April 2018
8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440, Houston, Texas 77017 | 281-402-3478
page 1 How to Increase Your Luck
page 2 The Message Behind Kindness Rocks
page 3 Three Auto Accident Aftermath Myths
page 4 Texas Education Is Going to the Dogs
because hard work requires focus and dedication, but skills overcome talent every time. Thomas Jefferson once said, “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.” Luck is achieved when hard work meets opportunity. The harder you work, the more happy occasions will be presented to you. The more willing you are to take advantage of these opportunities, the more success you will have. Angela Lee Duckworth is a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, where she studies grit and self-control. Her mission in life is to understand what makes people successful and how we can teach a success-driven mindset to children. After her experience as a seventh- grade math teacher, Duckworth realized there was more to the success of her students than IQ. In fact, many of her students with average IQs excelled in her classroom, and many students with the highest IQs struggled with the curriculum. After enrolling in graduate school to become a psychologist, she conducted many years of research on the predictors
As a business owner and attorney, I’m often asked the question, “Does luck play a role in success?” In my opinion, luck can play a role in your successes in life, but it often plays a much smaller part than factors you can control. And to me, that is fantastic news. Even if you have luck on your side, you won’t achieve success unless you are able to recognize the opportunities set in front of you and have prepared yourself to take advantage of them. Opportunities arise for each of us every day, but unfortunately, many of us don’t recognize them for what they are. In order to recognize an opportunity and take full advantage of it, we must have the right mindset. This means we don’t make excuses for ourselves and we don’t wallow in our bad fortune. Instead, we prepare. comes naturally, but you can have all the talent in the world and still lose to someone who has worked hard for their skill. As the famous saying goes, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” Preparing properly may take a long time, Preparation is the difference between talent and skill. Talent
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Have you ever had one of those days when nothing seems to go right? You wake up late, you can’t find your keys, the kids aren’t ready, and the day continues to unfold in a negative fog. Those difficult days are the reason Megan Murphy started the Kindness Rocks Project. After her parents passed away, she found comfort in finding heart-shaped rocks and sea glass on the beach. She realized that these small tokens might make other people feel better, too. Megan’s friend, one of the first to pick up a rock Megan had left behind, sent her an encouraging message after finding it: “If you did drop this rock, you made my day.” Since then, Megan has inspired others with randomly placed messages of kindness. She finds a rock, paints a kind message on it, and leaves it on the beach for others to find. And the idea has spread. As the project has grown, so have people’s stories about finding kindness rocks. When people find a kindness rock, they get a boost to their day, but they also feel inspired to pay the kindness forward. If you want to spread kindness, start with a few smooth 3- to 5-inch rocks. Part of the adventure is in finding the rocks, so take the time to explore outside to find them. Maybe take the kids for a trek to a nearby park or beach. Once you have your rocks, use nontoxic paint or spray paint to color them. Use bright colors so that others can spot them. After the paint has dried, use paint pens to write your messages on the rocks. These can be as simple as one word or as big as an inspiring quote or verse. After you’ve written your message, use a clear nontoxic sealant to protect your artwork so it will be there when others find it. Find an outdoor space to leave your rock — maybe even in the original spot you found it. How to Make Your Own Kindness Rocks
Boral Agency is unique for the relationships they forge with their clients. Most marketing agencies only work with hard data and facts, but it is the intangibles that make the difference. Boral Agency incorporates the personality of the owner, the culture of the business, and the business’s purpose into their marketing while also using hard facts and figures. Relationships allow both the client and Boral Agency to shine in a loud and crowded marketplace. Boral Agency is really an extension of your marketing team. They mentor their clients, offering them the knowledge they need to make the best choices in every aspect of their marketing campaigns. Whether it’s a website that needs to bring in client traffic, a new company brand, or a lesson on audience engagement with social media, Boral Agency provides their clients with the tools and confidence to increase sales. To learn more about what Boral Agency can do for you, visit Also, be sure to visit to view a collaborative video by Don E. McClure Jr. and Brenda Boral on the importance of relationships and having a marketing action plan. of success. She found that the common theme between the successful individuals she studied wasn’t good looks, health, or IQ. It was grit. Grit is passion and perseverance with a focus on long- term goals. Grit means you have stamina and are dedicated to working day in and day out for years to make your ideal future a reality. In order to experience more luck, focus on becoming grittier. Don’t let failure stop you from trying again. Don’t let roadblocks get you down. Instead, learn from your mistakes, and always keep your eyes open for the next opportunity. ... Continued from cover
In a world that often seems dark, your message of kindness will serve as a beacon of hope for others.
