Monthly "Publication o f the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP
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I B I O L i A broadcaster Monthly Publication of the BIOLA FELLOWSHIP Vol. 2 No. 5 MAY , 1962 THE WORLD AN D BIBLE PROPHECY ................ 3 GEMS OF W ISDOM .................. 6 AFTER DEATH— W H AT ? .......... 7 POSSESSING PRAYER PROMISES ..] 1 A NEW EPOCH IN BIOLA'S HISTORY ................. 15 THE BIOLA FELLOWSHIP PLAN ..18 THE RETURN OF THE L O R D .......19 CAPITAL PUN ISHMENT ........... 23 W H AT W ILL BE OUR RESURRECTION BODIES? ...... 26 FORWARD BY FAITH ...............30 CAM PU S EXPANSION CAM PA IGN ......................... 32 BLUEPRINT FOR VICTORY ...... 33 QUESTIONS A N D ANSW ERS .....34 STAFF President .... S. H. Sutherland Editor...............Ruth D. Gill Supervision ..Thomas E. Steele Production ......... Al Sanders Printing.......... Church Press Published monthly by the Radio Dept. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Cal. Controlled circulation postage paid at Los Angeles, California. CONTENTS 50,000 watts 810 kc
Time Days
Bakersfield-Wasco KAFY Chico-Marysville KHSL Fresno-Dinuba KRDU KWSO
550 1050
7:30 A.M. Sun. 9:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. Sun. 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 11:00 A.M. MTWTF 12:30 A.M. MTWTF 8:30 A.M. MWF 10:30 A.M. MWF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 7:30 A.M. Sun. 9:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:00 A.M. MTWTF 8:15 P.M. MTWTF 7:30 A.M. Sun 8:45 A.M. MTWTF 10:30 A.M. MTWTF 9:00 P.M. MTWTF 9:00 P.M. MTWTF 9:00 A.M. MTWTF
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107.5 (FM)
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7:00 A.M. Sun. 1:00 P.M. MWF
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8:00A.M. 3:00A.M.
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93.7 (FM)
11:30 A.M.
Blaine-Vancouver, B.C. KARI 550 Seattle-Tacoma KGDN Spokane
11:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 8:00 A.M. MWF
630 1330 1330 1490
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7:00 A.M.
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8:00 A.M.
94.1 (FM)
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93.7 (FM) 10:00 P.M.
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among the blessings has been the number of those who have come to know the Lord as their Saviour under Dr. Talbot’s teaching of the Word. Quite a few questions are here on file for discussion. Much interest is centering around the matter of Prophecy relative to the end time. So will you give us the meaning of the word Millennium and is that word found anywhere in the Bible? Now, to begin with, the word mil lennium is a compound of two Latin words meaning “a thousand” and “a (continued on next page) 3
C er t a in l y a m ost hearty and grate ful welcome is accorded our Chan cellor, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, as he re turns to join in the launching of the Campus Expansion Campaign. And we know that our friend is happy to come to us to lend his efforts in this program. Dr. Talbot has been Interim Pastor of the Hinson ^Memorial Baptist Church in Portland for the past five months and will conclude this service to them in another month. The Lord has richly blessed his min istry there by giving a large attend ance upon all meetings held. Chief
be light — let there be a universe.” He had raised the dead; He cleansed the lepers; He did things that only God could do, but they failed to recognize Him as the Son of God and so Christ said to them that they need not look to the east or to the west for the com ing of the kingdom because the king dom was within them in that He was in their midst in His very own person. Many of the cults are telling their fol lowers that the only view of the king dom, or view of heaven for that matter, is the one that they see within them selves. Yes, and that is the word that the preachers in the field of Modernism are using today. They would hold that all men are the sons of God no matter who they are or what they are doing — the kind of life they are living, for they never think of Christ from one year’s end to the other. They are taught to think of the majesty of manhood — whatever that is in their field of so- called doctrine. He is told that he is a child of God and not of the Devil and that the kingdom of God is within him but that he has not discovered this. So Tom Payne and Ingersol are put in the same class by the preacher of Modernism. My friend, is a child of God who has not been born again. The Lord Jesus Christ did not say to Nico- demus that the kingdom was within him. What the Lord did say to him was, “Marvel not that I say unto thee ye must be bom again.” Doctor, this listener gets right down to the heart of the matter and asks, “Are there any events that must tran spire before the reign of Christ on the earth, as described in the Book of Rev elation?” Now, my friends, we must keep in mind, first of all, the coming of the Lord for the Church. To answer you, let me say that there is nothing that is- to transpire before the Lord comes for the Church with the exception of the completion of the Church! That is 4
BIBLE PROPHECY (conf.) year.” Therefore, the word means a thousand years. In the 20th chapter of the Book of the Revelation, we read six times, “And they lived and they reigned with Christ a thousand years.” (This prophecy will be fulfilled prior to His surrendering the kingdom back to the Father.) It is true that the word millennium does not appear in the Bi ble, but the doctrine of the millennium is in the Bible. Since Christ is going to reign over this earth for one thou sand years, the coming age has come to be called the millennium. I think a great many of the miscon ceptions that are in the minds of people, in regard to the coming of the Lord, would never have been there if folk had always spoken of that coming age as the Kingdom Age instead of the mil lennium; that kingdom to which the Lord Jesus Christ referred when He said, “Thy kingdom come . . .” ‘This misconception is not a serious thing in the use of the word millennium — it just means a thousand years. Christ is going to reign over the earth for a thousand years — Rev. 20 — and I think that there is going to be such a reign. We can thank God that one day the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ is going to fill this earth as He reigns from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth (Psalm 72:8). There are some people who are praying and talking about the “kingdom with in you.” That is certainly not the king dom to which you referred in the pre vious question? No! When the Lord Jesus Christ said that the kingdom is within you, He was talking to a group of Pharisees, and certainly He did not refer to the Kingdom of God here because they had everything but the Kingdom abiding in them. What the Lord was telling those Pharisees was this: He was the King and He was in their midst but they did not recognize Him. He had turned the water into wine — that was a crea tive aot and spoke of Him as the One who, back in Genesis said, “Let there
