King's Business - 1963-08

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by L.S. Chafer Great Bible Student and Teacher Unfolds the great doctrines of The Cross, Redemption and Eternal Security— the Alpha and Omega of God's love. 149 pages, $2.50 Read these Chafer Titles TRUE EVANGELISM — a message- that is revolutionary in soul winning, the work of all believers. 143 pages, $2.50 HE THAT IS SPIRITUAL $2.50 KINGDOM IN HISTORY AND PROPHECY $2.50 GRACE (Amazing Truths) $3.00 AT YOUR BOOKSTORE

endon Press, and are easy to read. (We are still looking for a map that shows accurately and clearly the jour­ neys of Abraham. This work omits that and the customary journeys of Paul as well.) Archaeological sites are indicated on two maps, and excavations done up to 1958 are located. This is a valuable help for the student, who has not had the benefit of a course in Biblical archaeology. The book will be found quite useful, with an extensive gazetteer and sites which appear differently in the several main versions so indicated (ASV, KJV, NEB, RSV, and RV). 144 pages; paper or cloth; Oxford University Press, New York; $2.50 or $4.95. BOOK ENDS (A Review of Current Publications) A LITTLE EXERCISE FOR YOUNG THEOLO­ GIANS by Helmut Thiel icke. 41 pages; paper; Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., $.95. Thiel icke al­ ways stimulates. This little book is exactly what its title indicates. He challenges the theolog (and the pastor could well assume this role for the purpose of reading the book), and Stimulates him to a more perfect endeavor. A quote: ". . . Essentially dogmatic theology is a theology which is prayed . . . Whoever ceases to be a man of the spirit automatically fur­ thers a false theology" (p. 36). SIMPLE SERMONS FOR FUNERAL SERVICES by W. Herschel Ford. 54 pages; Zondervan Pub­ lishing House, Grand Rapids; $1.50. There are eight suggestive outlines and other features of the service for several specific types of individuals. QUOTABLE ILLUSTRATIONS by Robert G. Lee. 152 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. The Southern pulpit orator shares here ’some of his choicest anecdotes. This is always profitable material for personal or public use. There is an index, but why in the front of the book? ELDERS AT WORK by Elmer Kettner. 41 pages; paper; Concordia Publishing House, Saint Louis; $.75. This is a training manual for use with a filmstrip in five lessons. Detailed suggestions are given for creating an exciting and fruitful series which will enrich the life of the church. THE CHRISTIAN HOME by R. I. Humberd. 60 pages paper; the author, Flora, Ind.; $.35. Choosing words and phrases from Scripture, Mr. Humberd covers the principal features of the fine art of holy living within the family. FAITH THAT MAKES SENSE by J. Edwin Orr. 109 pages; paper; Judson Press, Valley Forge, Pa.; $1.45. In forceful, yet simple, language tne essential elements of the Christian way are set forth. The existence of God, revelation, authority, sin, regeneration, and the decision of the will are subjects covered in the ten chapters. Recommended books are available from the Biola Book-Rooms, 560 South Hope Street , Los Angeles; 121 W est . Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus . Handy mail order service is also available. Free descrip­ tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request .

Your Child's Religion By The Rev. Randolph Crump M iller Miller’s treatment of the use of re­ ligion and morals in the home is a very practical approach. He uses a question and discussion technique to cover the basic religious questions of parents in helping their children de­ velop a keener sense of moral stature. He covers religion in the home, church, school, and secular activities. His coverage of basic problems and responsibilities of the parents is well done. However, there is difficulty in his major premise. Throughout the book, the reader will be left with the feeling that the emphasis is primarily on a moral or “religious” nature rath­ er than on a regenerated nature. This is the result of a Bushnellian influ­ ence. As the matter of fact, Bushnell is often quoted, and the religious in­ struction in the home is designed to help the child “grow into a Christian nature.” The book is helpful in many areas from a practical point of view, that is, help can be found in the book in dealing with temper tantrums, steal­ ing, lying, religious instruction in the home, arguing, mixed marriage, etc. An over-all view of the moral and religious responsibility of the church are obviously treated but the conver­ sion experience is omitted. In the final analysis, the premise and the ap­ proach are circumscribed by a liberal theology, xix, 164 pages; cloth; Dou­ bleday, New York; $2.95.—Reviewed by Dr. Bill Bynum, Professor, Biola College and Talbot Theological Sem­ inary. Bible atlases nowadays are a com­ bination of Bible history, archaelogi- cal findings as related to the Bible, and maps. This volume includes geo­ graphy and some history of surround­ ing nations. It contains around sixty photographic illustrations of sites and objects and twenty-five maps. Maps not usually found in such a work present vegetation in Biblical times, mean annual rainfall, and trade routes. The maps are produced by the cartographic department of Clar­ Oxford Bible Atlas Edited by Herbert G. May

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