“One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, and one life can change the world.” –Gautama Buddha
I hope you had a wonderful Easter. We look forward to seeing you soon.
–Don E. McClu re Jr.
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2018 de abril
8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440, Houston, Texas 77017 | 281-402-3478
Prepararse adecuadamente puede llevar mucho tiempo, porque el trabajo duro requiere atención y dedicación, pero las habilidades siempre superan al talento. Thomas Jefferson dijo una vez, “Creo bastante en la suerte. Y he constatado que, cuanto más duro trabajo, más suerte tengo.” La suerte llega cuando el trabajo duro coincide con la oportunidad. Cuanto más duro trabajes, más oportunidades se te presentarán. Cuanto más dispuesto estés a aprovechar estas oportunidades, más éxito tendrás. Angela Lee Duckworth es psicóloga de la Universidad de Pensilvania, donde estudia determinación y autocontrol. Su misión en la vida es comprender qué hace que las personas tengan éxito y cómo podemos inculcarles a los niños una mentalidad impulsada por el éxito. Tras su experiencia como profesora de matemáticas de séptimo grado, Duckworth se dio cuenta de que el éxito de sus estudiantes no se debía solo al CI. De hecho, muchos de sus estudiantes con un CI medio sobresalieron en sus clases, y muchos con el CI más alto tuvieron problemas con el plan de estudios. Después de matricularse en una escuela de postgrado para ser psicóloga, se dedicó a investigar muchos años los indicadores de éxito. Descubrió que lo que tenían en común las personas con
Como propietario de un negocio y abogado, a menudo me preguntan: “¿La suerte juega un papel en el éxito?” En mi opinión, la suerte puede tener su función en los éxitos de la vida, pero a menudo juega un papel mucho más pequeño contra los factores que puedes controlar. Y, para mí, eso es algo fantástico. Aunque tengas la suerte de tu lado, no alcanzarás el éxito a menos que seas capaz de reconocer las oportunidades que se te presentan y estés preparado para aprovecharlas. Nos surgen oportunidades todos los días pero, por desgracia, muchos de nosotros no sabemos verlas por lo que son. Para reconocer una oportunidad y aprovecharla al máximo, debemos tener la mentalidad correcta. Esto significa que no debemos inventarnos excusas ni enredarnos en nuestra mala suerte. En lugar de eso, debemos prepararnos. La preparación es la diferencia entre el talento y la habilidad. El talento es algo natural, pero puedes tener todo el talento del mundo y no tener nada en contra a alguien que ha trabajado duro para lograr tener capacidad. Como dice el famoso refrán, “El trabajo duro supera al talento cuando el talento no trabaja duro.”