Col. 3:4, “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye appear with him in glory.” And when He re turns to this earth during His millen nial reign, we are going to reign with Him. The Scriptures teach this from beginning to end!! The doctrine of the Millennium as taught in God’s Word is that “. . . God shall give to Him the throne of his father David and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever.” His King dom capitol will be Jerusalem. Re the Millennium: “ . . . When the Son of man shall appear in His glory, that ye (that is the twelve Apos tles) shall sit upon the twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Evidently Israel will be re-divided and they will all be in their places — and you remember how the Land of Pales tine was divided, each Tribe will be in its place. Over each Tribe will be one of the Twelve Apostles. Now as to the Gentiles; and that is where we come in. There is an intima tion as to what our place will be. Let us look at the Parable of the Talents. A ruler went into a far coun try and he called his servants before him and to one he gave five talents etc., and he said for them to go and do business for him in his absence. Upon his return he called his servants again before him and required of them what they had done and the one with the five talents said, “Lord thou gavest me five talents and behold I have made five talents also.” And the lord said to him, “Well done good and faithful servant, have thou authority over many things.” Now that is a little insight into how the Gentiles are going to be governed by those of His Church. Christ, of course, will govern over all but it will be through the Twelve Apostles reigning over Israel and through the rest of the Church He will govern the Gentile nations. We trust this is clear. Now EVERY Morning in FRESNO 8:30 A.M .—Monday through Frida) KRDU, 1130 on the dial
that the last member of the Body of Believers has been added to that body, then the Lord will descend from heav en and we will be caught up to meet Him! When He comes for the Church He will not come to the earth at all — He comes in mid-air and the Church is to be caught up to meet Him. When it conies to the matter of the Lord returning to the earth to reign there are certain things that have to take place. 1) The completion of the Church. 2) The translation of the Church. 3) The revelation of the anti-Christ, and he will be revealed after the Church has gone. 4) The Jew will return to the Land of Palestine and there are two or three millions of them there now. Prophecy does not mean that all of them must have returned. There is now a Jewish State and the Jews are going to be brought into the Land of Palestine at the time the Lord Jesus begins to reign. The remnant is there now. Then 5) The Lord Jesus Christ has to return to this earth as King of kings and- Lord of lords because there can not be a millennium without Him, for only He can bind the Devil (Rev. 20:2) and cast him into the bottomless pit. No peace could be had with Satan around during the Millennium. Some will ask if all of these things are going to take place before the Mil lennium. Friends, those five things are just like the spokes in a wheel — which spoke goes first? They all go around together: for instance, the com pletion of the Church and the transla tion, then the revelation of the anti- Christ will all take place in one long stroke. Then the Jew is already in the Land and the State is set up. After the Tribulation, or the seven years, the Lord returns to the earth and the Jew is brought back. Here we have the question: "Where will the Christians be at the time the Lord is reigning upon the earth?” We, who are His Church, shall be caught away in the air to be with Him, but as the Apostle Paul says in
gems of wisdom featured on r'Tbe Bible Institute Hour”
Some have speculated that perhaps the time w ill come when we w ill be called upon to suffer for the cause of Christ. When the emperor at Constanti nople arrested Chrysostom, his plan was to make this great preacher re nounce the Faith. The monarch gave orders to throw him into the dun geon but the guard said, “He w ill not mind that, for he w ill have quiet to spend in the presence of God.” Then the ruler said that they would execute him. Again the guard shook his head. “No”, he said, “He w ill be glad to die for he sorely wants to go to heaven.” Then the guard told the Emperor that there would be only one thing that would bring pain to Chrysostom arid that would be to make him sin — this would make him miserable.” What a powerful testimony, this man of faith did not want ever to bring shame upon God’s name. If you are a child of God you have the power within you, through the presence of the Holy Spirit, to walk step by step in the Spirit and thus not fu lfill the lusts of the flesh. * * * "Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance — it is laying hold on His willingness." The world is full of noises today, many of them are alluring and the child of God must be careful lest he miss the voice of God when He speaks to him. A business man, standing in a telephone booth, found it almost im possible to hear the party whom he had called. He continued to say, “/ am sorry but I cannot hear you.” The noise of the street was so great that the other person could hear it
