Biola Broadcaster - 1962-05

among the blessings has been the number of those who have come to know the Lord as their Saviour under Dr. Talbot’s teaching of the Word. Quite a few questions are here on file for discussion. Much interest is centering around the matter of Prophecy relative to the end time. So will you give us the meaning of the word Millennium and is that word found anywhere in the Bible? Now, to begin with, the word mil­ lennium is a compound of two Latin words meaning “a thousand” and “a (continued on next page) 3

C er t a in l y a m ost hearty and grate­ ful welcome is accorded our Chan­ cellor, Dr. Louis T. Talbot, as he re­ turns to join in the launching of the Campus Expansion Campaign. And we know that our friend is happy to come to us to lend his efforts in this program. Dr. Talbot has been Interim Pastor of the Hinson ^Memorial Baptist Church in Portland for the past five months and will conclude this service to them in another month. The Lord has richly blessed his min­ istry there by giving a large attend­ ance upon all meetings held. Chief

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