all denominations cooperate.
P C i r o g f ® B u e i n e s B E S T A B L I S H E D 1 9 1 0 A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A, Myers, Board Chairman AUGUST, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 54, No. 8 Ninteen Hundred and Sixty-three Established 1910 Dedicated to tke spiritual development of the Christian home M u CRISIS IN THE SUDAN — Ray Davis ..................................... 8 SEX A N D THE SINGLE CHR IST IAN GIRL — Jeannette Acrea ...... 10 A FRESH TOUCH W ITH GOD — Vance Havner ......................... 11 HOW TO READ M IN D S — Gordon G. Talbot ............................ 12 A V ISIT TO TARUBUNG — Ann Flory ................................... 13 PROFANITY: A BLIGHT UPON OUR NAT ION — Douglas C, Hartley ........................................................... 14 HOW TO M A K E YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL MORE EFFECTIVE — Theodore H. Epp .................................... 16 GOD'S SORE JUDGMENTS — William C. Ebeling ..................... 18 ABOUT TO M A RR Y A CATHOLIC ......................................... 20 THE HOLY SPIRIT A N D H IS M IN IST R Y TO THE BELIEVER __ Charles Lee Feinberg ....................................................... 23 MENNONT IES CARRY ON SPIRITUAL PEACE CORPS ............... 44 F f ä u m MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland .............. 6 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ....................................... 22 FOR WOM EN ONLY — Dick Hillis ......................................... 27 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot ................. 28 TA LK ING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ............................ 30 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ........................ 31 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlerf ......................................... 32 WORLD NEW SGRAMS — James O. Henry .............................. 34 SCIENCE A N D THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ..................... 35 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea S. Miller ............... 37 A LU M N I NEWS — Inez McGahey ........................|................. 43 Cobm PEOPLE IN THE NEWS .......... ................................................ 4 READER REACTION ...... .... ........... ............................ 5 PRESENTING THE MESSAGE ................... .................... ......... 29
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S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor ^LSA N D E R S: Managing Editor BETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor
PAUL SCHWEPKER: Controller JANE M. CLARK: Circulation Manager JEANNE SHARP: Advertising Manager
VIRG IN IA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Oran H. Smith
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SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — "Th\e King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Foreign subscription 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to 'T h e King's Business/'
ADVERTISING — for information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid at Los An geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, California.
ing country of the world. It is antici pated that the shipment will find its way into the villages and homes throughout Indonesia where some 90 million people live.” Miss Winona Walworth has been ap pointed by Scripture Press Publica
Dr. Victor Paz Estenssoro, president of the Republic of Bolivia, South America, received representatives of the Pocket Testament League recent ly in the presidential palace in La Paz. Field Director Sam Befus pre sented two handsomely bound copies of the New Testament to the Presi dent for himself and his wife. The occasion was to mark the formal ini tiation of a campaign by PTL teams to distribute 200,000 copies of the Gospel of John in Spanish throughout the country. President Paz agreed that the spiritual need of his country was as great and as important as its, material needs that are being sup plied by friendly nations. He com mented that in these difficult and un certain days all people need to find inspiration a n d strength through reading the Word of God. Dr. Victor Paz Estenssoro, President of Bolivia, receiving New Testament from Pocket Testament League Team, left to right, Charles Wuest, Ken Fowler, Sam Befus, Dr. Paz. Dr. Harlin J. Roper, pastor of Scofield Memorial Church of Dallas, Texas, has announced that, due to the in sistence of missionaries and laymen, the THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Course has been translated into Span ish. Book XV, covering John 1-11, is the first of 24 units to be published in Spanish, with additional units of the Genesis to Revelation series sched uled in the near future. For over 33 years the THROUGH THE BIBLE STUDY Course has been widely ac claimed for its emphasis on personal study of the Bible itself and its effec tiveness in producing Bible - taught workers. Ken Taylor, director of Moody Lit erature Mission, reports that a ship ment of paper sent to Indonesia by MLM has been printed into 8,000 Indonesian-laguage books which are being sold in Indonesian bookstores. Also being sold are 2,000 English- language books included in the four- ton shipment from Chicago. Says Mr. Taylor, “There is more interest in English-language books in Indonesia than in any other non-English-speak
tions as Christian Education Consul tant. For the past six years Miss Wal worth h a s b e e n head of the train ing program f o r the Moody Memo rial Church in Chi cago. She has also served in churches in San Jose, and
Miss Walworth