also and he said, “Well, if you w ill just close the door you w ill be able to hear me.” Many Christians are just like that — they are so taken with the things of the world that they cannot hear God because they have not shut out the world’s confusion which is all about them. The Lord Jesus makes the shut door a condition of our communing with God: “But when you pray, go into your private room, and closing the door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret w ill reward you in the open” (Matt. 6:6, A.N.T.). « "The church needs fewer tale bear ers and more burden bearers." * * * " A great many 'open minds' should certainly be closed for repairs." * * * Materialism seems to be the key stamp of the day — we see it where- ever our glance may turn. A recent cartoon showed a modem home with swimming pool, several late model cars, a large yard with outdoor equipment, two TV sets, modem furniture and H i Fi. In a lounging chair on the patio sat the husband of the household finishing the reading of a letter relative to additional gifts to the cause of for eign missions. “So, another missionary appeal. Why are they after us? We have al ready given our tithe — why ex pect us to do more?” The Bible reminds us to “Look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others.” A man is not a fool if he gives to God that which God has placed in his hands as a steward. * *
We now have a question from a listener who wants to know: “If after death the departed ones are perfectly conscious of where they are, and are the saved ones a'ble to see and speak with the Lord?” This person would like to have Scriptural references. We would reply to this query by stating that both the saved and the unsaved are perfectly conscious after death. The saved are absent from the body and at home with the Lord. There are a number of Scriptures that teach that very clearly: read the 16th chap ter of Luke, also II Cor., chapter 5. That the saved are able to see and speak with the Lord with whom they are at home, is beyond all doubt or controversy. We are able to talk with the Lord even from here, and surely those who are in His presence are not less privileged than when on earth. There is another question which ties into this general line of comment — “If my mother was saved and I was lost, could she be happy in heaven with out me?” First, we do know that those
who are in heaven are perfectly happy there. Heaven is a place of Joy and gladness. There is a statement in the 65th chapter of Isaiah which may an swer this very question for our listener, it is, “For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind” (verse 17). It may be that those of our loved ones who have died with out Christ, may be wiped from our memory —- may just not come to mind. I do not know this, it is just a sugges tion, but in heaven nothing will be allowed to be there that will cause sad ness of mind or heart. One of our friends would like an ex planation of Revelation 9:6 — “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.” Chapter 9 of the Book of the Revela tion is one of the most graphic descrip tions of the Great Tribulation period which will run its course between the translation of the Church and the re- (continued on next page) 7
have the distinction drawn here of de mon possesion and of mental unbal ance. Why God allows these things to come into the lives of His children is an other of the mysteries, but we will understand when we get into the glory. If you wish an explanation, read ever so carefully, the first chapter of the Book of Job. Then later we find Job saying, I do not understand all of this that has befallen me, but I do know that though He slay me yet will I trust Him. The glorious crown of it all was that God brought him out of all his sufferings and sorrow and the latter part of Job’s wife was more wonderful than the first. My friends, when sorrow, heartaches and suffering come to you, see to it that you honor God in the midst of it all! God will tell you the reason why, later! Another question relative to the anti- Christ comes up for discussion. The lis tener asks, “Would it be possible for a man such as Premier Khrushchev or even Castro to be the man of sin — the anti-Christ? I have heard it taught that Judas may be reincarnated to be come one of these. He is called the son of perdition, is he not?” I think that the rise of demon pos sessed men, such as those mentioned by our listener, could be the anti-Christ, but he will not be revealed until after the Church has been translated — that is, gone to be with the Lord. Now as for Judas being the anti- Christ. I know that the anti-Christ is called the son of perdition and I know that the Lord Jesus called Judas the son of perdition. However, I would have to have more proof than that to lead me to conclude that Judas is going to be — under reincarnation — the anti-Christ. After the Church has been translated the Devil will have perfect freedom to work his dreadful pattern out; God will take His hands off so that sin may come to a climax and then He will come to the earth as King of kings and Lord of lords to give this earth a thorough 8
AFTER DEATH -WHAT (cont.) turn of the Lord. The record of the trumpet judgments of which this verse (6) is a part, is descriptive of the terri ble judgments that will come upon apostate Christiandom when the great delusion of II Thess. 2:11 is on. So great will be the spiritual and mental agony that some apostates will attempt to commit suicide to escape some ,of those things that God is going to allow — His permissive decree. But He is not going to allow them to use the avenues of escape which they seek. The Church will not be here in those terrible days — it will have been trans lated and will be forever with the Lord! A listener writes us, “A loved one of mine became insane. Before this hap pened, he gave strong evidence of hav ing been truly saved, but now he is boisterous in his profanity. Is this in sanity demon possession?” My friend, it is one of the mysteries of insanity that a child of God will become profane or even obscene in his conversation. The probable explanation in the case of your loved one is that the old nature, being no longer under control, manifests itself freely. You must remember that at regenera tion the old nature is by no means changed — it remains the same at all times, but a new nature comes in and abides in you along with the old na ture; I speak now of a believer. Thus the believer is exhorted not to walk in the flesh or to yield to the old nature. Now in the case of your loved one, if that person was truly bom again, then you may depend upon His hea venly Father to take care of him, even during mental illness and to finally present him faultless before the pres ence of the Father with exceeding joy. This is what the blood of Christ does for us. When we come to the question of whether demon possession and insanity are one and the same thing — let us think back to where the Lord healed all those who were possessed of demons and all who were a lunatic. So we
