Biola Broadcaster - 1962-05

WhatWill Be Our Resurrection Bodies?


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by Louis T. Talbot daring that His body w a s real. Then we read that He partook of a piece of honeycomb, not in order that the body might be nourished for He had a resurrection body, but He was demonstrating to them that His body was real. Now this body of yours and mine is flesh and blood and bone. What is the bloodstream for? It is for the re­ building of this body because we are told that every seven years we have a new body. This body decays every day and dies and consequently the blood stream has to restore it and that’s why every seven years we have a dif- : ferent body altogether. This is a body of decay. It is a body of corruption but; when the Lord comes, we’re going to have the body likened unto His body, an incorruptible body and it was a real body of flesh and bone. When the Apostle Paul said, “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God”, he was talking about the kind of body that we have today. It is not that body that inherits the Kingdom of God, but it is the body that we are going to have when the Lord returns and catch­ es us up to be with Him. At that time the dead in Christ shall be raised, that is the bodies of those who have died, and they shall be clad with immortali­ ty — and those who are alive will be caught up to be with the Lord without seeing death. Then will these bodies be fashioned and made to be like unto the glorious resurrection body of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is those bodies 26

Q. I Corinthians 15:50 causes a listen­ er to ask, “Why can’t flesh and blood inherit the Kingdom of God? Isn’t that a denial of the resurrection of the physical body? Does not the statement in I Corinthian 15:44 also deny that our resurrection bodies w ill be ma­ terial?” A. This statement of the Apostle Paul, “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God” refers to our bodies as they are now. The Apostle Paul, speaking before the Corinthians, was teaching that there must be a great change in our bodies before we can take these bodies into heaven. Then he goes on to tell us in other portions of the Word of God that our bodies are going to be like unto the body of the Lord Jesus Christ in His resurrection. Now what kind of a body did the Lord Jesus Christ have in its resurrected form? He had a real body and He had a body of flesh and bone. You remember that during His earthly ministry He had a body of flesh and blood and bone, but on Calvary He poured out His blood as a sacrifice. Then His body was buried and on the third day it was raised from the dead and it was a real body that was raised, a body of flesh and bones — no blood. When the Lord appeared to the disci­ ples in the upper room, they were ter­ ribly afraid because they thought that they had seen a spirit and the Lord Jesus said to them, “Handle me for a spirit hath neither flesh nor bone as ye see me have.” The Lord was de-

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