we talk about seeing a thing, we say we have already had faith. The Lord Jesus said, “Abraham saw my day and was glad!” Now, Abraham didn’t see Jesus, he saw a city far off. Certainly he didn’t see a city physically; it was faith that had the eyes. Therefore, faith is a working principle which sees something that our physical eyes do not see. It goes forward on the basis of that. When Moses was called upon by God to lead the people of Israel through this experience, Moses had to have one particular experience. Moses made ex cuses which seemed genuine as far as he was concerned. One of his rea sons was, “Lord, you know I can’t provide what it takes; I just don’t have it.” Finally he said, “I’m going to have to have something to tell them to prove to them that You are doing this job! What shall I tell them? What is Your name?” God responded so beautifully. He said, “You go back and tell your people that the ‘I Am’ is the One Who is sending you. The ‘I Am’ is the One Who’s going to take you out of Egypt and lead you through the desert.” Have you ever wondered why that sentence seemed so incomplete, “I Am.” It is because it lacks an object. God wants Dr. Epp
you to fill that in for yourself. What is your need? God says that is just what I Am. I Am whatever your need is. Do you believe it? Next, faith reckons on the ability of God to produce and fulfill His promise. After we first believe that God is able, then faith must expect from Him. “God is not a man that he should lie, neith er the son of man that He should re pent. Hath he said and shall he not do it; and hath he not spoken and shall he not make it good?” The Scrip ture says, “Ask and ye shall receive.” I ask and so I expect to receive. In other words, faith accepts the matter as though it had already been accom plished. Faith sees, it accepts, it steps out and accepts the answer. In our lives, as well as at this strategic per iod in the history of Biola, now is the time to go forward.
San Diego Radio Project Continues to Move Forward
With equipment now on order, the Biola San Diego radio pYoject contin ues to move forward. KBBW is ex-
Mr. Phil Butler (left), manager of Biola's San Diego outlet, discuss Christian radio with Dr. Reuben Larson, co-founder of HCJB. pected to be on the air later this year. Atlhough difficulties have been en countered, we cannot help but feel God’s hand has been in all of the affairs making possible more desirable facilities for transmission of the pro grams. We praise the Lord for the faithful Christian businessman and pastors of the San Diego area who have given so faithfully of their time and service to bring the station to reality. 31
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