worked without wages. Therefore, God told them to ask for jewels of silver and gold because He knew that they If Jesus Were Your Guest If Jesus came to your house to spend a day or two. If He came unexpected, I wonder what you'd do. I'm sure you'd give your nicest room to such an honored guest, And ail the food you'd serve to Him would be the very best. I know you'd keep assuring Him you're glad to have Him there, And serving Him in your own home would be a joy most rare. But when you saw Him coming, would you meet Him at the door, With arms outstretched in welcome to your heavenly Visitor? Or would you have to change your clothes before you let Him in Or hide some magazines, and put the Bible where they'd been? Would you turn the T V set off and hope He hadn't heard, And wish you hadn't uttered that last loud, .hasty word? Would you hide your worldly music and put some hymn books oflt? Would you let Jesus walk right in, or would you rush about? I wonder, if the Saviour spent a day or two with you, Would you go right on doing all the things you always do? Would you continue saying all the things you usually say? Would life for you continue as it does from day to day? Would you be glad to have Him meet your very closest friends, Or hope that they would stay away until His visit ends? Would you be glad to have Him stay forever on and on. Or would you sigh with great relief when He at last was gone? It might be interesting to know the things that you would do If Jesus came in person just to spend some time with you. •— Author unknown were going to build a tabernacle and they would need the silver and the gold from which to make the candle- (continued on next page) 9
Dr. Louis T. Talbot (left), looks over Campus with Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland. “housecleaning” and He will do just that. He will take the reins of govern ment and rule from sea to sea and from river unto the ends of the earth. Here is a question Dr. Talbot that will be of interest to our readers. The listener to our programs asks, “Why did God tell the children of Israel to borrow from the Egyptians, jewels of silver and gold when He knew that they would not return to Egypt to pay them back?” This instruction from the Lord is recorded in Exodus 11:2. Now, as for the answer to the question, this ex pression — that is “to borrow” — was used many times in the Book of Exodus, but it does not really mean to borrow in the literal rendering of the term. On the contrary it means “to ask” as translated from the Hebrew — the Re vised Version translates it correctly — “ask.” Now you may wonder why God told His people to ask for these things from the Egyptians? The answer is that the people of Israel had earned them. For 400 years they had been slaves and
greater love hath no man
QUESTIONS (cont.) sticks and all other of such furnishings of the tabernacle; the silver sockets for the boards for each board stood on two silver sockets. Then there were the precious jewels that were in the breast plate and on the shoulders of the .High Priest. To build this tabernacle the children of Israel had to have great wealth. And God laid it upon the hearts of the Egyptians to give these things which really were earned by the chil dren of Israel. Out of this stack of questions comes this: “What is meant when it says that ‘for the serpent the dust shall be his meat?’ ” The listener cites Isaiah, chap ter 65, as the source. To begin with, Isaiah 65 is a picture of the Millennial reign of the Lord Jesus Christ over this world, and dur ing His reign He will restore this world as it was before sin entered into it. In verse 25 of Isaiah 65 we read: “The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat . . So you see, the only thing that is not going to be changed in the Millennium is the serpent. The serpent will be allowed to remain just as a warning of what sin did to the original creation and to the first Eden. Comes this question: “What do you think the serpent was like before the fall?. Do you have any idea?” No, I do not know what it was like. However, there was something mysteri ous about it because the one that was behind the serpent was Satan. Satan was to have a medium through which he could communicate his thoughts to Adam and Eve, and it must have been a very beautiful thing. There is a grace about its movements as it glistens in the stm. It may be that it had wings, for when Satan chose a medium of communication he naturally chose the most beautiful, the most perfect, in his judgment, to accomplish his end with Adam and Eve,
( A featured radio illustration) On a bridge which leads to one of the cities of Belgium, there stands the statue of two men, a father and his son, who were heroes in the eyes of their countrymen. Wicked rulers had condemned the two to death for supposed seditious acts, but because of their extreme popularity, no one was found willing to perform the execution. So, the accusers made them an offer that if one killed the other his life would be spared. The son wanted the father to execute him, for he had just begun his life, and was not held in as much esteem by the people as his father. But the father charged the son w ith the duty of carrying on his crusading efforts in his place, and declared that his boy must surely be the executioner. On the appointed day, the city square was jammed with a m illing throng waiting to see the grim spec tacle take place. As the younger man lifted the axe above his head, the crowd became silent, and no one moved. Then, just as he was about to bring it down on the block, he threw it away, and fell to his fath er’s side, shouting, “No, we die to gether! We die together!” The peo ple pressed forward, and the guards were forced to free them both. This story of a father and son’s love for one another cannot even begin to compare with the great love of Christ who gave His life for us, even while we were yet sinners, enemies of His love. Such devotion and affection cannot be told in mere human words. As the sinner yields himself to the Saviour he w ill find in Him divine love w ith attending hope, joy and abounding peace. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). 10
ossessmg Prayer Promises by Rev. Thomas E. Steele
