M e a l i z i n g the economic and spirit ual needs of fellow Mennonite friends in South America, many of whom had fled from religious perse cution in Europe, several business and professional men in the United States organized a unique ministry known as MEDA (Mennonite Economic De velopment Association). As early as 1952, leaders of the group conducted flying missions to determine the most effective way of assisting these economically oppressed fellow-Christians. The solution was found in a partnership arrangement whereby American capital and tech nical advice are furnished for South American partners who in turn pro vide labor and management. Projects are designed to become self-liquidat ing and profit-making ventures. All proceeds are then reinvested in the enterprise from which funds are de rived, or in new services which may be needed. No cash earnings have been withdrawn from any of these es tablished colonies and the program is expected to increase to other areas of the world. Mr. E. J. Peters, Wasco, California farmer, serves as chairman of the group. Erie Sauder, Archbold, Ohio; Edward Snyder, Waterloo, Ontario; Howard Yoder, Wooster, Ohio and Ivan Martin, Blue Ball, Pennsylvania are other members of the executive committee. Regional sub-committees have been set up for Paraguay, Uru guay and the Congo. As the work first started, each ME DA partner invested up to $5,000 in the program, with a subsequent capi talization of $50,000 increased and THE KING'S BUSINESS
Mennordte spiritual ambassador shakes hands with one of the shop employees.
The children enjoy a free ride on one of the improved stock animals. Below, the leather processing machine with two Mennonite operators.
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