Biola Broadcaster - 1962-05

gems of wisdom featured on r'Tbe Bible Institute Hour”

Some have speculated that perhaps the time w ill come when we w ill be called upon to suffer for the cause of Christ. When the emperor at Constanti­ nople arrested Chrysostom, his plan was to make this great preacher re­ nounce the Faith. The monarch gave orders to throw him into the dun­ geon but the guard said, “He w ill not mind that, for he w ill have quiet to spend in the presence of God.” Then the ruler said that they would execute him. Again the guard shook his head. “No”, he said, “He w ill be glad to die for he sorely wants to go to heaven.” Then the guard told the Emperor that there would be only one thing that would bring pain to Chrysostom arid that would be to make him sin — this would make him miserable.” What a powerful testimony, this man of faith did not want ever to bring shame upon God’s name. If you are a child of God you have the power within you, through the presence of the Holy Spirit, to walk step by step in the Spirit and thus not fu lfill the lusts of the flesh. * * * "Prayer is not overcoming God's reluctance — it is laying hold on His willingness." The world is full of noises today, many of them are alluring and the child of God must be careful lest he miss the voice of God when He speaks to him. A business man, standing in a telephone booth, found it almost im­ possible to hear the party whom he had called. He continued to say, “/ am sorry but I cannot hear you.” The noise of the street was so great that the other person could hear it

also and he said, “Well, if you w ill just close the door you w ill be able to hear me.” Many Christians are just like that — they are so taken with the things of the world that they cannot hear God because they have not shut out the world’s confusion which is all about them. The Lord Jesus makes the shut door a condition of our communing with God: “But when you pray, go into your private room, and closing the door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret w ill reward you in the open” (Matt. 6:6, A.N.T.). « "The church needs fewer tale bear­ ers and more burden bearers." * * * " A great many 'open minds' should certainly be closed for repairs." * * * Materialism seems to be the key stamp of the day — we see it where- ever our glance may turn. A recent cartoon showed a modem home with swimming pool, several late model cars, a large yard with outdoor equipment, two TV sets, modem furniture and H i Fi. In a lounging chair on the patio sat the husband of the household finishing the reading of a letter relative to additional gifts to the cause of for­ eign missions. “So, another missionary appeal. Why are they after us? We have al­ ready given our tithe — why ex­ pect us to do more?” The Bible reminds us to “Look not every man on his own things but every man also on the things of others.” A man is not a fool if he gives to God that which God has placed in his hands as a steward. * *


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