Biolu has high scholastic standards ; it requires itsprospectivestudents tobeof highChristian character, graduates of accreditedhighschools with at least a “C” average in the academic■ subjects.Theymustbewillingtoconformtothe •standards of Christianconduct at Biola. Biola College is amember of the Western College AssociationandtheAccreditingAssociationof BibleColleges. Biolarequireseverygraduateto have at least 30units of Bible andDoctrine, plus2unitsofChurchPolityof thedenomina tionofwhichthestudent isamember, regard less of the major field of study. Biola College is an interdenominational school, emphasizing thorough scholarship and it is committed to the evangelical doctrines of the Christian church. It earnestly endeavors to make fundamental historic doctrines a vital realityinthespiritual lifeof thispresent gen-. ' eration. ' ' i ' ' Please send me a catalog ana more information BIOLA COLLEGE 13800 Biola Avenue * La Mirada, California Name .............................................A&e ..............\ Address ■ ........................... ..................................................
HOW CAN BIOLA FIT INTO MY PLANS FOR THE FUTURE? Biota is a Christ-centered college , devoted to training Christian young people to be Chris tian leaders. Hundreds of youngpeople, while at Biola, havemade decisions regardingGod’s will for their lifework. Thousands have been educated to serve Christ inmanywalksof life. Theeducationis thoroughlyacademic and.genuinelyChristian. Biola offers the following important majors, leading to the B.A. degree: Bible, Christian EducationandElementaryEducation (leading toaCalifornia State teachercredential), Eng lish, History, AppliedMusic, ChurchMusic, andMusic Education (leading toaCalifornia elementary and secondary music credential), Psychology, Biological Science, LanguageArts, Humanities, Social Science, and Speech.
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