King's Business - 1963-08

N O W ! M O R E

T O Y O U !

Two completely separate Powers

J a paper 1exclusively for adults

m £Sa& By Dr. Dick H M M s B « l i » ¡Founder-Director. Overseas Crusades S s lhniiT»ii«iinr - i TYiM -m -ftnin-TiTB'ifiiiikinf r mi■■■ "117 • tv ~ 1 1 1111 T i n n— ~~i ei e ■ e i i e n l T T i i I S j AW t h e m — tens of thousands of them. They aré educated. They can read and write. In the past they Hj had voted with their hands. To vote with their feet was iH something new and difficult. I interview many of these people. Although every ■ story was different, each contained the same element of U cost. . . . “For my vote I gave up my parents.” ■ . . . “For mine I turned over everything I owned.” . . . “For my vote I surrendered my entire family.” It wasn’t really necessary for them to tell me their ■ stories. The price of their “voting” showed on their faces. ■ I told you I was there. I saw it with my own eyes — B this strange land where men and women, boys and girls, B vote with their feet. There they were like ants burrowed S into the rocky, almost useless, hillsides . . . doctors, law- ■ yers, teachers, business men . . . people from all walks jjK of life — I saw them all. I marveled at their courage. It takes courage to do what they had done. It takes i f courage to begin from scratch and to start life all over 9 again. Why had they chosen to vote with their feet? ■ I will let them give their own answers: “It is better to be a beggar in Hong Kong than to be B anything in Red China.” E “I felt death was better than Communist slavery.” “I could not stand to have my children told there was “Our church was taken away and our Bibles and |E hymn books confiscated. We were ordered not to meet 9 e together in worship. This made life so useless. I knew I Bj could not live this way. Marxism was making animals ■ out of us, so, like thousands of my fellow countrymen, W I fled. We cast our votes against atheistic Communism S the only way you can. We voted with our feet.” Brave “voters” of Hong Kong, I salute you! Yes, I R admit I get all choked up inside for you and perhaps H am over-emotional about you. Jesus was moved with when He saw the multitude. I have learned ■ w compassion ■EB something very important from you. With courage, for- H E titude, and high cost you have voted against atheism. ■ | I pray that with the same courage and sacrifice I might ■ f take the Gospel into all the world. “Go ye . . .” makes real sense now. Join me, Chris- n MP tian friend. It’s time we, for the cause of Christ, “voted” with our feet. ■ no God.”

all eight pages 100% teen slanted

Both full of the dynamic real-life stories that have made POWER a famous name wherever take-home papers are read. All eight pages different in each paper.. . each aimed at a specific age group. Com­ pletely separate . . . beginning with the

October, 1963 quarter. POW ER fo r Living

The weekly take-home paper for adults, col­ lege age and over. Eight attractive pages of real-life stories, devotional material, and arti­ cles on Christian living. Only 30 cents per

person per quarter! Teen POW ER

Eight colorful pages of real-life stories, short features, and counsel columns demonstrate how God works in the lives of today’s men of faith. Just 30 cents per pupil per quarter. Add a new dimension to your Sunday School with both POWERS ... and three other Scripture Press take-home papers

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AUGUST, 1963

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