into the covenant by faith was this outward sign of which we read in the Old Testament. The New Testament brings certain spiritual lessons out of it. From every indication Moses had been disobedient as to making known the covenant rela tive to his son. Moses had married Zipporah, a Midianite, and she had no interest in this covenant, so Moses al lowed it to slip by. Now that Moses was to go and be God’s mouthpiece he could not demand on the authority of God, obedience to God’s orders as Moses, himself, was dis obedient of them in the covenant. Learn this well: if we want to claim the authority of God and tell folk to be obedient to God, we, also, must be in the place of obedience and in fel lowship and surrender to the Lord! One of the greatest joys to parents is to watch their youngsters at the impressionable age. Such an instance came when two daughters, ages three and six years were vying for their father’s attention. With all her might and main the six year old put her arms around her father’s should ers and gleefully declared, “Look at me — I have all of daddy.” But the little three year old hastily climbed into her father’s lap as he responded by putting his loving arms around her. She proudly re turned, “This is better — now daddy has all of me.” Yes, it is wonderful to know that we can always reach out and lay hold of our Heavenly Father and, at the same time. He will hold us in the palm of His hand. “Religion is a cloak worn by some people who will be warm enough in the next world without one."
throughout the Book of Acts and the New Testament. Q . There comes this query from Tur lock, California. — “There seems to be a contradiction for the Bible states we are to call no man on earth “father,” and then we read the Commandment, ‘Honor thy father and thy mother.’ How can we reconcile this?” A. There is a big distinction between what seems to be a contradiction and any actual contradictions that really occur. In the Word of God there are no contradictions. Let me commend this listener for saying “there seems to be.” In looking at the expression “call no man on earth father” we are to understand that it means in the realm of our life of worship. God is alone Father of those who put their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and so we speak of Him as our Heavenly Fa ther, and we do so in a worshipful, reverential sense. Now the Command ment, Honor thy father and thy moth er, simply means that they are our literal parents. We are to show them proper respect and love, but not in a sense of worship such as we attribute to God. Q . Napa, California. “I’m confused by Exodus 4:26,” the listener writes, “why did the Lord seek to kill Moses?” A. Let us read verses 24 - 26 of the 4th chapter: “And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him, and sought to kill him. Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. So he let him go; then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision.” You must remember that this is before Moses ever went to Pharaoh with the first demand that Pharaoh allow Israel to go free. They were God’s people. Now, ever since Abraham’s time it was commanded of all his descendants that they make known, outwardly, their faith to be the same as was Abraham’s faith in God. A sign of their entrance
“The person who stays on the level always rises higher than the one who doesn’t."
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