Oakland, California. She has served as Associate General Secretary of the National Sunday School Association and has written many articles on the subject for leading Christian maga zines. Kenneth McVety, manager of the Word of Life Press in Japan, reports that twenty-one new book titles have been printed by the Press this past year, the most significant of these being the Japanese Amplified New Testament. The two Japanese lan guage magazines published by Word, of Life have grown to the place where they reach 100,000 people a month. Mr. James Thomas of the Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Company, has announced the release of a new sacred song book compiled by the three million listen ers of the “Haven of Rest” broadcasts. The 132-page book, plastic spiral bound with four color cover, contains words and music for all the old-time favorites, led by the consistently num ber one hymn, “The Old Rugged Cross.” Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland, Biola Presi dent, has received a first copy of the New Testament in the Mazateco lan guage, presented by Dr. George Cowan, president of the Wycliffe Bible Trans-
Paul's ro55B$3Snargs to Tjroothy rings cle^ h rd iig b nineteen hundred years, and still today the Scriptures have power, for young and old alike, i n t a k e thee wise For nearly four hundred yeirs — longer than any otlfef— Cambridge University Press Dr. Sutherland, with Dr. and Mrs. Cowan. lators. More than 85,000 natives com prise the tribes of this remote people. The copy will be placed in the La Mirada Library of the training cen ter. AT ALL BOOKSTORES 4 THE KING'S BUSINESS Sung Hwan (N -l) Un Sook (N-7) WHERE ARE THE CHRISTIANS? I am a released time teacher. I am dis turbed. I teach children the Bible. I teach “the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin.” Across the street from my class two nuns and two women teach the .worship of the Virgin Mary, the rosary, the worship of saints. There are about 800 children in the school. I have 40 boys and girls which is about all I . can teach at one time. The Catholics have over 200. Where are my helpers? Jesus said: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” The born-again Christians in Oakland know the truth, but where are the teach ers? I am disturbed. How can the children of America know the truth if no one tells them? “Ye shall know the truth . . Are you teaching it to the children in your school? in your neighborhood? Betty Cooper, Richmond, California NEW SUBSCRIBER Please send me a subscription to your magazine, THE KING’S BUSINESS. Your magazine has been so enthusiastically rec ommended to me that I feel I must have it. Rev. Robert D. Ibach, St. Clair Shores, Michigan. THANKFUL FOR BIOLA'S STAND We are enjoying your very excellent magazine, especially Dr. Sutherland’s edi torials. We admire your faithfulness to Christian fundamentals, a clear cut call to separation, and a willingness to stand up and to be counted in our struggle against Godless communism. Mr. and Mrs. John Hilden, Seattle, Washington. I have been sending Dr. Talbot’s book “Russia Mobilizes For Armageddon” with a letter, to many of our officials in Wash ington, to our President and his two broth ers, and to some Senators and high mili tary leaders. I have also sent the article by Dr. M. R. DeHaan, “Russian Com munism and God’s Timetable” from the October, 1961 KING’S BUSINESS, along with the book. Would you please join me at the throne of grace that the Holy Spirit will use this seed, His precious Word, to humble our leaders that they may seek wisdom, guidance and strength from Him who is the source of all wisdom and salvation? I have received “thank you” letters from some of the men very close to President Kennedy. One of them said that this prophetic literature would be considered very carefully. Walter L. Shanahan, Glendale, California PROPHETIC LITERATURE SENT TO W ASH INGTON Un Soon (N-2) Kil Woo (N-8) HUNDREDS OF ORPHANS ARE PRAYING FOR SPONSORS! Helpless, utterly destitute, bereft of parents, these children have found refuge in one of our 175 Homes. Now they need someone to assure their support. They are praying earnestly for someone who cares enough to sponsor them. Perhaps it’s you. You can become a sponsor for only $10 a month (that’s about 30 cents a day) and this will provide for the necessities of life—food, shelter, clothing, education. Under God we will provide the rest—a truly Christian atmosphere, surround MyungSun (N.9) Choon Woo (N-3) yong Kim (N-10) themwith dedicated Bible-believing Koreans who will love them for you, and give them a chance to grow up in the nurture and admoni tion of the Word of God. Perhaps you and a friend would like to share this opportunity together (only $5 each). P E R S O N A L M I S S I O N A R Y P R Your sponsorship is an investment in the life of a child, indeed, a missionary project of your very own. If the child is old enough, he or she will communicate with you directly. It becomes a very real, personal relationship. If the child is not old enough to write, a member of the staff will do so. Your letters or parcels may go anytime. Hundreds of sponsors have written us of the joy brought to them by this contact with an orphaned Korean child. C o m p a s s i o n is the largest work of its kind in Korea. The need for sponsors is urgent as increasingly we are confronted with new and larger opportunities. Act today and do what your compassionate heart tells you to do. It’s a wonderfully warm feeling to be a “Mommy,” “Daddy,” “Big Brother” or “Big Sister” to “one of the least of these.” C U P A N D M A IL T O D A Y ! ----------------------------------------------- EV ERET T SW A N SO N , Founder and Director [“"I Yes, I want to sponsor an orphan. My choice is Number - If this child has been chosen when this arrives, I agree to sponsor a similar child. I prefer Q Boy, Q Girl Q Age. With God's help I will send $10 a month to Chicago office. Please send my child's name, picture, address and FULL PARTICULARS. I understand I may discontinue at any time. Enclosed is support for Q first month, Q one year. □ I cannot sponsor a child now but want to help a child by giving $ — . □ Please send folder, "Information About Sponsoring Korean Orphans." Name _________________________________’_________ Address _ City ._ .Zone. State OUR GIFT TO NEW SPONSORS A pair of lovely, colorful Korean Baby Shoes— if you sponsor an orphan by Septem ber 1. COMPASSION... Cares for more than 20,000 Korean orphans, including children of lepers; deaf, dumb