The report that "came from Jeru salem was not a pleasant one to the ears of this dedicated professional man, because he was deeply concerned for the welfare of his own brethren. It was a report that told of a desperate need that existed in his homeland. In 1959, after over fifty years at the downtown location, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles moved to the 75-acre campus in La Mirada, which God had miraculously provided. However, be cause of limited dormitory facilities there, it has been necessary for us to house over two hundred of the students in the downtown buildings and, at great cost, transport them daily for classes on the new campus. Since the move, our student body has grown by more than one hundred each year. With the predicted increase in enroll ment for the fall of 1962, it will be necessary to actually turn away choice, dedicated, Christian young people who desire to receive the Bible-centered edu cation Biola offers, unless we can build additional dormitories and classroom buildings. This is, indeed, a real and vital need! With the onslaught of com munism and that of atheism on every hand, the desperate need of the mission fields of the world, the crying need for thoroughly trained leadership here at home, Biola cannot afford to turn these youth away. Therefore, out of desper ate need has come the Campus Expan sion Campaign — a need just as vital, in our crisis-tom world, as the need (continued on next page) 11
T h e c a m pu s expansion campaign h'as been launched and is well into its mission in this, the month of April. In this message let me share with you the vital part that PRAYER — your prayers, the prayers of the students, faculty and staff of Biola — will play in this important campaign. Will you turn with me to a very thrilling and interesting portion of the Old Testament, Nehemiah, chapter one. We’ll find here some very interesting similarities to the situation that Biola faces today, for the book of Nehemiah is the record of a building program that originated in the mind and heart of God. Through the leadership of one man and the dedicated labor and prayers of many, it became a reality. As we look more closely at this text, I want to point out five important parallels for your thoughtful and prayerful consideration. First, the building of the wall at Jerusalem was a project bom of deep need. In chapter one: “And it came to pass, as I was in Shushan the palace, that Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and certain men of Judah; and I asked thern concerning the Jews that- had escaped which were left in cap tivity, and concerning Jerusalem. And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and re proach; the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire.”
Verses eleven to sixteen, of chapter two, describe the action that he took. Late at night, with a few trusted assistants, Nehemiah toured the heart-breaking ruins of Jerusalem’s walls, prayerfully surveying the need and mapping out a course of action. In verse 18, he an nounces this plan to the beleaguered vanguard in the city: “Then I told them of the hand of my God, which was good upon me; as also the king’s words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.” Notice Nehemiah’s faith as he encounters the opposition of doubt in verse 20, “Then answered I them, The God of heaven, He will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build.” Many years ago, the Board of Direc tors of The Bible Institute established, after much prayer, the policy of not borrowing money to finance the opera tion of The Bible Institute. This is the God-given policy that is in force today. While other institutions borrow heavi ly to carry on the Lord’s work, or to expand their educational programs, BIOLA has seen the Lord miraculously provide the present campus and build ings entirely debt-free, a multi-mil lion dollar monument to the God who can and does provide! This is a policy that requires courageous action; and, under God, BIOLA is believing God for the necessary cash money to begin construction of the desperately needed dormitory and classroom space in May of this year. We believe that the Lord is going to work mightily on behalf of this vital and important project through the thousands of friends of Biola and through sources unseen, but known deep in the counsels of God, to supply this need, so that hundreds more of America’s choice youth can be thoroughly trained to take up the chal lenge of Christian leadership through out the world. Courageous action, yes, but action that is metered to the ex haustless resources of a God who is Himself deeply concerned about this need. The fourth parallel from our text is 12
PRAYER (cont.) that gripped Nehemiah’s heart and caused him to weep. The second parallel from our text is this . . . The building of die wall at Jerusalem was a project nurtured in much prayer. Notice the stirring words of the fourth verse of Nehemiah chap ter one: “And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted and PRAYED before the God of heaven.” Verses five through eleven set forth one of the most pre cious prayers recorded anywhere in the Word of God. These verses reveal to us the soul-tearing prayer of a man, deeply exercised but thoroughly com mitted to his Lord. In chapter two and verse eight, the answer to Nehemiah’s specific request is recorded: “And the king granted me, according to the good hand of my God upon me.” Immedi ately Nehemiah recognized that God, in answer to his prayer, had moved upon the heart of King Artaxerxes so that it was granted almost uncondi tionally. The history of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is, in many respects, a case-history of innumerable answers to prayer. In 1908 two men, the Rev. T. C. Horton and Mr. Lyman Stewart, a dedicated business executive, through joint prayer were led of the Lord to establish this great Institution. Since that time, no move, no decision, has been knowingly made without seeking the mind of God in earnest and soul- searching prayer. This is particularly true in meeting the present challenge. The direction of God has been sought in many hours of deep and sincere prayer. The decision to present to God’s people, at this time, our present Cam pus Expansion Campaign was literally bom in prayer, every bit as real and penetrating as that of Nehemiah which we find recorded in our text. The third parallel from our text is this . . . The building of the wall at Jerusalem required courageous action. After arriving at Jerusalem, Nehemiah lost no time in getting on with the im portant mission that had led him there.
