2025 Spring Summer Program Guide

Channel Your Adventurous Spirit! Ready to fly high or try your hand at archery? Channel your intrepid spirit with our professional guides at camp! Check out scheduled sessions for adventure opportunities and join your fellow Girl Scouts in these exciting outdoor opportunities! Prices range from $12-$25 depending on the activity.

Archery: Girls will learn basic archery techniques, safety, and shooting skills through hands-on practice and participation using compound bows. 3-D Archery: Take your archery skills to the next level! Girls will refresh their basic archery techniques, while learning how to shoot from different distances using different shooting techniques. We recommend completing the Archery activity prior. Canoeing: Girls will learn basic boat control, paddling, and waterfront safety, then play a fun game to apply their new skills. Climbing: Girls will learn the basics of climbing including the safety equipment required. Then, they’ll test their skills on our 40-foot climbing wall!

Daisy Climbing Wall: Get prepared for your progression to the 40-foot climbing tower! This introductory program uses our 10-foot wall to teach girls climbing holds, proper climbing technique, and information on the climbing equipment. Flying Squirrel: Join us for our newest adventure activity! During this activity, you’ll get acquainted, build your trust, and take on the challenge of choice by flying with our trained Adventure Staff and your belay team! Knife Throwing: Girls will learn knife throwing basics including safety measures, techniques, and stance, before aiming at targets. Low Ropes: Girls will improve collaboration, cooperation, and communication through games and activities on our Low Ropes Course. Rappelling: Girls will learn the basics of rappelling, from the equipment and safety measures to basic rappelling techniques. They’ll then put their skills to the test by rappelling down the 40-foot tower.

Slingshots: Girls will learn range rules, slingshot shooting, and discover the science behind target sounds. They’ll play paintball connect four to test their skills. Team Building: Girls will learn communication techniques, improve interpersonal skills, and problem-solving tactics to work as a team to complete challenges. Team building is great for new and established troops! Tomahawks: Girls will learn all about tomahawk throwing from where it came from and the history of the sport to proper throwing stance and technique. After learning the basics, girls will get a chance to test their skills with our team throwing games. Zipline: Get ready to zip through the trees! Choose your challenge, learn ziplining safety measures, and experience an adrenaline packed adventure!

Crate Stacking: Girls will work as a team to build a tower out of crates. Using

communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills they’ll work together to support the tower and add additional crates.

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