and blind children. Maintains 175 orphanages, supervised by Bible-believing staff and board of directors. Provides more than 25,000,000 meals each year. Awarded highest recognition by the Korean government. Gifts of any amount are welcome. All gifts and sponsorings are income tax deductible. C OM P A S S I ON (The Everett Swanson Evangelistic Assn., Inc.) An Interdenominational Non-Profit Corporation— Est. 1952 Dept. K83 7774 Irving Park Rd.f Chicago 34, III. Phone 456-6116 5 AUGUST, 1963 CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS DIRECTORY message from the edito Ä S i a n “I appreciate STONY BROOK’S Scholarship Aid” says Wallace Glenn Jamison Stony Brook, '62— Westminster, '66 The School ia operated not for profit but to render service in the field of Christian edu cation. Because of endowjnent income and the annual contributions of generous friends, the School is able to maintain a tuition rate lower than that of most schools in its class. Each year a large amount of scholarship aid is granted on evidence of the character, abil ity and earnest purpose of the applicant, and the financial need. While this policy applies especially to sons of ministers, missionaries, and other Christian workers, it is by no means limited to such boys. Christian Education at Stony Brook has real meaning. The atmosphere is wholesome without being pious. Boys are urged to live their lives in accordance with the will of God as set forth in Scripture. Bible Study is a major subject and is required of all students throughout the entire course. By maintaining a balance between reli gious, academic, and recreational activities, the School aims at a harmony of ■ purpose. By intelligent applica nt tion of this Christian program, in I both administration and teach- [E ing, Stony Brook is making a dis- tinctive contribution to American STUDY AT HOME Recommended by evangelicals as America's finest training school for ministers and church workers. Extension courses approved b y the Association of Home Study Schools. Endorsed by the American Evangelical Christian Churches for pastoral train ing. Write for catalog. AMERICAN BIBLE SCHOOL 192 North Clark Street Chicago 1, Illinois CHRISTIAN SCHOOL TEACHERS WANTED Qualified teachers interested in teaching in Christian Schools should write to CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS SERVICE, Inc. 10119 Lafayette Avenue, Chicago 28, III. Teacher Agency Service is Free HOW TO PUBLISH Join our successful authors in a complete and reliable publishing program: publicity, advertising, handsome books. Speedy, efficient service. Send for FREE manuscript report & copy of PublishYour Book. CARLTON PRESS kbh 84 Fifth Ave., New York 11. N. Y, 6 K.W education. y e a » D r . F rank E. G aebelein jS SQ fc Headmaster -»ij E j jjj " I For Catalogue and Information, write Director of Admissions, Dept. 80 THE STONY BROOK SCHOOL Stony Brook, Long Island • New York BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND PRESIDENT, THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. The Real Delinquency During the month of March, there appeared in one of the Los Angeles metropolitan newspapers a series of three articles deal ing with the alarming rise of teenage drinking in the Los Angeles area. The writer presented a very forthright and penetrating ex pose of this deplorable condition and pinpointed some of the under lying causes for this trend. It is all a part of the general breakdown of morality that is apparent on every hand, in the home, in the school, in the church, in the individual life as well as in the over-all community life of our populace. This reporter pointed out the fact that just a year ago, two thousand teenagers swarmed to a popular Hollywood night spot to celebrate their high school gradu ation—like adults. "Before the night was over, 300 of them were drunk, another 300 were drinking. This was no gathering of juve nile delinquents , . . they came from eight schools in a respectable middle-class section of the county.” The fact was emphasized that "the prom was sponsored by the P.T.A., so the young people wouldn’t get into trouble on graduation night. It was supervised by three police women, five policemen, two club security officers and adult chaperones.” Even though the. youngsters were warned beforehand that drinking would not be tolerated, bottles and flasks were to be found everywhere and it was observed that "most of the liquor was secreted on the girls.” And the officials stated that “after the last teenager had straggled home, officers took a final look around and found the place littered with empty bottles.” During the course of the occasion it was noted that "What wasn’t nailed down was stolen . . . what couldn’t be stolen was broken. A score of fights were nipped before they could blossom into riots. Many who weren’t fighting were necking. Most of the seating space was occupied by young couples in clinches.” One of the tragedies is that this sort of thing is looked upon quite light-heartedly by so many parents and is actually condoned as being merely a part of the "growing-up process” and merely "one phase of sowing wild oats.” However, the authorities who have to cope with this increasing problem are not in the least amused. "Police estimate that a third of all teenage crimes are committed by youngsters whose inhibitions are lowered and whose judgment is THE KING'S BUSINESS blunted by alcohol. . . . It is considered a significant contributing factor in the growing incidence of illegitimate births.” And what has been exposed in the Los Angeles area has doubtless been dupli cated on a proportionate basis in practically every part of the coun try- But as terrifying and alarming as this situation is revealed to be, it is even more terrifying to read that "the experts believe paren tal example is the most significant factor in determining whether a teenager will experiment with alcohol. Since adults are drinking more, it would follow that teenagers are also. The evidence seems to back this up.” It is further stated that the chairman of the County Medical Association’s Committee on Alcoholism