on various phases of this project, on the part of the dedicated young people that make up. our present student body, have literally thrilled our hearts! Every faculty and staff member, and numer ous other interested alumni and friends of Biola, including outstanding Chris tian business men, who realize the value of the unique Christian educa tion Biola offers, have enlisted in this tremendous project. Finally, the fifth parallel from our text is this . . . The building of the wall of Jerusalem was consummated by corporate, prevailing prayer. The fourth chapter and verse nine reports one of the many instances of opposition to Nehemiah’s task, coupled with the divinely given commentary, “Neverthe less we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night.” With an instrument of war fare in one hand, a construction tool in the other, and an earnest prayer to God in their heart, the people of God completed this monumental task. In the past weeks, arid in the weeks ahead, the Biola faculty staff members, and students, have been, and will be spending, many hours in cor porate and individual prayer for God’s blessing on the Campus Expansion Campaign: Churches in all parts of America, missionary alumni of Biola’s four schools, and national groups in remote parts of the world, will be join ing their prayers with ours before the Throne for the supply of this present need. Now this is a vital part that you, our reading friend, can play in this hour of need . . . We’ve talked about prayer over our broadcasts, and we’ve prayed together many times. Literally thousands of prayer requests from friends around the world have crossed our desks. We are asking now, not that we simply talk about the importance and effec tiveness of prayer, but that you will stand in prayer with us, asking that God will open up the vast resources of heaven in fulfillment of the precious promises of His Word? (D. V.) 13
this . . . The building of the wall of Jerusalem required concerned coopera tion. Chapter three, verse one, through chapter six, verse 14, is a detailed rec ord of one of the most amazing feats of unskilled labor to be found in Israel’s history. Everyone had a job; everyone took part. In spite of opposition of every description — hardships, discourage ments, disillusionment, depression and For Jesus who watched through the darkness says, "Lo, I am with you alway." • He sees, and that is quite enough, I would not ask to see; But — listening through the darkness hear His loving "FOLLOW ME." He sees, tho all around is robed in shades of blackest night; But hush. He gently bids me walk, "B y faith and not by sight." He sees that future path of mine, which now before me lies, I would not ask to lift the veil that hides it from my eyes. He knows if it will lead along the mountain's lofty height. Where budding flowers and sunlit hours, would tend to make it bright, Or, if along the vale below, where lonely shadows creep; Where dark clouds gather thick o'er head and tempests wildly sweep. He sees which path will show me best, the riches of His grace; Perhaps, 'mid the gloom more clearly I'll see, the shining of His face. He sees —— That is enough for me, and I could ever pray For grace, more grace, my Guide to keep close following all the way! — Anon. heart-break — verse 15 states; “So the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month of Elul, in fifty and two days.” Our Biola students, some of whom you’ve heard on recent broadcasts, have shown remarkable initiative and en thusiasm in the face of this great need. Many hours of prayer and energy spent He Sees I'm never alone in the morning, as I rise at the break of day.
