King's Business - 1963-08

blunted by alcohol. . . . It is considered a significant contributing factor in the growing incidence of illegitimate births.” And what has been exposed in the Los Angeles area has doubtless been dupli­ cated on a proportionate basis in practically every part of the coun­ try- But as terrifying and alarming as this situation is revealed to be, it is even more terrifying to read that "the experts believe paren­ tal example is the most significant factor in determining whether a teenager will experiment with alcohol. Since adults are drinking more, it would follow that teenagers are also. The evidence seems to back this up.” It is further stated that the chairman of the County Medical Association’s Committee on Alcoholism adds to parental example, "the fact that children today are exposed to a great mass of liquor advertising which pictures alcohol in a sophisticated and alluring fight.” It is not juvenile delinquency that is the curse of our country today, rather it is — as has been expressed — "adult delinquency” that is the cause, in large measure, of this deplorable condition. Furthermore, there seems to be a very strange silence among the clergy of today in regard to the evils of drinking, smoking, narcotics, gambling, promiscuity and other so-called worldly “amusements” which, in former generations, were heartily and outspokenly condemned by the Christian church but which, to­ day, apparently are condoned. Preachers, today, for the most part dare not speak out against any of these conditions for fear of offending the more influential members of the congregation and thus risking the loss of substantial support which is so sorely needed to maintain the church. It is indeed tragic that today there is no concerted voice to speak out against the evils of the liquor traffic. Years ago there was the Anti-Saloon League (before the days of its corrupt demise). Then the Women’s Christian Temperance Union was an influential organization. But voices of protest were almost silenced and their generation passed largely because of the apathy of the Christian public and, indeed, in many instances, the outright forth by these organizations. But the more thoughtful of this pres­ ent generation who, when they were younger themselves, laughed at the WCTU and the anti-liquor efforts put forth by that band of noble women, are wondering where today there might be found a fearless voice which might at least help to stem the tide of the hellish drinking habit that is claiming more and more of our splendid young people and dragging them down into the abyss of alcoholism and the. evils which stem from it. The WCTU still functions courageously against terrific odds, as do all forces of righteousness. We would to God that the great Protestant denominations meeting in solemn conclave might once again determine to thunder forth the great truths found in the Word of God which warn against these evils that can do nothing but tear down and destroy the bodies and moral fiber of this people. Such preaching may not be considered "positive thinking,” but at least it has the rather unique distinction of conforming to some very positive and definite "negative preaching” which is most forcibly expressed in the Word of God itself.


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AUGUST, 1963

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