adds to parental example, "the fact that children today are exposed to a great mass of liquor advertising which pictures alcohol in a sophisticated and alluring fight.” It is not juvenile delinquency that is the curse of our country today, rather it is — as has been expressed — "adult delinquency” that is the cause, in large measure, of this deplorable condition. Furthermore, there seems to be a very strange silence among the clergy of today in regard to the evils of drinking, smoking, narcotics, gambling, promiscuity and other so-called worldly “amusements” which, in former generations, were heartily and outspokenly condemned by the Christian church but which, to day, apparently are condoned. Preachers, today, for the most part dare not speak out against any of these conditions for fear of offending the more influential members of the congregation and thus risking the loss of substantial support which is so sorely needed to maintain the church. It is indeed tragic that today there is no concerted voice to speak out against the evils of the liquor traffic. Years ago there was the Anti-Saloon League (before the days of its corrupt demise). Then the Women’s Christian Temperance Union was an influential organization. But voices of protest were almost silenced and their generation passed largely because of the apathy of the Christian public and, indeed, in many instances, the outright forth by these organizations. But the more thoughtful of this pres ent generation who, when they were younger themselves, laughed at the WCTU and the anti-liquor efforts put forth by that band of noble women, are wondering where today there might be found a fearless voice which might at least help to stem the tide of the hellish drinking habit that is claiming more and more of our splendid young people and dragging them down into the abyss of alcoholism and the. evils which stem from it. The WCTU still functions courageously against terrific odds, as do all forces of righteousness. We would to God that the great Protestant denominations meeting in solemn conclave might once again determine to thunder forth the great truths found in the Word of God which warn against these evils that can do nothing but tear down and destroy the bodies and moral fiber of this people. Such preaching may not be considered "positive thinking,” but at least it has the rather unique distinction of conforming to some very positive and definite "negative preaching” which is most forcibly expressed in the Word of God itself. CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS DIRECTORY where melody is a must. Write for your Catalogue today. PrairieBibleInstitute THREE HI LLS • ALBERTA * C A N A D A MAY WE MAY FOR YOUR REQUESTS? Send to Prayer Time, The King’s B utine» maga zine. 558 So. Hope, Lo t Angeles 17, Californio. S TUDY THE B I BLE IN YOUR OWN HOME System atically Under qualified instructors “Bible Foundation Course“ ...................$ 3.00 5.00 5.50 “Christ in The Tabernacle“ (Talbot) ... ..... 6.50 “Fundamental Doctrines“ (Torrey) .... ..... 6.50 “God's Plan of the Ages“ (Talbot) ........ 5.00 “Minor Prophets“ (5 Units) Feinberg .... 16.50 “Practical Biblp Training“ .............. .... 2.50 /AProphecies of Daniel“ (Talbot) .... ...... 6.50 1.00 “Studies in Romans“ (Talbot) ......... .... 5.50 “Studies in the Gospels“ .... ...... 6.50 “The Book of Acts'/ ............... 3.50 “The Books of Ephesians“ (Talbot) ........ 5.50 “The Book of Revelation“ (Talbot) ...... 6.50 “The Cults“ (Talbot) .................. .... 6.50 Evangelical Teacher Training Course: 6 Units, Preliminary Certificate jr-"’ Si 7.00 6 Units (plus 6 Units Preliminary Course) Advanced Certificate Course ..... ............... $17.00 All New Bible Geography Course featuring Baker's Bible Atlas, Study guides closely following Biblical narrative ........$10.00 The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Enroll me in Course ______ _________ _______ Find fee enclosed $........,................ ......... Send me free brochure of all courses offered .............................__ Name ......------------ .....____________ _____ ____ Address ...........................__ ......___________ City ......................... ........... Zone .......... State ................................... ........... KB-8 7 AUGUST, 1963 by Dr. Raymond J. Davis, Director, Sudan Interior Mission the activities of Missionary Societies in the Sudan” — is not to be marvelled at. However it is not often that laws as stringent as this one are enacted, going far beyond the mere protection of unwilling Muslims from annoy ance by Christian missionaries. Under the Act, open Christian wit ness to Muslims will almost entirely cease. It becomes a punishable offense to preach the gospel, except to those who approach the missionary and ask to hear the teachings of the Christian faith. Among students, par ticularly, there are many Muslims who are open to hearing the gospel — if only from curiosity — but un less they take the initiative in re questing to hear it, missionaries may not witness to them. The Northern Sudan, where government authority is centered, is staunchly Muslim, and embraces the overwhelming majority of the country’s population. Missionaries are restricted to minis tering only to their own small “Chris tian” population, and further con fined to their own particular affilia tion, Protestants working among Pro testants, Catholics among Catholics, etc. WHAT TO DO? Walled in and loaded down with unprecedented restrictions, mission aries are left to ponder the question, “Well, what can we do?” They reason that they have only three choices: One, stand upon their Christian “rights” and refuse to obey such leg islation; challenge the government to expel them — which undoubtedly it would. Two, agree to the restrictions, then disobey them. That is morally im possible for Christian misssionaries, and would inevitably result in their eventual expulsion. Three, apply for a license and abide by its restrictions. This is a large pill for some to swallow. Those who stay on, however, will be able to encourage and instruct converts. In staunch