alumni news by Inez McGahey
F LANN ELG RAPH S from GENESIS to REVELAT ION Make your talks dynamic, your teaching easier with Story-O-Graphs Bible Characters. REALISTIC, LIFE-LIKE DRAWINGS, full COLOR, large size. 13 colorful hand painted backgrounds. Vis-U-Fold . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod and fabric board folds into compact roll. Write for FREE folder and price list to: STORY-O-GRAPHS, P.O. Box 145-M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Calif.
Eunice Peevey ’46, ’47 SMM, Lowell, Arizona: “June marks the eleventh month of ‘Mission Mailbag’ broadcasts. . . . Many letters have been received telling of the help and blessings brought to hearts and homes. Also, I have been enabled to do deputation work . . . and see the Lord open doors in churches, schools, and serv ice groups. The Word has gone forth into many other countries, also: the Korean orphans, the food and supplies and money sent to Nigeria, etc. Now Sudan Interior Mission is publishing some of our tracts for use in a Yoruba Literature Center in Ilorin, Nigeria.” George ’61 and Irene Neeley, Bums, Colorado: “We, are working with three small churches here in this county which has changed very little since the time of the early pioneers. We have seen a num ber come to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and others dedicate or rededicate their lives to Him. Now, we feel that the Lord has plans for us to go to the foreign mis sion field . . . and I plan to enter pre medical work at Wheaton in preparation for medical school . . . then to the field as a medical missionary. Pray for us.” Steven Anderson ’62, Losmos, Washing ton: “For those who have been praying for our work among the young people . . . we want to report that two fellows men tioned last time have accepted Christ. . . . Recently I handed my New Testament to a man and pointed to several verses. As he took the powerful Sword and began to examine its edge, I could sense a change in his haughty spirit. I am thank ful for what I learned at Biola . . . and for this very, very profitable time of put ting it into practice. The Lord willing, I shall be in Biola’s School of Missionary Medicine next year.” Larry ’58 and Margaret (Boyd ’57) All- mon, Madrid, Spain: “We should like to share with you some views and ideas. It appears that God is preparing to give this country an opportunity to hear the Gos pel. Spain is almost being forced to join the “Common Market” . . . which could prove to be the wedge that will finally open her door. . . . Also, there are clear tendencies to revive the old Roman Em pire. We feel the need of a Bible train ing center here in Spain. Thousands of towns and villages, as well as several capitals of provinces, have no Gospel testi mony . . . and we feel that the young Spaniards should be trained to spread the Gospel. . . . Our plans are for a Center for Bible training . . . two-year courses. There are many needs, Pray fer vently for this Center.” Peggy and Howard Smith ’61, Golden, Colorado: “There are many testimonies of the blessings and helps that Pioneer Bible Clubs have been to young people.” They ask special prayer for their sons who have been ill, and for the work in the various rural areas as they serve under The American Sunday School Union.
Gives a basic introduction to home and foreign missions and provides constant challenge, through numerous missionary chapels and faculty emphasis, to carry the Gospel to the uttermost parts of the world.
Provides the student with the content of his message, the manner of delivery of his sermon, successful methods of pastoral work, opportunities for practical experience, and an active place ment service after graduation.
EVANGELISM Believes the successful pastor must be a soul winner, challenges him to this task, supplies him with the tools requisite to winning souls for Christ, and instructs him in their use in the local church and in evangelistic campaigns.
Lays a firm foundation for theological graduate study for students desiring education as their life work, and equips its graduates to he successful Bible teachers in the local church and upon the mission field.
For further information, catalogue, bulletin, and other data, write to D EAN , T A L B O T TH EO LO G IC A L S EM IN A R Y 13800 B IO LA AVE ., L A M IR A D A , CA L IF .
AUGUST, 1963
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