Biola Broadcaster - 1962-05




and other timely questions by D r. Louis T.

Q. “Should a Christian believe in cap­ ital punishment? Since the law was given to the Jews and we are not un­ der the law any more, why should we observe their customs?” A. Now friends, you will find that the law nf capital punishment antedates the Jewish law by almost 1,000 years. It is a part of the covenant that God made with Noah after the flood. There was nothing to do with the unregen­ erate masses — the nations, and God let the flood come and destroy them. After the flood, when Noah stood on dry land, God put into his hand the responsibility of government. Up to this time there had been no govern­ ment on the earth, but now there was government and the foundation law that God gave to Noah was this, “Who­ so sheddeth man’s blood by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made he man” (Genesis 9:6). That command has neither been abrogated nor modified in any way. It constitutes the distinctive picture of the covenant that has to do with the institution, of government, that government of man by man—and the highest function of government is the judicial taking of life. All these trends that we see in the world today, lawlessness and a wanting

to eliminate God’s teaching concerning everything, is only a sign that we are getting right into the very days of Noah that will precede the return of the Lord Jesus Christ in glory. Q. “1 was listening to a man on the network who was advocating the abo­ lition of capital punishment and the reason he gave was that if one of these wicked men were killed, that would leave his spirit free to enter the world once again through reincarnation. Now the Bible nowhere teaches the subject of reincarnation, does it?” A. No, it certainly does not and the man who made that statement needs to read his Bible because when the spirit leaves the body, it never returns to this earth as he suggests. If a man is saved, upon death his spirit goes to be with the Lord, and if he is not saved, his spirit will go into another realm altogether to await the time of the greatest assize, when unregen­ erated men will stand before the Lord and the books will be opened and they will be judged according to their own record. Q . "You seem so calm and sure about your future and your personal affairs. (continued on next page) 23

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