Muslim areas these con verts are often too few and too scat tered to be effectively organized into local churches, but they are the basic element in grassroots evangelism, and form the nucleus for future indigenous growth. They will find the presence of the missionary a silent source of strength, even as the unsaved will find it a silent, but constant witness. To missionaries who are working where the Christian church exists, either well established or newly emer gent, the answer is not quite so harsh. THE KING'S BUSINESS M i s s i o n a r y s o c i e t i e s Anglo-Egyptian Sudan) are con cerned as to the final outcome of the passing of the Missionary Societies Act, a stringent new law which has placed them in a very great plight. Under the Act, Christian mission aries are forbidden public witness to Muslims, under penalty of fine and/or imprisonment, and are severely ham pered in pursuing many “convention al” missionary methods of evangelism. STEADY SQUEEZE This feeling is further intensified by the sweeping conditions of the Act, which are capable of very broad interpretation. This, in the light of the authority given to the Council of Ministers of the Sudan Govern ment to impose “whatever conditions they may think fit, either generally or in any specific case,” puts Chris tian missionaries in a most precarious position. It is not that Christian missions are surprised at opposition from Islam. It is no new thing for Muslims to make things tough for Christian mis sions. The purpose of the Act as stated in the preamble — “to regu late by means of a system of licenses in the Re public of Sudan (formerly the 8 us from making up lost ground. Three of our workers — 2 nurses and a gen eral missionary — have been de ported. All things considered, we have maintained the status quo as well as most societies and better than some. This has only been by dint of con stant negotiation and prayerful per sistence under the most trying condi tions. Present circumstances, of course, are trying, but our missionaries are making the best possible use of every open channel, and will continue to do so until they are irrevocably closed. Heavy emphasis is laid on the training of the national church, which in S.I.M. areas is small and not long out of animism. Permission for Bible Schools has been denied. Instruction is on a personal basis. Every station is making an all-out effort to train Christian leaders. The translation of the New Testa ment in the Uduk language, given “crash” priority, is now in the hands of the printers. This will make the Word of God available to the people of the SIM’s largest and most prom ising church district. Translation in the Mabaan language is likewise be ing pushed. The whole Bible is avail able in Arabic, but this is a second language to most southern tribes-peo- ple. Work at our Doro Hospital contin ues. It remains to be seen how the Act will affect it. Radio programs beamed from ELWA across the con tinent come in loud and clear, and by this means at least, the gospel in Arabic is still proclaimed. Pagan areas are still classified as “open,” but deportation of mission aries from these areas continues. The explanation is that the purpose for which the missionaries came has been accomplished. WE WILL STAY Thus at the human level it appears the door in Sudan is nearly shut. But remember Who it is Who has reserved for Himself the right to open and close doors (Rev. 3:7, 8)! From our point of view this is the hour of greatest perplexity. From God’s point of view this may be the hour of great est possibility. While there are still opportunities, and as long as they ex ist we will continue, by God’s grace, to represent Him there. The Mis sionary Societies Act is no surprise to God. God is God over all, and this is no emergency with Him. We believe our people should stay in the Sudan, even though curtailed, in their serv ices, to encourage and instruct the national church. We must pray and pray and pray, trusting God to work out His will. 9 a time of severe testing for them. One missionary writes, “As mission aries we can get along somehow, but we are deeply concerned about the church, the Christians. They need much prayer.” T h i s fortitude has developed through facing a long series of frus trating circumstances over the past five years. Pressure had begun long before the November 1958 army coup, and has not abated under the military government which is still in power. Mission societies have been obliged to prove that a qualified Sudanese is not available to perform a mission ary’s duties, or risk the possible loss of said missionary, classified as un necessary. This has been one reason for the almost impossible task of ob taining permits for either replace ments or new workers. As early as November 1960, the Roman Catholics reported 18 workers deported and 25 more denied re-entry visas. The 40-member staff of the Su dan United Mission, established in the Nuba Mountains since 1913, was steadily whittled away, with some workers deported so abruptly (15 days’ notice during the heavy rains) that they had to leave most of their goods behind. The last remaining few were refused further residence visas and departed the Sudan last December (1962), leaving the work entirely in the hands of the national church — in this case a healthy group of some 60 congregations. Most of these missionaries have been transfer red to S.U.M. work in the neighbor ing Republic of Chad. Presbyterian missionary ranks in the South Sudan have been all but decimated, with several more couples ordered out recently. Closely-related programs of Sudan- ization a n d Islamization w e r e launched, taking heavy toll of mis sions’ educational, medical and litera ture work. In a country where illi teracy is a major problem, almost every mission school was closed with one blow, by requiring compulsory teaching of the Koran. The government’s intention of pro viding expanded public health facili ties was given as the reason for clos All this, of course, has had its ef fect on the work of the S.I.M. No new S.I.M. stations have been opened since 1950. Two (out of 11) have been