Biola Broadcaster - 1962-05

be light — let there be a universe.” He had raised the dead; He cleansed the lepers; He did things that only God could do, but they failed to recognize Him as the Son of God and so Christ said to them that they need not look to the east or to the west for the com­ ing of the kingdom because the king­ dom was within them in that He was in their midst in His very own person. Many of the cults are telling their fol­ lowers that the only view of the king­ dom, or view of heaven for that matter, is the one that they see within them­ selves. Yes, and that is the word that the preachers in the field of Modernism are using today. They would hold that all men are the sons of God no matter who they are or what they are doing — the kind of life they are living, for they never think of Christ from one year’s end to the other. They are taught to think of the majesty of manhood — whatever that is in their field of so- called doctrine. He is told that he is a child of God and not of the Devil and that the kingdom of God is within him but that he has not discovered this. So Tom Payne and Ingersol are put in the same class by the preacher of Modernism. My friend, is a child of God who has not been born again. The Lord Jesus Christ did not say to Nico- demus that the kingdom was within him. What the Lord did say to him was, “Marvel not that I say unto thee ye must be bom again.” Doctor, this listener gets right down to the heart of the matter and asks, “Are there any events that must tran­ spire before the reign of Christ on the earth, as described in the Book of Rev­ elation?” Now, my friends, we must keep in mind, first of all, the coming of the Lord for the Church. To answer you, let me say that there is nothing that is- to transpire before the Lord comes for the Church with the exception of the completion of the Church! That is 4

BIBLE PROPHECY (conf.) year.” Therefore, the word means a thousand years. In the 20th chapter of the Book of the Revelation, we read six times, “And they lived and they reigned with Christ a thousand years.” (This prophecy will be fulfilled prior to His surrendering the kingdom back to the Father.) It is true that the word millennium does not appear in the Bi­ ble, but the doctrine of the millennium is in the Bible. Since Christ is going to reign over this earth for one thou­ sand years, the coming age has come to be called the millennium. I think a great many of the miscon­ ceptions that are in the minds of people, in regard to the coming of the Lord, would never have been there if folk had always spoken of that coming age as the Kingdom Age instead of the mil­ lennium; that kingdom to which the Lord Jesus Christ referred when He said, “Thy kingdom come . . .” ‘This misconception is not a serious thing in the use of the word millennium — it just means a thousand years. Christ is going to reign over the earth for a thousand years — Rev. 20 — and I think that there is going to be such a reign. We can thank God that one day the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ is going to fill this earth as He reigns from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth (Psalm 72:8). There are some people who are praying and talking about the “kingdom with­ in you.” That is certainly not the king­ dom to which you referred in the pre­ vious question? No! When the Lord Jesus Christ said that the kingdom is within you, He was talking to a group of Pharisees, and certainly He did not refer to the Kingdom of God here because they had everything but the Kingdom abiding in them. What the Lord was telling those Pharisees was this: He was the King and He was in their midst but they did not recognize Him. He had turned the water into wine — that was a crea­ tive aot and spoke of Him as the One who, back in Genesis said, “Let there

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