Biola Broadcaster - 1962-05

are many mansions, and the fourth is the fact of His sure return. Let me give a word relative to each of the foregoing statements: First, the fact of God. We need to reaffirm that fact. We have gone into the study of electrons until our philosophy is a cold, empty field, and our religion is a com­ bination of agnosticism and pantheism. We need to reaffirm this great fact of immortality. We come to the third con­ sideration when we read the words of Jesus in the 14th chapter of John: “In my Father’s house are many man­ sions . . .” Some folk have an almost freakish idea as to what heaven is. My friend, heaven is a real place, and when I open my eyes upon its beauty and wonders I shall be grateful that I took the words of God’s writing, as to its existence and its glory, as literal. Heav­ en and hell are actual places and the unregenerate must have every effort of the Christian to bring him to a knowl­ edge of that fact. In the fact of the fourth statement— His sure return — we want to leave in your thinking the Lord’s own words, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” When you are caught up to meet the Lord in the air your spiritual eyes will be opened to the supreme, the sublime experience of every child of God. We are laying a foundation stone today and we thank God that it will rest upon these blessed truths that have brought the Bible Institute and Biola College to the place of faithfulness that it holds in the teaching of God’s Word. -------- A tte n tio n ---------- SAN BERNARDINO RIVERSIDE "The Bible Institute Hour” is now on the air daily 9 A.M.— KCKC— 1350 on the dial (Also Sun., 7:30 A.M., KAFY, 550 on the dial)

Living in the Valley of Discontentment ( A featured radio illustration) How wonderful it is for us to cast all of our burdens upon the Lord and to realize that He has promised to sus­ tain us through them all. How many times we hear people complaining about the trials and hardships which they have to bear. The story is told about the legendary “Valley of Dis­ contentm ent to which a certain traveler once made a visit. After lis­ tening to all the complaints of the people, he made the suggestion that all of them take their burdens and wrap them in a bundle, writing on the outside of the package the list of trials each contained. Each per­ son was to take his own, place it on the hillside, and then look at all other parcel listings. After doing so, he could select the very one which he felt would be lighter than his own. A ll afternoon the people looked through the packages and, at the setting of the sun, without excep­ tion, each person went home with his own bundle, and the important realization that, to him, his own lot was much less difficult than those of his neighbors. How many Christians bear long faces and are known for their con­ tinual grumbling. To meet them is to be confronted with the proverbial East wind in March. We are to be a “sweet savour of Chrisf’ both in them that are saved and in them that perish. So, may we take up our cross and follow Christ, realizing that the pathway we walk He has already victoriously trod, and awaits to give us complete power and strength. “Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fu lfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2).

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