taken from a Moscow radio broad cast, Christmas, 1960. Listen to the blasphemy: “Our rocket has by-passed the moon. It is nearing the sun, and we have not discovered God. We have turned lights out in heaven that no man w ill be able to put on again. We are breaking the yoke of the Gospel, the opium of the masses. Let us go forth, and Christ shall be relegated to mythology.” In Psalm 14 we read: “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.” But we can well ask: “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh! The Lord shall have them in derision! Be wise now therefore, Oh ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord w ith fear, and re joice with trembling.” » * * A father trying to read was constantly interrupted by his small son. Final ly he tore out of the magazine he was reading, a page on which was a map of the world. He then took a pair of scissors and cut the map up into a jigsaw puzzle. “Now,” said he, “when you get this all put to gether, I w ill give you a dime.” Thinking that would keep him busy a long while, the father settled back to his magazine. He was amazed, however, when a short time later the son brought back the completed map. “It was easy” he said to his father. “On the other side of the page there was a picture of a man and a woman, and when you get the men and women right, the world is right.” 14
Christians have the one supreme and. consuming purpose here on earth to point lost men and women, hoys and girls, to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Anything that stands in the way to mar that testi mony should be done away with, for the world must see no man, save Jesus only. Many years ago when Leonardo da Vinci, the great artist, was paint ing his picture of the Last Supper, he called a friend in before it was finished to give his appraisal of the work. A t first glance, the visitor burst out: “Why, what a beautiful goblet in the hands of Christ!” Un happy with this first observation, the impetuous artist took his pallet and brush a n d drew a heavy line through the goblet saying: “I would have you see nothing, absolutely nothing, except the face of Christ.” What is the thing which hinders your testimony? What is it in the picture that mars your stand for the Saviour? Regardless of the desirabil ity of that goal, if it is out of the w ill of God, it is out of the way for you and, unless forsaken, w ill be the means of turning many from the light of God’s truth. Let us remem ber that whenever the opportunities are great, the responsibilities w ill be even greater, and only by looking to Christ, can we find that true light which He w ill place in our light bearing candlesticks. “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, w ill draw all men unto me” (John 12:32). h * * "Some people grow under respon sibility — others merely swell! * * * One of our leading national magazines recently reported a brash comment
Angeles because we believe t h e revered Book — we fix our faith there for we believe it is inspired. We be lieve that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We believe that after His death and resurrection He went back to heaven, and we believe that He is going to come back again. He is coming-in mid-air for the Church and then after the Tribulation, He is going to come down to the earth in glory. Let me tell you that the men who founded and erected the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles many years ago — long before many of you gathered here were bom, they believed something and it is that something to which we hold today. This spiritual foundation has been the guarantee of God’s bless ing. Young folk, when you go into the Lord’s work, no matter where your field of labor may be, if you want the blessing of the Lord to rest upon it, you must be faithful to the Word of God. Now we have reached a new epoch in the life of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. All believers see, on every hand, the warfare that is being carried on in many institutions that were founded by men of God, and were sup ported by funds of Christians, generous servants of the Lord. I have trembled when I have watched the trend in re gard to this matter. There are institu tions, the names of which I shall not (continued on next page) IS
W h il e rea d in g the Word of God in my morning devotions, I noted reached a new epoch in their life it was commanded of them that they keep the Passover. One of the last things they did upon leaving Egypt, was to keep the Passover. It represent ed the death of the Lord Jesus Christ and He wanted ,them to have a vision of the Passover before they went through the Red Sea. He wanted them to know that He was not dealing with them because they were better than the Egyptians; He was dealing with them on the basis of what the Passover rep resented. As I sat reading about the command ments of God for them at the time they passed over the Jordan into Palestine (and 38 years had gone by), I noted one of the first things God said to them through Joshua was that they were to keep the Passover —He was insistent that the meaning of the Passover be kept before them — He wa dealing with them upon that basis. You know that we, in the Bible In stitute and Biola College have come to another epoch, and I want to tell you young men and young women that the thing which brought us to the Lord Jesus Christ some years ago is the same ground upon which God is blessing BIOLA today. I am firmly fixed in the belief that God ha blessed the Bible Institute of Los
this, that when the children of Israel
endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to them selves teachers . . . ” The word “heap” indicates that there are going to be a great number of them and they are going to be turned away unto fables. Young folk, I trust that after you have left our halls, the day will never come when you will be numbered among those unfortunate people. And at this point I want to put,
BIO LA'S NEW EPOCH (cont.) mention, that believe the Word as we believe it. They start to grow, their student body increases, and then I have noted a gradual departure from the things they once believed and upon which that institution was founded. To see things of this nature is cause for any child of God to tremble. I tremble, not for the old faith, for I know that this grand Book that has
In memory of their daughter, Nancy Myers Nauman, Dr. and Mrs. Ray A. Myers turn the dirt for Myers Hall, key structure of the Talbot Theological Seminary. They are joined by Dr. Louis T. Talbot, Dr. Charles L. Feinberg and Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland.
