King's Business - 1963-08

P T i T r ü M S P F â n v r n n A n m w i n

called on the convention to take ac­ tion toward ridding the Baptist school system of liberalism among its teach­ ers.” Reporter Bill Porterfield wrote in the Houston Chronical: “Fundamen­ talist White was the man who pushed through the 1962 Southern Baptist Convention a resolution which re­ jected a seminary professor’s ‘liberal theological views’ espoused in a book called The Message of Genesis . . . The author was Dr. Ralph Elliott, fired that year from the Midwestern Baptist Seminary at Kansas City. El­ liott suggested in his book that Gene­ sis should be interpreted figuratively rather than literally . . . White’s suc­ cessful resolution reaffirmed faith ‘in the entire Bible as the authoritative, authentic, infallible Word of God.’ He termed Elliott’s dismissal from the seminary ‘the first step in a move­ ment to slow the trend of liberalism in the Southern Baptist Convention! . . . He crossed the denominational line in 1961 to tell Episcopal Bishop James A. Pike that Pike’s ‘non-essen-

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Dr. K. Owen White tial’ view of the virgin birth of Christ was a denial of the authority of the Bible and making God a liar’ ”. But Dr. White’s new position will not be an easy one. This is borne out by a statement of Melvin Steakley, also of the Chronical: “Dr. White’s attack on seminary ‘liberalism’ dis­ pleased the ‘establishment’ by rock­ ing the boat of Southern Baptist tran­ quility . . . with the possible excep­ tion of Southwestern Baptist Theolo­ gical Seminary in Ft. Worth, about 80% of the seminary professors hold views similar to those of discharged Dr. Ralph Elliott.” Whether these figures are completely accurate we do not know, but we do know that we shall certainly pray for our cour­ ageous alumnus and fellow-minister, Dr. K. Owen White, that he may con­ tinue to be the valiant-for-truth that he has always been.

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Martin Luther Write for Catalogue Phone: 691-7785 BI0LA FILMS 13800 BIOLA A V E. LA M IRADA, CALIF. 39

AUGUST, 1963

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