Wheaton, Illinois Please send me the following free materials: □ Scripture Press 1964 catalog □ Sample packets for the ages checked: --------Cradle Roll--------Nursery-------- Beginner-------- Primary_____ Junior --------Young Teen -------- Senior High -------Adult ______ Home □ Free filmstrip "SO HIGH A CALLING” with 33Vi rpm record (for loan only) Date desired: first choice-------- second choice_____ Name-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Street Address----------------s-------------------------------------------------- ------------- City------ .---------------------------------------------- ( ) State___________________ Church------------------------------------------------------------------ ,---------- ------- Check position: □ Pastor □ DCE □ Superintendent □ Teacher
F o r s e v e r a l days there was a puz zled expression on Jerry’s face. The other boys adjusted to the camp program quite well, but something was troubling Jerry. The summer camp enabled boys from different backgrounds and de nominations to spend several weeks in camp life and Christian training. The speaker of the evening meeting was presenting some Bible lessons in which he was giving God’s way of salvation. Jerry hadn’t heard it pre sented in this way; it was new and challenging. He had learned many things about Christ and the Christian life in Sunday school, but this was different. His camp counselor noticed that Jerry, unlike the other boys, seemed troubled, and so he had several con versations with the boy. Soon he made the discovery that the message by the teacher had taken root in Jerry’s heart. At the evening devo tions this counselor made a clear ex planation of the way in which one becomes a Christian, a child of God. He read some Bible verses and ex plained them. During the prayer time, he asked the boys if any were not certain of their spiritual condi tion. He said that if anyone would raise his hand, he would be glad to take some time to help him. He quiet ly waited some minutes, and then Jerry’s hand went up. The counselor explained the way of salvation in which Jerry might find this same reality that the other boys had ex perienced. Jerry responded willingly, opening the door of his young heart to the One who alone could bring this assurance, the Lord Jesus Christ. During these summer months thou sands of boys and girls will be in summer camps. Many of them will not have had an understanding of the way of salvation. Alert, dedicated counselors can use these opportunities to bring them to Christ. It is one of the great present-day evangelistic op portunities. If you have not decided what you could do during the summer, offer your service to your church or de nomination to serve in this way. It is a golden opportunity. Use it!
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AUGUST, 1963
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