met the longings and guided the as pirations of men in days gone by, fails not in that duty today — this Book will go marching on! But you know, I fear for those who set their intellect over and above this Book that God has exalted above His name. There are folk who believe that the Apostle Paul was a seer when he wrote to young Timothy “I charge thee there fore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, . . . preach the Word . . . for the time will come when they will not
briefly, a few things to which we hold before you. Jesus tells us just what we are to believe and they are found in the 14th chapter of John: “. . . you believe in God, believe also in me, in my Father’s house are many mansions. I will come again.” Lying within those words are four great facts which I trust you will always believe. The first is the fact of God. The second is the fact of Christ, believe also in me. The third is the fact of immortality — in my Father’s house
are many mansions, and the fourth is the fact of His sure return. Let me give a word relative to each of the foregoing statements: First, the fact of God. We need to reaffirm that fact. We have gone into the study of electrons until our philosophy is a cold, empty field, and our religion is a com bination of agnosticism and pantheism. We need to reaffirm this great fact of immortality. We come to the third con sideration when we read the words of Jesus in the 14th chapter of John: “In my Father’s house are many man sions . . .” Some folk have an almost freakish idea as to what heaven is. My friend, heaven is a real place, and when I open my eyes upon its beauty and wonders I shall be grateful that I took the words of God’s writing, as to its existence and its glory, as literal. Heav en and hell are actual places and the unregenerate must have every effort of the Christian to bring him to a knowl edge of that fact. In the fact of the fourth statement— His sure return — we want to leave in your thinking the Lord’s own words, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” When you are caught up to meet the Lord in the air your spiritual eyes will be opened to the supreme, the sublime experience of every child of God. We are laying a foundation stone today and we thank God that it will rest upon these blessed truths that have brought the Bible Institute and Biola College to the place of faithfulness that it holds in the teaching of God’s Word. -------- A tte n tio n ---------- SAN BERNARDINO RIVERSIDE "The Bible Institute Hour” is now on the air daily 9 A.M.— KCKC— 1350 on the dial (Also Sun., 7:30 A.M., KAFY, 550 on the dial)
Living in the Valley of Discontentment ( A featured radio illustration) How wonderful it is for us to cast all of our burdens upon the Lord and to realize that He has promised to sus tain us through them all. How many times we hear people complaining about the trials and hardships which they have to bear. The story is told about the legendary “Valley of Dis contentm ent to which a certain traveler once made a visit. After lis tening to all the complaints of the people, he made the suggestion that all of them take their burdens and wrap them in a bundle, writing on the outside of the package the list of trials each contained. Each per son was to take his own, place it on the hillside, and then look at all other parcel listings. After doing so, he could select the very one which he felt would be lighter than his own. A ll afternoon the people looked through the packages and, at the setting of the sun, without excep tion, each person went home with his own bundle, and the important realization that, to him, his own lot was much less difficult than those of his neighbors. How many Christians bear long faces and are known for their con tinual grumbling. To meet them is to be confronted with the proverbial East wind in March. We are to be a “sweet savour of Chrisf’ both in them that are saved and in them that perish. So, may we take up our cross and follow Christ, realizing that the pathway we walk He has already victoriously trod, and awaits to give us complete power and strength. “Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fu lfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).
“Folk who really want to get ahead . . . use one!”
"Every time you turn green with envy, remember that you're ripe for trouble." * * * The Tongue “The boneless tongue, so small, so weak, Can crush and kill," declared the Greek, "The tongue destroys a greater horde," The Turk asserts, "than does the sword." The Persian proverb wisely saith: " A lengthy tongue, an early death." Or sometimes takes this form instead "Don't let your tongue cut off your head." Says the Chinese, "but outstrips the heart." From Hebrew writ this saying sprung, "Tho' feet shall slip ne'er the tongue." The Sacred Writer crowns the whole: "W ho keeps his tongue, doth keep his soul." — Selected * * * "W e should not* seek to add years to our lives but life to our years." If you are already a member of the Fellowship and have received an extra copy of this publication, please pass it along to a friend so that he may also enroll in the Plan and receive these helpful monthly features from the broadcasts. Since all materials from the Biola radio programs are included in the BROAD CASTER, publication is generally complet ed near the end of the specific month. Your patience is greatly appreciated. □ I would like to become a member of the Biola Fellowship. Biola Fellowship Members receive a packet of envelopes (24 to expire in two years for monthly contributions). I am enclosing $.................... for the ministries of Biola.
The Unfinished Song When the heavenly hosts shall gather And the heavenly courts shall rrng With the rapture of the ransomed And the New Song they shall sing. Though they come from every nation, Every kindred, every race, None can ever learn that music Till he knows God's pardoning grace. All those vast eternities to come Will never be too long, To tell the endless story And to sing the endless song:- "Unto Him who loved us," And who "loosed us from our sin"— We shall finish it in heaven, But " 'tis here the words begin." Here, amid the toils and trials Of this fleeting earthly life, Here, amid the din and turmoil Of this troubled earthly strife, Here, in suffering and sorrow, Here in weariness and wrong, We shall finish it in heaven, But 'tis here we start the song. — Annie Johnson Flint (Coupon for If you are not receiving copies of the BROADCASTER monthly, you may have them come to your home or office auto matically by being a member of the Biola Fellowship. This is a group of faithful donors who invest monthly in the distinctive ministries of the Bible Institute of Los An geles, Inc. Specific monthly amounts are not set; this is a matter between you and the Lord. In maintaining this 53 year old work for the Saviour, we have found that faith fulness on the part of God’s stewards is the important thing. You are invited to become co-laborers with us in this vital testimony. The investment you make will bring you this publication monthly, here after, without your request.
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