have the distinction drawn here of de mon possesion and of mental unbal ance. Why God allows these things to come into the lives of His children is an other of the mysteries, but we will understand when we get into the glory. If you wish an explanation, read ever so carefully, the first chapter of the Book of Job. Then later we find Job saying, I do not understand all of this that has befallen me, but I do know that though He slay me yet will I trust Him. The glorious crown of it all was that God brought him out of all his sufferings and sorrow and the latter part of Job’s wife was more wonderful than the first. My friends, when sorrow, heartaches and suffering come to you, see to it that you honor God in the midst of it all! God will tell you the reason why, later! Another question relative to the anti- Christ comes up for discussion. The lis tener asks, “Would it be possible for a man such as Premier Khrushchev or even Castro to be the man of sin — the anti-Christ? I have heard it taught that Judas may be reincarnated to be come one of these. He is called the son of perdition, is he not?” I think that the rise of demon pos sessed men, such as those mentioned by our listener, could be the anti-Christ, but he will not be revealed until after the Church has been translated — that is, gone to be with the Lord. Now as for Judas being the anti- Christ. I know that the anti-Christ is called the son of perdition and I know that the Lord Jesus called Judas the son of perdition. However, I would have to have more proof than that to lead me to conclude that Judas is going to be — under reincarnation — the anti-Christ. After the Church has been translated the Devil will have perfect freedom to work his dreadful pattern out; God will take His hands off so that sin may come to a climax and then He will come to the earth as King of kings and Lord of lords to give this earth a thorough 8
AFTER DEATH -WHAT (cont.) turn of the Lord. The record of the trumpet judgments of which this verse (6) is a part, is descriptive of the terri ble judgments that will come upon apostate Christiandom when the great delusion of II Thess. 2:11 is on. So great will be the spiritual and mental agony that some apostates will attempt to commit suicide to escape some ,of those things that God is going to allow — His permissive decree. But He is not going to allow them to use the avenues of escape which they seek. The Church will not be here in those terrible days — it will have been trans lated and will be forever with the Lord! A listener writes us, “A loved one of mine became insane. Before this hap pened, he gave strong evidence of hav ing been truly saved, but now he is boisterous in his profanity. Is this in sanity demon possession?” My friend, it is one of the mysteries of insanity that a child of God will become profane or even obscene in his conversation. The probable explanation in the case of your loved one is that the old nature, being no longer under control, manifests itself freely. You must remember that at regenera tion the old nature is by no means changed — it remains the same at all times, but a new nature comes in and abides in you along with the old na ture; I speak now of a believer. Thus the believer is exhorted not to walk in the flesh or to yield to the old nature. Now in the case of your loved one, if that person was truly bom again, then you may depend upon His hea venly Father to take care of him, even during mental illness and to finally present him faultless before the pres ence of the Father with exceeding joy. This is what the blood of Christ does for us. When we come to the question of whether demon possession and insanity are one and the same thing — let us think back to where the Lord healed all those who were possessed of demons and all who were a lunatic. So we
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