closed. Only five new workers have been allowed in since 1959 (includ ing a doctor and his wife, and a nurse). Staff has dropped from 58 to 41 in two years. Not all our losses have been directly due to restrictions, but the restrictions have prevented ing several clinics. EFFECT ON S.I.M. The youth of Africa can easily buy the wrong. type of literature. Limiting mis sionary activities will greatly reduce the opportunity of reaching them for Christ. For them there is still considerable scope for helping the national church. Government supervision of mis sions’ internal matters has reached an all-time high, now affecting lit erature, the holding of land, the place ment of missionaries, the employ ment of national workers. Regardless, many missionaries feel the church needs their help now more than ever. They are determined to stay on and do what they can, even though en meshed in red tape To leave now, they feel, would be to desert the church in her hour of need. It would also leave young, immature believers open to the advances of those who do stay on, foremost of which will undoubtedly be the Roman Catho lics, who conduct the largest mission ary program in the Sudan. This determination to hold the fort is the policy of the Sudan Interior Mission. Understandably, some missionaries who feel they cannot conscientiously comply with the conditions of these licenses, will transfer to other fields. For the most part, S.I.M. mission aries express concern for the national believers rather than for themselves. What the future holds for these be lievers no one really knows, but it is AUGUST, 1963 ducive to maladjustment. She felt conflicting emotions of superiority and inferiority. Talking with her Christian psychologist, she began to realize that she had been hiding many of her feelings from herself. She had felt that, as a Christian, she must continually “be in the showcase” and do no wrong. However, like the Apostle Paul, she found that “the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.” She began to realize what Jesus meant when He said, “Without Me, ye can do nothing.” There was only one way, and that was to quit trying; surrender her life; and allow Christ to live the Christian life in her, for only He could do so according to Romans 12:1 “. . . Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable serv ice” and I John 4:17b: “For we realize that our life in this world is actually His life lived in us.” (Phillips Translation). After considerable struggle, Nell emotionally accepted the fact that she was still a human being, with a carnal nature warring against the life of the Spirit in her and N e l l h a d t a l k e d to her counselor several times about the problems of living a single life. Finally, Nell raised this personal question: “How does a Christian handle her sex drives when she is single? I go about doing good works and trying to live the Christian life, but I am beset by this personal problem. I feel that I need to be married. Surely, every thing can’t be in the realm of the spiritual!” Thus Nell voiced the problem of many single wom en, who for various reasons have not found a life mate. Sometimes . it is; because they are afraid of men due to unfortunate experiences in their past. Sometimes they have had to forego marrying the man they loved because of other responsibilities which made it impractical, if not impossible. Others didn’t seem to attract the. sort of man that appealed to them. So here they are in their middle years, Christian women without the experience of married love. Widowed women have somewhat the same problem. They may even feel it is more difficult because they have known married companionship. On the other hand, a sex and the single girl A byJeanette Aerea Consulting Psycologist and Marriage Counselor that she had attitudes and unChristlike feelings. Finally, in humility and tears, she turned her life over to God, saying, “I’m quitting, God. I can’t do it. I turn my life over to You. From now on, you’re my Captain and I’ll depend on You alone.” The Lord did meet her need and she had a new sense of His presence. My, what happiness and peace filled her heart! She walked and talked with Him. At times she would slip back into the old patterns of self-effort and pride and would fail. But she learned to confess quickly and reaffirm her pledge of surrender; and again forgiveness and cleansing would be experienced (I John 1:9). Thus fel lowship was renewed, and peace and joy returned. She learned to “cut the nerve of her instinctive actions by obeying the Spirit” (Rom. 8:13, Phillips). Speaking of her former quest, she said, “I thought I had to have sex, that Jesus wasn’t all-sufficient. But I found that God doesn’t get rid of the natural longings of the heart; He fulfills them. He is completely satisfy ing!” woman who has never married often feels it is more onerous for her because she has never experienced sex satisfaction. As one woman put it, “They (the widowed) at least have been loved and have those memories to sustain them.” In either case, there is a very real need, and if unsatisfied, heartache, loneliness, and frustration usually result. Such women are advised to sublimate, and this does prove satisfying to many. They involve themselves in creative activities, such as forming new movements, drawing, painting, doing church work, teaching Sun day School, and a variety of other meaningful, helpful activities. However, there are some who find that these activities do not completely solve their problem. There is still an empty, lonely feeling too much of the time. They do •have urges they feel can only be satisfied through sexual gratification. Yet indulgence brings subsequent feelings of frustration and shame. What is the solution? Nell’s background was filled with experiences con- 10 THE KING'S BUSINESS in the storms o f life we need "IT h a v e n o f a n c y but the one thing needful is a brand-new experience of God among His people. I do not care what your favorite name for it may be. We have named it a-plenty, but most of us have never known it. The filling of the Spirit, full surrender, con secration, the