Col. 3:4, “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye appear with him in glory.” And when He re turns to this earth during His millen nial reign, we are going to reign with Him. The Scriptures teach this from beginning to end!! The doctrine of the Millennium as taught in God’s Word is that “. . . God shall give to Him the throne of his father David and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever.” His King dom capitol will be Jerusalem. Re the Millennium: “ . . . When the Son of man shall appear in His glory, that ye (that is the twelve Apos tles) shall sit upon the twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Evidently Israel will be re-divided and they will all be in their places — and you remember how the Land of Pales tine was divided, each Tribe will be in its place. Over each Tribe will be one of the Twelve Apostles. Now as to the Gentiles; and that is where we come in. There is an intima tion as to what our place will be. Let us look at the Parable of the Talents. A ruler went into a far coun try and he called his servants before him and to one he gave five talents etc., and he said for them to go and do business for him in his absence. Upon his return he called his servants again before him and required of them what they had done and the one with the five talents said, “Lord thou gavest me five talents and behold I have made five talents also.” And the lord said to him, “Well done good and faithful servant, have thou authority over many things.” Now that is a little insight into how the Gentiles are going to be governed by those of His Church. Christ, of course, will govern over all but it will be through the Twelve Apostles reigning over Israel and through the rest of the Church He will govern the Gentile nations. We trust this is clear. Now EVERY Morning in FRESNO 8:30 A.M .—Monday through Frida) KRDU, 1130 on the dial
that the last member of the Body of Believers has been added to that body, then the Lord will descend from heav en and we will be caught up to meet Him! When He comes for the Church He will not come to the earth at all — He comes in mid-air and the Church is to be caught up to meet Him. When it conies to the matter of the Lord returning to the earth to reign there are certain things that have to take place. 1) The completion of the Church. 2) The translation of the Church. 3) The revelation of the anti-Christ, and he will be revealed after the Church has gone. 4) The Jew will return to the Land of Palestine and there are two or three millions of them there now. Prophecy does not mean that all of them must have returned. There is now a Jewish State and the Jews are going to be brought into the Land of Palestine at the time the Lord Jesus begins to reign. The remnant is there now. Then 5) The Lord Jesus Christ has to return to this earth as King of kings and- Lord of lords because there can not be a millennium without Him, for only He can bind the Devil (Rev. 20:2) and cast him into the bottomless pit. No peace could be had with Satan around during the Millennium. Some will ask if all of these things are going to take place before the Mil lennium. Friends, those five things are just like the spokes in a wheel — which spoke goes first? They all go around together: for instance, the com pletion of the Church and the transla tion, then the revelation of the anti- Christ will all take place in one long stroke. Then the Jew is already in the Land and the State is set up. After the Tribulation, or the seven years, the Lord returns to the earth and the Jew is brought back. Here we have the question: "Where will the Christians be at the time the Lord is reigning upon the earth?” We, who are His Church, shall be caught away in the air to be with Him, but as the Apostle Paul says in
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