Angeles because we believe t h e revered Book — we fix our faith there for we believe it is inspired. We be lieve that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. We believe that after His death and resurrection He went back to heaven, and we believe that He is going to come back again. He is coming-in mid-air for the Church and then after the Tribulation, He is going to come down to the earth in glory. Let me tell you that the men who founded and erected the Bible Insti tute of Los Angeles many years ago — long before many of you gathered here were bom, they believed something and it is that something to which we hold today. This spiritual foundation has been the guarantee of God’s bless ing. Young folk, when you go into the Lord’s work, no matter where your field of labor may be, if you want the blessing of the Lord to rest upon it, you must be faithful to the Word of God. Now we have reached a new epoch in the life of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. All believers see, on every hand, the warfare that is being carried on in many institutions that were founded by men of God, and were sup ported by funds of Christians, generous servants of the Lord. I have trembled when I have watched the trend in re gard to this matter. There are institu tions, the names of which I shall not (continued on next page) IS
W h il e rea d in g the Word of God in my morning devotions, I noted reached a new epoch in their life it was commanded of them that they keep the Passover. One of the last things they did upon leaving Egypt, was to keep the Passover. It represent ed the death of the Lord Jesus Christ and He wanted ,them to have a vision of the Passover before they went through the Red Sea. He wanted them to know that He was not dealing with them because they were better than the Egyptians; He was dealing with them on the basis of what the Passover rep resented. As I sat reading about the command ments of God for them at the time they passed over the Jordan into Palestine (and 38 years had gone by), I noted one of the first things God said to them through Joshua was that they were to keep the Passover —He was insistent that the meaning of the Passover be kept before them — He wa dealing with them upon that basis. You know that we, in the Bible In stitute and Biola College have come to another epoch, and I want to tell you young men and young women that the thing which brought us to the Lord Jesus Christ some years ago is the same ground upon which God is blessing BIOLA today. I am firmly fixed in the belief that God ha blessed the Bible Institute of Los
this, that when the children of Israel
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