victorious life, perfect love, revival—what ever you call it—most of us don’t have it. Too much of our orthodoxy is correct and sound but it is like words without tune, statues without songs. It does not stir the wells of the heart. It has lost its hallelu jah, it is too much like a catechism, not enough like a camp meeting. We may smile at our spiritual forbears, call some of them primitive and antiquated, but they had a vividness and vitality, a fervor and fire, that makes us look like fireflies beside their flaming witness. We need a heart-warming like Wesley knew that evening on Aldersgate Street. We need to find what Fletcher reached when, after wearying all hours of the night seeking peace, his eyes fell upon a signpost read ing, “Cast thy burden on the Lord” (Ps. 55:22). We may have it in a motto on the wall but the Word hung up in the house is one thing and the Word hidden in the heart is another. We need to learn with Frances Ridley Havergal, worn out with heart-searching and wrestling with sin that “the blood of Jesus Christ . . . cleanseth us from all sin,” I John 1:7, is the key that unlocks the gate of bondage and sets the spirit free. I do not mean that we are to copy their experiences. For one it may be as cyclonic and tempestuous as Fin ney’s dramatic meeting with the Lord. For another it may be as serene as an autumn sunset, as with A. B. Earle when a sweet heavenly peace filled his soul and a calm, childlike trust took possession of his whole being. We may rise from our knees singing “Onward, Chris tian Soldiers” like a camp-meeting Methodist; or we may feel so subdued that we can only whisper “Abide With Me.” But whatever form it takes, we need a fresh meet- name for it Talbot the lesson time, for these, too, are indicators of what they are thinking. By means of them you may know it is time to alter the direction of your remarks and seek to meet a new need. Too many teachers consider conver sation in class an interruption, where as it may be the very thing needed to show you whether or not the class is following your train of thought. If the class is not with you, what sense is there in continuing that par ticular line of reasoning? Visitation. Have you made a con centrated effort to visit the home of every student under your care? Just by walking into the house, and per haps into his own room, you can ob tain a wealth of material to affect your treatment of him in the Sunday school classroom. Once every six months, at least, you should visit each home. You might go at one time when you will find him home, and he can show you around. Again, you might go when he will be at school and you can talk with his parents. No one, not even the pastor, can possibly get as close to the student’s parents or guardians as you can, for you work intimately with him every week. As a representative of the church, you need to see your respon sibility to co-operate closely with the other two great character-building agencies, the home and the school. This leads us to the fact that you ought to also make an appearance at the Parent-Teacher Association meet ings now and then to visit with your students’ teachers. New facts concern ing each one will come to light. By visiting the gymnasium while your teen-age student plays basketball, you will likewise learn new facts to help unravel his personality and patterns of thinking. Adults ought not to be neglected, either, in the visitation program. Teachers in the adult department are apt to overlook the opportunities to be welcomed into the homes of their “stu dents.” Three words — observation, conver sation, and visitation — may seem like abstractions at present, but. if you ask God to make them come alive in your own teaching experience, you will find they give an impetus to your effectiveness which you never knew before. They will revolutionize your teaching! by Gordon G. may be fairly well assured that things are going well for him. Greet him with a big smile, ask how he is, and let him know you share his general sense of well-being. Knowing he is in good spirits, you might suggest that he lead the class in prayer at the proper time. He could possibly even be asked to give a testimony of God’s goodness. By observing his pleasant nature, you have prepared the way for an expression of praise to God. Observation, of course, is an end less job, for every time you see any of your students you will want to pick up new information about him or her. The chance encounter downtown, at the ball game, or on the highway will give you new clues to the personality involved. Some people act much dif ferently during the week than they do at church on Sunday. A total pic ture requires astute observation. Conversation. Have you ever made a Concentrated effort to carry on a conversation with each student under your care? Most pupils are rather in ept at concealing their feelings if you engage them in conversation that is pointed directly at finding out their needs, problems, and interests. From the ages of four or five years and upward, you will find many persons who are anxious to talk to you about themselves. Their thoughts will come tumbling out, hungry for expression. By arriving at the classroom early, the instructor may be on hand to talk with pupils as they come in. An ex perience related to the teacher from that week may be the very thing needed to catch the attention of the class and motivate it toward the main principle' to be considered in that day’s lesson. Even if conversation does nothing more than serve to establish rapport with the students, it is worth while. Conversation need not be limited to the student himself, for you can find out a great deal about him by tactfully talking with his friends. He may be too modest to mention an honor he received at school, or he may be unwilling to tell you about bad conditions in his home. But his friends will give you deeper insights concerning his life and the way he thinks. Your pupils should feel free to ask questions or make comments during O n e reason Christ was the world’s greatest teacher was because He could read the minds of men. Since we are not