Then at the close of the millennial reign of Christ, the city ascends and during its ascension, the earth is going to be purified by fire and there will emerge from that earth a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness, and then John saw the city descend again. During the eternal state, the city of God will be connected with this earth and God will make the earth His throne. The earth is now His footstool, but in the eternal ages it will be His throne. With the earth as His throne He will manifest Himself marvelously as a God of grace. The people on this earth will act in independence of God and want to rule themselves, but after God has purified the earth, and there is a new earth wherein dwelleth right- enousness, then God will show Himself, all through the ages, as a God of grace. He will make the very earth that has rebelled against Him, His throne. It is now His footstool, then it will be His throne, and there is meaning in those words of the Book of the Reve lation, “And He shall dwell among them and they shall be His people.” He is describing certain people who were saved during the millennial reign of Christ. Q. One who studies along with us in our broadcasts says, “/ have heard that heaven is the country of which the New Jerusalem is the capital. Is the New Jerusalem synonymous with the word Heaven — what would you say?” A. No, I wouldn’t say that the New Jerusalem is synonymous with the word Heaven, but it is a part of Hea ven. You see, the New Jerusalem is going to descend from Heaven. I guess Heaven, in the broader state, takes in every part of God’s dominion, but the city is a literal city just as is Los An geles. Q. Dr. Talbot, a listener would like to know “Do you think people know just before they die where they are going?” A. Well, my friends, I have known for the last fifty years where I am going — it is the privilege of all of God’s chil
QUESTIONS (cont.) the enthroned King. Napoleon escaped from Elba and returned to France — all who were loyal to him rallied in open declaration and then it was that “Napoleon met his Waterloo” — a statement burned into the memory of virtually every student of history. He met his Waterloo and lost. And so at the close of the millennial reign, Satan will be loosed and those who have feigned obedience to Christ as King will openly declare their al legiance to Satan — and they un doubtedly will, but what a tragic de feat and loss! Q. In Revelation 5:12, we read, of the new Jerusalem which cometh down out of heaven. Then in Revelation 20:10 it speaks of the holy Jerusalem, the great city, descending out of heaven from God. Now what does descending out of heaven actually mean? Does this refer to Jerusalem from which Christ is going to rule over the earth for the 1,000 year reign?” A. Yes, I think it does. The eternal city where God now is; and from which He governs this imiverse; and where all the redeemed in the glory are, is God’s present dwelling place. Of course, God is omnipresent — that is, He is everywhere (an attribute of Deity), but there is one place in this universe where God manifests His presence and that place is called the New Jerusalem, the City of God. The Lord Jesus Christ referred to it in the 14th chapter of John when He said, “I go to prepare a place for you . . .” It is a real place and He was referring to this city. Now it is located somewhere in this great universe. John, in the Book of the Revelation, saw (in the future) this city descending — that is at the time when the Lord returns to this earth and begins His millennial reign. John saw it descending as a great chande lier over this earth, and we read that those who are saved during the mil lennial reign of Christ are going to walk in the light of it. Rev. 21:24
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