C h r i s t i a n
PERSECUTION IN ACTS The Christian is in constant conflict with the world and powers of evil. INTRODUCTION When and why did persecution start? 1. Cain persecuted Abel I John 3:11-13 a. Cain was of that wicked one I John 3:12 b. He slew Abel I John 3:12 compare with John 8:44 c. His own works were evil though re ligious I John 3:12 d. Abel’s works were righteous I John 3:12 This pattern has been followed through the years. 2. Ishmael persecuted Isaac Galatians 4: 23, 29 a. Ishmael was bom after flesh Galatians 4:23 b. Isaac was bom by promise Galatians 4:23 c. Ishmael, bom after flesh, persecuted Isaac, bom after Spirit Galatians 4:29 d. So it is now Galatians 4:29 3. Egyptians persecuted Jews Exodus 1:2-15; 12:42 4. Haman persecuted Mordecai 5. Our Lord foretold persecution Mat thew 5:10-12; John 18:18, 19 6. Paul warned of persecution II Tim othy 3:12 I. Persecution in chapter 4 1. Reason — Preaching 4:1-3, 21 a. Note who persecuted the disciples 4:1 b. Resurrection was the theme 4:2 c. Imprisoned, threatened 4:3, 21 2. Reaction 4:23-30 a. They made a report 4:23 b. They praised God 4:24-28 c. They prayed for boldness, not de liverance 4:29, 30 3. Results 4:31-35 a. Filled with Holy Ghost 4:31 b. Multitude of one heart and soul 4:32 c. Money was given generously 4:32, 34, 35 II. Persecution in chapter 5 1. Reason—Popularity 5:12-18 2. Reaction 5:19-21, 29-32, 41 3. Result 5:42; 6:1 III. Persecution in chapter 6 1. Reacon—Prejudice 6:10-15 2. Reaction 7:59, 60 3. Result Saul saved 9:1-6 IV. Persecution in chapter 8 1. Reason—Pride 8:1-3 2. Reaction 8:4, 5 3. Result 8:6-8
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V. Persecution in chapter 16 1. Reason—Power 16:18 2. Reaction 16:25 3. Result 16:26-33
AUGUST, 1963
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