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Publicación de The Newsletter Pro •
¿Alguna vez has tenido uno de esos días en los que nada parece ir bien? Te levantas tarde, no encuentras las llaves, los niños no están preparados y el día sigue avanzando en una gran nube de negatividad. Esos días complicados son la razón por la que Megan Murphy comenzó el proyecto “The Kindness Rocks Project” (el proyecto de las rocas bondadosas). Cuando sus padres fallecieron, se reconfortaba buscando piedras con forma de corazón y cristales de mar en la playa. Fue entonces cuando se dio cuenta de que esos pequeños símbolos podrían hacer que otras personas también se sintieran mejor. La amiga de Megan, una de las primeras en recoger una piedra que Megan había dejado, le transmitió un mensaje alentador después de encontrarla: “Si tú has soltado esta piedra, me has alegrado el día.” Desde ese momento, Megan se ha dedicado a inspirar a otros con mensajes de bondad colocados de forma aleatoria. Encuentra una piedra, dibuja un mensaje bonito en ella y la deja en la playa para que otros la encuentren. Y la idea se ha extendido. Amedida que ha ido creciendo el proyecto, también lo han hecho las historias de personas que encuentran piedras llenas de bondad. Cuando una persona encuentra una piedra bondadosa, recibe un impulso en su día, pero además se siente inspirada para devolver esa bondad. Si quieres repartir bondad, empieza con unas cuantas piedras lisas de un tamaño de entre 3 y 5 pulgadas. Parte de la aventura está en encontrar las piedras, por lo que debes tomarte el tiempo necesario para explorar el exterior y buscarlas. Una idea es llevar a los niños de excursión a un parque o playa cercanos. Una vez que tengas las piedras, utiliza pintura o pintura en spray no tóxica para darles color. Utiliza colores brillantes para que los demás puedan localizarlas. Cuando la pintura se haya secado, usa marcadores de pintura para escribir tus mensajes en las piedras. Pueden ser tan simples como una sola palabra o tan grandes como una cita o verso inspirador. Después de escribir el mensaje, utiliza un sellador transparente no tóxico para proteger tu obra y que siga intacta cuando otros la encuentren. Busca un lugar al aire libre en el que dejar tu piedra. Puede ser incluso el mismo sitio en el que la encontraste. En un mundo que a menudo parece oscuro, tu mensaje de bondad servirá como un faro de esperanza para los demás. “Unmomento puede cambiar un día, un día puede cambiar una vida, y una vida puede cambiar el mundo.” –Gautama Buddha 2 | Cómo hacer tus propias piedras bondadosas
Boral Agency es una entidad única por las relaciones que establece con sus clientes. La mayoría de agencias de marketing trabajan con datos y hechos concretos, pero los intangibles son los que realmente marcan la diferencia. Boral Agency incorpora la personalidad del propietario, la cultura de empresa y el propósito comercial en su marketing, al mismo tiempo que utiliza datos y cifras concretas. Las relaciones permiten que tanto los clientes como Boral Agency destaquen dentro de un mercado ruidoso y abarrotado. Boral Agency es realmente una extensión de tu equipo de marketing. Asesoran a sus clientes, ofreciéndoles el conocimiento que necesitan para tomar las mejores decisiones en todos los aspectos de sus campañas de marketing. Independientemente de si se trata de un sitio web que necesita generar tráfico de clientes, una nueva marca de empresa o una lección sobre el compromiso del público con las redes sociales, Boral Agency brinda a sus clientes las herramientas y la confianza para aumentar las ventas. Para obtener más información sobre lo que Boral Agency puede hacer por ti, visite Además, no te olvides de visitar para ver un vídeo colaborativo de Don E. McClure Jr. y Brenda Boral sobre la importancia de las relaciones y de tener un plan de acción de marketing.
... Continuación de la portada
éxito que había estudiado no era su buena apariencia, su salud o su CI. Era la determinación.
La determinación es pasión y perseverancia centrándose en objetivos a largo plazo. La determinación significa que posees la fortaleza y dedicación para trabajar diariamente durante años con el fin de hacer realidad tu futuro ideal. Para tener más suerte, céntrate en tener más determinación. No permitas que los errores te impidan intentarlo de nuevo. No dejes que los obstáculos del camino te desanimen. En su lugar, aprende de tus errores y mantén siempre los ojos abiertos para la próxima oportunidad.
Espero que hayas tenido una Pascua fantástica. Esperamos verte muy pronto.