divine, however, we must find other ways to “read” the minds of our students. How may we find out what their needs, problems, and interests are? It is a matter of observation, conser vation, and visitation. The formula is easy to learn, but working it out in your own particular situation involves much time and energy. Observation. Have you ever made a concentrated effort to observe close ly each student under your care? A child will express his inward feel ing through his outward behavior much more openly than an adult, but any person reveals his thoughts some what by his appearance. Timidity, forwardness, joy, resentment, bore dom, and many other characteristics will show in the facial expressions of students. Most teachers are so busy getting prepared for the day’s activities that they lose good opportunities for ob serving their pupils. By reaching to the church early, a teacher may get the room ready in time to watch the stu dents arrive. Their moods are gen erally apparent to the keen observer, and these will affect the manner in which the instructor greets each one. If the primary girl walks briskly about the room with her shoulders high and a sparkle in her eyes, you might sus pect that something wonderful hap pened the past week. Ask her to tell you if something good took place. She might reply that her dress is new, her report card was tops, or her fav orite uncfe is coming to visit that afternoon. By observing her, you have found a key to open up her mind that day. If the teen-age fellow comes in with a long face, shuffles to his seat, and slumps into it dejectedly, you do not want to greet him with a resounding, cheerful remark. Assume a serious pose and gently ask him if he had a rough week. He may reply that his team lost the game the day before or that his girl stood him up on a date Friday evening. By observing his bear ing, you have discovered a need and moved to meet it. If the adult strides in, grips your hand warmly, and walks purposefully off to his seat in the classroom, you 12 THE KING'S BUSINESS E VISIT r o TARUBUNG by Ann Flory, Overseas Missionary Fellowship H ow w o u l d y o u l i k e you wouldn’t have to go to school or wear shoes. You wouldn’t have to make your bed or keep your room straightened. You wouldn’t have to run to the store for your mother. You’d have no chores such as wash ing dishes or setting the table. You could run and play all day long and go to bed at night whenever you wanted. Now you are wondering just where this place is, aren’t you, so that you can go there to live? Tarubung is not a city or a village; it is just a group of seven or eight grass-roofed houses resting on the side of a hill in Mindoro, one of the is lands of the Philippines. The people who live there are called Hanunoo. There are children there, too, just like you. Each family lives in a one- room house. They sleep on mats on the bamboo floor and in the morning they simply roll up their “beds” and put them in the comer. Then the floor is ready to be the breakfast table. All sit on the floor to eat. The dishes are filled with nice vegetable soup and flat baskets hold enough rice or sweet potatoes or boiled green bana nas for all the family. Each person reaches for some rice or potato or banana and eats it out of his hand or crumbles it up in his soup. Then he drinks some soup with a big noise. The vegetables and rice are picked out of the soup with the fingers and popped into the mouth. When the meal is over, the dishes are rinsed off and put back into the basket in the comer. Then the children can ran and play until time for the next meal while the parents go to work in their fields. “What is that noise?" you would no doubt ask if you were in Tam- bung. “And what does it mean?” Let’s ask Marta, one of the children who live in Tarubung. “That,” says Marta, “means that it is time to go to school. Oh, we don’t have to go to school; but we want to. You see, before the mission aries came we didn’t have any school to go to. I was almost eleven and I couldn’t read or write before Ana to live in Tarubung? If you lived there, started the school. Now I can read and I can write and can even add some. Ana taught us about Africa, too, from a pretty picture book she has. I like school. We sing songs about Jesus and then we hear a story from God’s Word. We don’t have any Bi bles to read, so we must listen very carefully to the stories. After the Bi ble story, We study our reading writ ing and numbers and before long the sun is straight overhead and it is time for school to end. I like school because I want to leam to read and write real well so some day I can go to a school where I can study all about God’s Word. It will take me a long time to leam that much because we don’t always have school. We have it only in the mornings for about two weeks and then the missionaries are gone for months and months because there are so many Hanunoo and they all need to be taught about the Lord Jesus, too.” Have you changed your mind about living in Tarubung? There may be lots of things you wouldn’t have to do — things you don’t like to do — but think of all the things you would miss! You couldn’t go to Sunday School every week and hear a new story about Jesus because there would be no one to ' teach you. You would have no books to read because you couldn’t understand the books there even if you learned to read. You would have no Bible to study either, and you couldn’t go to school every day if you wanted to because most of the time there is no school. I’m sure you would rather be where you are now, vyouldn’t you? You can pray for Marta and her cousins who study with the missionaries when they are in'Tarubung. These children love the Lord Jesus just as you do, and they want ,to grow up to serve Him, too. But they need a Bible to read to help them. You can pray, too, that the missionaries will soon have some parts of the Bible translated into Marta’s language. And maybe some day you will come to Tarubung to tell the Hanunoo people about the Lord Jesus and teach them from God’s Word. This is an invitation!
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