Don E. McClu re Jr.
All you need to do is exchange license and insurance information with the other party or parties involved. If their insurance company does contact you, there’s nothing wrong with answering and being polite, but never give a statement regarding the accident. Myth No. 3 Many people believe that you don’t need an attorney after an accident. However, the best thing you can do is call your accident attorney, even before you call your insurance provider. While you may have an obligation to cooperate with your own insurance company in certain circumstances, a lawyer can provide you with expert advice before you agree on any settlements, especially while you are still in shock after an accident. Warning! Insurance companies are not your friends. Their job is to deny your claim or offer you the lowest amount of money possible. Don’t be a victim twice. If you’re unsure how to handle the aftermath of a car accident, call us today at 281-402-3478.
The Law Office of Don E. McClure Jr. has handled personal injury cases involving auto accidents for years. One thing we’ve learned is that many of our clients have misconceptions about the steps they should take in the aftermath of a car accident. Hopefully, this article provides some clarity. Myth No. 1 Many people believe that your first phone call after a car accident should be to your insurance provider. However, the first phone call you make should always be to 911, even if nobody was injured in the wreck. If someone has been injured, your first priority should be to seek medical attention for that person. But even if no one is hurt, calling 911 and reporting the accident will get a police officer at the scene. They will be able to objectively examine the damages caused by the wreck. Myth No. 2 Some individuals will try to convince you that you must speak with the other party’s insurance company. But you are never under that obligation. These calls are recorded and meant to be used against you when you file a claim. At the Law Office of Don E. McClure Jr., we treat our clients like family, because many of you are family or have been referred by family! Almost every client we have can be traced back to our family tree. As a result, your case is not just business; it’s personal! That’s why every referral you send our way makes THANK YOU FOR TRUSTING US WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS
When the sister of one of my clients was killed by a car wreck, her insurance company refused to pay her family the policy limit of $75,000. Instead, they said her life was only worth $25,000. Fortunately, a jury sided with the family and awarded them $760,000. Remember, insurance companies will do whatever they can to avoid paying you the compensation you deserve; doing the right thing is not a priority. Don’t deal with insurance companies alone — call us for assistance.
a difference. We get to help even more people, and our
family tree continues to grow. For that, we thank you for your referrals and for trusting us to not only help you, but to help the people you care about.
8866 Gulf Freeway, Suite 440 Houston, Texas 77017
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This publication is for informational purposes only and no legal advice is intended.
the pup. They continued to hide the dog in the dorm until it was clear she wasn’t going anywhere. Reveille was officially made mascot before the opening football game of that season. As her first duty, she led the marching band onto the field during halftime. While the first Reveille was a mutt, the second was a Shetland sheepdog. The rest have been collies. The mascot is always cared for by a sophomore cadet — a mascot corporal — who takes the dog everywhere he or she goes, including to class. There is even a tradition that states if Reveille barks at any point during class, the rest of that class is canceled for the day.
brought the dog back to their dorm, disregarding the no-pet policy. The students intended to take the pup to the school vet first thing in the morning. But before that could happen, an intruder broke into the dorm. The injured dog jumped into action, barking at the intruder. It was an unusual bark that was evocative of a reveille — the bugle call most famously used by the military, particularly in the morning hours. Inspired, the students dubbed the dog Reveille. Of course, school policy didn’t change. Pets were still not allowed, but that didn’t stop the cadets who adored
4 | dorms after a party when they hit a dog. Shocked, the cadets jumped out of the car and picked up the lost mutt. They Meet Reveille IX, the highest-ranking member of the Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets. But she’s not a student. She’s a collie, and she’s Texas A&M’s mascot. Reveille IX became the mascot in 2015. The role dates back to 1931, when the first Reveille became the school’s mascot, establishing one of the most admired — and adorable — school traditions in the country. The first Reveille became mascot by pure chance. As the story goes, a group of cadets were driving back to their
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